🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

Are we? damn bro i didnt know that, yo Based we are the underdogs, thanks for the energy boost!


This was an entertaining read. Post like this remind me that this game has a deep social element to it as well. I hope OP has moved on and can truly move on.

Damn that is wild actually :yawning_face:
let me give you a +1 lol

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For all it’s worth I’ll miss you Chiel and the time we had ^^ I still remember fondly the nights tossing dice at the bar and the RP this guy got. Your real life is of course the most important and I truly wish you the best out there, but know that you made this lady behind the goblin fear, cry and laugh for real several times. <3
You and the team behind the family. Thank you for the lovely time!


Maybe one day I too will be able to quit WoW RP and focus 100% on my real life.

Guess I’ll have to get another Hobby though, Im thinking craftbrewing.

Best of Luck

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Good luck Chiel for your real life. You and me roleplayed rarely in Booty Bay back in the day and we didn’t had much contact. But we are both in the very old Booty Bay discord. I don’t really care too much either about all of this drama but reading this reply:

just makes me wonder. Who is everybody?

Why do you feel the need to put a certain lable on people so that you can disregard them? The exception here would be of course trolls that just argue for the sake of arguing (like a certain human mage starting with Z) but otherwise? I dislike demon hunter posters as much as the next guy, but blaming everything on a group? C’mon.

With Chiel mentioning the mental health issues I already got doubtful about the statements following. Doesn’t mean that I disregard them, but I take them with a pinch of salt. Lots of troubled individuals are on AD that take the actions of 1 person for an entire realm and do more crazy stuff. Following more comments down below there was even more drama seemingly.

As I said, I don’t really care about it either just… I wanna say it’s not a good idea to label entire groups like that. None of us roleplayers likes to get labeled as “lol rp is just goldshire”. It just doesn’t throw a good light, but that is what you are doing. Having something against the policies of another guild is fine, but then for gods sake, stay off them. It isn’t that hard.

If you -know- that interacting with another guild isn’t a good idea, then stay away. Don’t make weird comments (that will only create drama), don’t make weird moves and don’t interact with them.

I can tell you from my own experience, I’ve never gotten into any troubles what so ever in game with any PCU guilds. You know how? Just -ignore- them if you don’t like them. Don’t write a witty “ignores PCU” in your TRP, don’t make hostile forum posts against anyone and boom, you’ll have no drama. Unless of course against obvious trolls.

Is it really that hard to just stay off conflict with others? Don’t like a person on the forums? Block them*. See a guild tag you don’t like? Never interact with any member.* It’s that simple.

I don’t know what is to gain by making witty remarks in your TRP or doing some weird stuff. Just stay clear of people you dislike.


male human mage posters, dh posters and OOCers are not included in this. :japanese_goblin:


You forgot night elf posters.

You called? How can I be of service- Oh. This thread. No thanks, reclaiming my sides from orbit is tiring, and the UK is under strict rules to not go outside unless needed.

Seems to me that Chiel wanted to draw eyes on the fact they they were leaving. Then when they had the spotlight they wanted to trash the PCU.

Living rent free in your head :wink:


If you truly are leaving, perhaps have the backbone to just yell; “PCU BAD” instead of this vague jab.

I wasn’t actually planning on writing a reply here, but, well, here I am, and I want to clarify my position and the original post on a few bits.


I didn’t actually name anyone or any particular group in my goodbye post. Y’all just kind of assumed I was on about a certain situation, when I actually… wasn’t. I really wasn’t. It was a generalized statement. I mean hell, I’ve been here for four years. In that time there’s a few people I’ve fallen out with, and a lot I’ve seen. Hell, I’ve RP’d on other games, too.

But seeing as it’s been brought up here, more on that ‘dreaded Kweezlet coup’. Well. There wasn’t one. I have no reason to lie considering I’m not exactly a RPer on here any longer and the only people I’m staying in touch with I already have added, so I’ll say it all from start to finish.

I made a second account I believe last year for an April Fools Day prank against my own guild, I made an application for a character called ‘Gedsrun’ and hid pretty much everything about this character from my own Guild (this is relevant, trust me) to both mess with them for April Fools Day and, well, test my officers. This was done a few weeks before actual April Fools Day in preparation, they accepted him, I passed my application and here’s where it got out of hand. They loved him. I couldn’t justify just stopping RPing him because I really enjoyed RPing him too. So, I had both Chiel and Gedsrun at one point loaded up to RP with each other and others in the Guild and kept the account going.

Anyway, Gedsrun dies, and at this point or even I think a bit before he went we actually founded a sub Guild, ‘Fourth Legion’. I race changed him to a goblin, made some idiotic goblin grunt character called Tiniestgrunt in his place on the 2nd account (if you look up the Guild in question you’ll find we all have usernames based on a variation of the word grunt) and started RPing him. This meant I could RP the GM of FL, Tenda Deadbeast, and Tiniestgrunt/Kweezlet at the same time too. Bonus! I ran into Ligsette on this character, former Officer of Bilgewater Battalion, and she tried recruiting him into BB on IC terms as he expressed IC dissatisfaction with being a penal grunt for the Fourth. I was initially very hesitant on joining for the OOC, because I knew that, well, I wasn’t exactly well liked by Trautfizzle, the GM. I decided to join purely on IC, and didn’t tell anyone it was me. Unfortunately, by the time I realised oh, hey, this could be a REALLY bad idea, I was in too deep. Conversations were taken out of context between myself, Pekun, Ligsette and Stel, the latter two of which kept hidden from everyone else I was Chiel, these were screenshotted and sent ahead, and myself, L and S all got kicked out, alongside some others who defended the two who were kicked (though admittedly this was months later I believe). L and S were kicked based on the fact they hid it was me from others.

That about covers THAT load of drama! There was never any intention to coup or sabotage but I doubt this will ever be believed.

Lastly, the mental health card pull! Okay, it’s very different going ‘oh, I have mental health issues, don’t criticize/bully me for anything I say’ to ‘oh, I’m much better now! See you all later!’ which… well. I meant to come off as the last. Providing background as to where I started to where I am now. I really don’t mind for the hefty debate and discussions here, and I’m not about to start crying, ‘I have depression! I have depression!’ I knew full well what I said could’ve sparked a debate (and it did) and I sent it anyway. It’s my own damned well fault.

Because, truly, there’s nothing really left here for me anymore. And sure, it may besmirch the remaining Guild, but as Perroy even adhered to, there should only be issues with me. We’re not even remaining for RP, it’s on purely social terms, and I won’t be at the head of it. I’m cancelling my sub and hopping off after writing this. The only way the community will properly remain is on Discord. We’re all still tightknit, and we’ve actually opened up the Discord as a community to others, now. So it’s only grown!

I hope this provides a certain amount of needed clarification, and, for real.



I have no words…


Sorry to see this disbanded, take care chiel and co, you guys offered good rp across the years regardless what this thread may have degenerated too.

Wish you and yours all the best, as it seems it is rare people are kind on the forums, hopefully irl will bring it instead.

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Void elf these days, actually

No you just very hamfistedly implied a certain group using the same terminology people always use for said group.

You’ll understand I don’t believe in “I’m leaving so I have no reason to lie”, because if you truly had no investment here left that goodbye post, as well as your presence in this thread, would have been a lot shorter.

1 bit of advice I can offer you is that if you go on about things being exclusively the fault of others, and you yourself having mental health issues in one and the same post you will always reach the first outcome, where people think it’s merely a card being pulled.


Okay, I’ve put my thoughts into order (mostly).

Pretending to be somebody else IRL is something I did when I was a teenager and the internet had just got big.

it is something I grew out of.

The reason people are taking umbrage is because you decided to keep up the façade. You sure as hell shouldn’t have joined the Battalion on said character and keep lying about who you really were.

Also, as Tehya said;

You ain’t subtle my dude and trying to backpeddle makes you look even worse.


Smells like narcissism in here.


I think this is the worst April fools idea I have ever heard of.


Its just a prank bro


What? No! I didn’t do anything wrong. It was like a prank or whatever.
And how did you not realise it would be a bad idea to join BB for that long, and when it occurred to you you didn’t leave. You joined in some weird background Discord to chat smack about people.


Conversations were taken out of context

They were not. There really is not much to take out of context here and no reason to do so either.
The only thing that might’ve happened is that nuance got lost the further the info spread through Chinese whispers.