🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

This reply is full of wierd takes and is just generally very dishonest. It looks as if you’ve just cherrypicked a few points from what happened in an attempt to make what you did seem justifyable. But honestly even reading the stuff you picked it looks pretty bad.

That alone should’ve made you think that this was a bad idea.

I’ll humor this, but there is literally nothing stopping you from just going. Nobody forced you to stay.

This part is literally just you admitting to fostering a community of people within the guild that knew about your secret identity & kept it hidden from the GM. I’m not even sure how you don’t see this as an issue.

This entire post lacks the even basic self awareness to just admit fault. At no point did you say “Sorry for this.” at most you just say it was a bad idea, but only in a manner that it was bad for you. You’ve not put any consideration to how the affected parties might feel and instead just used it as a front to paint others as the bad guys. The only thing you are sorry for, I believe, is that you got caught.

And it tells a lot that a person who is “Gone for good” still feels the need to post :billed_cap: after saying “I’m going”.


All the vagueposters start crawling out of the walls claiming this, that and the other and then you wonder why people get defensive about it after 4 years of dealing with the same schtick repeatedly :roll_eyes:


With all due respect, you’re basically saying ‘when I started insulting a certain group of people, they reacted poorly to it… what…?!’

I mean, come on man what did you expect…


:japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin:



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Honestly? Anyone defending the; “made a new account, pretended to be somebody else” is a bit… well.


here’s ur reply

I’d switch to my Nelf main but i do all my forum posting on this character, so have a discount nelfpost reply :rage:

I’m a human main LARPing as a panda, it’s ok.

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Considering I mentioned some of the issues that I had at the time, it wasn’t insults. So now I made my post and some people who feel that indulging in that same kind of abrasive attitude is exactly the way to prove that they’re not abrasive. Seems pretty legit to me.


F. ex. your hairline



I wonder if it ever crossed the mind of those people go say that “theyre too big” about the PCU etc that maybe the reason for it being that people like the roleplay?

And if it bothers you that so many people do compared to your own, maybe try to make roleplay that more people are interested in?


I’m not defending it, I’m saying that it’s all wrapped up in the weird little microcosm of AD being a bit of a hellhole to exist in if you want to do anything larger than a tight knit insular guild due to weirdly constrictive elitism from some groups of people, and that there is nothing good about lying or concealing identity, but the claims from that same person that the server is a bit of a nest of a small group of bullies that have exerted themselves on others while most would prefer to just get on with it without dealing with that sort of thing aren’t wrong because of that.

No it can’t be that the PCU offers excellent role play it must be something occult and evil


I don’t think they’re trying to pretend not to be abrasive. They’re just doing what people do man, they’re reacting aggressively when you start trying to pick a fight with them.

I know it’s hard, my friend, but sometimes if you don’t want confrontation, you just have to step away from the keyboard and leave things be… you can’t expect to start calling communities ‘little bullies’ and ‘unpleasant’ and have people just smile politely back at you in return…

Try and imagine saying these things to a person in real life, and imagine how they’d react.


no really literally all you need to do is not be weird

Hell, even after Chiel’s wacky behaviour no one made a big show about it and interaction from the PCU with The Family remained at a minimum.

Do we need to supply RP to people who try to go at us weirdly? because I don’t think that’s a v fair demand


You hold everybody at gunpoint!


I miss the “everyone is an alt of Perroy” arguments.

I never mentioned occult evil or some web of lies or that the PCU is too large and has too much influence.

The issues I have with the group are exactly the sort of things you and a few others have been demonstrating in this thread as problems. If this is how you operate in the face of criticism, I’d sure hate to see what you say behind closed doors. If you weren’t what I say you are, you wouldn’t be doing what you’re doing. Apparently that goes over your head though.


Or Perroy’s the king of The Hivemind.

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You mean the lies?
You mean those right?


If you werent bad you wouldnt defend yourselves when I call you bad!