🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

…That a person claims someone else is absent when they clearly aren’t based on what me and others mentioned?

Do you want me to google translate my posts so you understand them better in a different language?


your posts seem to have taken a willfully obtuse turn again

She’s still reading it being the point, I’d assume.
Surprised she doesn’t use another account, with all the fame.


Isn’t this the point where the Forum Regulars™ would rush in, asking for evidence to all the claims, before proceeding to badmouth the person bringing up their grievances against the other. Especially with the amount of -I thinks- sprinkled on-top.

It’s almost like folks on the Forums are selective about that sort of behaviour, especially when posts like this can be used to drive up a point. Just saying if we are to treat each other fairly on the realm, why accept a stranger’s words as 300% true, yet slam another for doing the same somewhere else on the Forum. This same thing applies to Chiel’s original post as well.

Now, I am not saying that you didn’t feel wronged, not at all. More so that people in similar situations as you in the Forums have had significant pushback and vile slander thrown their way for less.

Edit: I am sure I will be told how much of a [Insert here] I am in a few minutes for daring to slide in a opinion, but hey.


If you have ooc beef with another guild’s guild leader and your instinct is to create a second identity and join their guild and get all chummy ic with them, then something’s wrong with you. Could’ve joined literally any other guild, but no, it had to be the one yours had beef with.
And everyone who knew about it and didn’t say anything, but helped keep this secret quiet needs to get their morals checked.
And guilting others into keeping the secret for you is horribly destructive as well.

No “I’m famous” excuse is worth this kind of two-faced moral corruption.

That said, nobody was after The Family. PCU literally didn’t care. But I wouldn’t be surprised if you get paranoid when you behave this shady and live behind a wall of lies.


Wasn’t it this stunt that made the oh so evil PCU aware of OP’s guild and outline how to interact with them?

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i certainly would if i hadn’t already learned all i need to know about this person, i’m sure you can nicely ask people for some details, i think perroy mentioned pastebins earlier.

You absolute insert here


That’s not true and I can actually post DMs of your GM complaining to be that another guild entered a restricted of the inn you ‘owned’ very recently - with regards to an empty / unused room, btw

Remind them to like your post

I’m inclined to say it’s pretty pogn’t

If someone’s story reflects your own experience then you’re inclined to believe it

Dude please for one moment drop the partisan opinion and tell me if you think - regardless of person - do you think it is good practise to make fake identities / anonymous accounts to get into guilds (with an intent that did not excatly come off as benign) + the further justification of "it’s cool to do that if you’re famous (online)

Posting a really tepid “wow … I guess people … are not completely impartial … and will react differently … based on their perception / experience” does not come off as intelligent as you think

Yes, our response was kicking two (2x) players involved with this from our discord chat. We did not RP much with this guild specifically beforehand and we continued to not RP much with them afterwards



Ahh it’s a shame to see the guild go, was somewhat interested in joini-

reads the goodbye post

…Yeah, see ya.


Don’t you mean… “Farnwell for now”?


I see what you did there.


We ObaHardly knew ye.


That’s it, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to step out of the vehicle.

Licence and pun registration?


For the record, I’m not PCU. I was in one of their guilds for five minutes and /gquit due to the atmosphere. (I just couldn’t do it, lads. I’m getting old.) That said, the PCU were always very inclusive and extremely kind to every one of my characters - especially William and his guild on the Alliance, the name of which I unfortunately can’t remember.

Unrelated, but I should’ve mentioned in my initial post that someone who leaves the realm whilst casting a massive net of shade in their ‘‘bittersweet farewell’’ forum post should not be considered trustworthy.

Anyone who forces guilds to defend themselves to monument their absence is a bit of a jerk, in my book. So even if all of this is untrue, and Chiel didn’t do any of the things being listed here, this thread is not how you act when saying thank you and farewell.

Anyway, karma’s real. Always has been. Always will be. Whatever you’ve moved onto Chiel, it’s already been tainted thanks to this. The energy you put out - you get back. And forcing Perroy to play minesweeper all night is lame. I don’t care if he has done anything on a game, or even if you have, truthfully, but this could’ve all been handled in an adult fashion.

There’s something I have to say here - to everyone who’s willing to listen, really - this realm has to stop and learn the meaning of subtlety, at some point. If there was anything I took away from all my time role-playing, and from all my mentors IC (and OOC), it was how to avoid a blow-up for the sake of things continuing to run smoothly. This could’ve all been handled in private, but now the cat’s out of the bag and it has to be dealt with. It’d be less of a shame if this kind of thing didn’t happen so damn often. Makes me sad to see, frankly, because every time something like this happens, any trust that was built up amongst the community has to be thrown out of the window in favour of everyone going on their guard.

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got. F***.


Are you one of those foreheads who are putting “Ignores PCU” in their trp

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Would be hard to ignore the PCU when their guildleader is trying to infiltrate a PCU guild tbh

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Oldie but goldie. :grin:

Yeah… This pretty much.


I hope so personally tbqh I’m not too interested in RPing with figures like this


[Gets caught]

“Ignores getting caught”

It’s foolproof.


That’s the thing though, these people don’t want to handle things, they want to wield their misinformation and prejudice against ‘the enemy’ to slander what is effectively a group of people in a video game because they don’t like them for wahtever personal reasons or propaganda they’ve bought into to feel part of a little group whose only unifying position is ‘pcu bad’.

It’s sad the lengths people like this and others will go to just spout whatever nonsense they want (and then offensively pull the mental health card) to get people to feel sorry for them.

It’s all crap, always has been, always will be.