🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

I seriously hate when people do this and try to play the victim.


Again to be a fence sitter (it’s quite comfortable up here)
People can do bad things and have mental health issues and the two aren’t necessarily caused by each other. I wouldn’t personally doubt Chiel on those claims, but they also don’t excuse any malpractice that might’ve gone on.

Sorry for being a nag, but I really wanted to put that out there. <3


I used to ERP like a fish drinks water. Now I channel my creative energy into writing low-tier Fantasy novels on Amazon and regular Romance novels for young women. Mental health barriers are just an excuse, exactly, and sadly get in the way of success. I had them, I have sympathy for people with them, and I certainly don’t wish them on anyone, but they’re not infallible and they should not be used as an excuse to remain ‘the victim.’ They can be beaten. But the first step is owning up to it.

When I said Chiel wasn’t ‘trustworthy,’ what I meant was she’s projecting, and when I say she’s projecting, I mean she knows she’s done something wrong — her post reads this way if you have even the slightest bit of critical thinking — how? Because her post is all they-they-they, she never once says what she did wrong. That’s how I saw through her last time, because no one — let me tell you — no one is perfect. The moment you see someone who acts like they’ve done no wrong, that’s the person you ought to distrust.

Why am I still typing? I’m trying to instil these lessons so you can all see it in the future and not be swayed by it, and not to add more fuel to the fire. Seriously. I couldn’t care less about the theme of the thread at this point — I just have a pet hate for shamsters, and always have. Ever since I was a kid I had a sixth sense for this kind of thing, and I can’t let it rest until I’ve pulled out every last thorn from my side.

Sure. But in this particular case, I think Chiel does have a complex, which I think is what Coalburnt is getting at.


I’m on the cover for those

Edit: Vexing too


I don’t disagree, but don’t use it as an exuse to do bad things or not take responsibility for your actions, it isn’t a get out of jail free card and there are plenty of people struggling that don’t go about doing zany joker-esque shenanigans because of it.


Hey Coalburnt buddy I heard there’s a based dwarf guild called the League of Modimus maybe you should join?

Absolutely. Apologies if I seemed to hint towards anything to the contrary!
Regardless, look after your heads. Take a breather if you need to, step away from the monitor if things get bad, all of that stuff.

And also yeah don’t blame mental health for things where we have full control of a situation. It’s bad enough as-is with some disorders still widely being seen as crazy or harmful etc

Do you take commissions asking for a friend.


Just do it yourself. Jokes aside, the entry level for self-publishing is so low, you’d be surprised how many people will buy half-baked books.

Looks at the contents of my fridge, or lack thereof. — I mean… sure, let me just grab you my contact details!


My friend I’m going to make you the next Chuck Tingle

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The deepest irony is, you knew that, and I didn’t. Kaitylinn…

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This is the most insane thing Ive seen

The only reason you would do this is to see what others are talking about you because your own ego cannot handle not knowing if what is being said in your absence about you


Is this famous Sunreaver RPer Innoma? :open_mouth:

Outgrowing my third account as we speak, its a real struggle

Also if someone’s got that degree of alleged fame, why would they even need to post on alts when they apparently have stans at their beck and call from their roleplay fame?

I personally only use my E-Fame outside of the forums only. Everyone calls me “Sir” outside of the house and I have a direct line to the president if he ever needs me to put some dude on blast on the forums.


Must admit I’m envious; last time I tried to flaunt my E-Fame in real life the lady I was talking to up and told the entire country she didn’t want to see me again.


Requirement number 1: Be able to write book in English.

Aaand I already failed.

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I get a free Starbucks when I show my armoury page to them.