🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

The “People defending themselves are just as bad as the people doing the attacking” mentality is stupid. Chiel decided to turn their guild disbanding into a very unsubtle jab at a community that had about as much interaction with their guild as the fingers on a bilateral amputee.

Why would we sit here and let people spread outright lies?


Luckily for us the community is self sustaining enough that we don’t have to take much notice of what weird altposting snipers on the forums think or spread amongst their small group of 5 erp buddies, so replying to people (like you) is just a hilarious past-time amongst the collective.


I don’t think so, no. I do feel that there is always a feeling of walking on eggshells when dealing with the PCU though. Every instance I’ve had interacting with PCU members seems to have been an experience of people telling me what I can and can’t do with what I would have otherwise considered pretty benign ideas, and this much extends to an OOC attitude too. I feel like trying to persist in an environment in which this is a thing you have to think about isn’t a pleasant one, and that many other environments would be more positive.


No hun.
They’re criticisms.


I will say this much: You’re not doing yourselves any favours by descending upon this thread en masse. If you’d all just left it alone, it would just be a few people saying goodbye to Chiel and everyone would have forgotten about the thread after a couple of days.


I’m not spreading lies, and I’m not saying that what they did isn’t wrong. I did not once say that. I made the mistake of downplaying what they said in my first post, but I am absolutely not condoning running off and making alt accounts and concealing identity for any reason. At the same time, I feel like it is somewhat of a pot calling the kettle black situation, for reasons I have mentioned already.

not being funny but, if Chiel can’t take the heat, maybe she should stay out of the kitchen.

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Ironically, considering how you’re calling us ‘bullies’, this exact kind of mindset has been used by people in power to oppress others for centuries.

“Ah, you clearly DESERVE the treatment I give you, because you are fighting back. Why don’t you just roll over and accept it?”

I don’t know man, it seems like a pretty petty + cyclic philosophy which is just making you come across as extremely unpleasant and bitter on a World of Warcraft thread.

Is this really the look you want to go for?

This is becoming awfully familiar…

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I’m always sad to see guilds and roleplayers leave. I’ve never interacted with your guild per se but I felt like they served a good niche for some people who wanted a specific avenue of roleplay. Mental health really isn’t a joke and I hope things work out well.

Beyond that; it’s only natural for people to rebuke if they feel mentioned. I think when it comes to an unnamed group being called out for making enviroments hostile, even the people who don’t believe it typically know it’s the PCU that’s being referred to. I don’t think there’s right/wrong honestly; I do agree that this server is pretty ripe with chasms between guilds and groups.

I feel as though this is derailing a bit to much, though. And it kind of proves a point to some degree. Not that the PCU is bad, but that when it’s brought up it causes a huge back-and-forth to derail most threads. Then again the point remains why bring it up here when you could leave a message on their PCU thread about your experiences, and then have your leaving post here. So in a way, it was invited - and trying to brush it off in hindsight, Chiel, is a bit of a faux pas.

I wish that someday the server can just find a way to chill the hell out and realise that the more we exclude/tribalise by Red vs. Blue, we risk losing more players than we gain.


I don’t want to deal with drama. Argent Dawn drama is too much drama for me. I would most gladly stay away from the drama.



If they wanted a sincere farewell, half the goodbye post wouldnt be a vague remark about “certain toxic group dominating roleplay”


But why would we leave it alone? This is such an outlandish thought, someone is openly sniping the largest cohesive role play community on the server and people expect and demand from us to just look the other way every single instance

In the case of this particular funny individual they even tried to harm one of our guilds for no reason at all – we have never done anything to this player lol they hate us for existing

Edit: We are not even “descending upon this thread en mass”, this is the regulars posting like you would know when 300 people started typing crazily I think


pretty much, yeah.

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I’m not calling you a liar, I’m referring to the “OP” that lead to all this.

I think you grossly overestimate how much we give a damn about this sort of drama outside of when it happens. The amount of times I’ve even thought about this guild before this thread are in the single digits. We dont even know there is beef until strange discord ops start happening.

At no point do any of the PCU bad people think to just speak with us, instead it -always- devovles into stupid games where by the point its at our attention there’s 0 reason to take it seriously.


I’m not sure how my mentioning that I voiced issues about a group of having a lowkey unfriendly atmosphere that bullies the unlike and proceeding to get treated by people the way folks would act if they were bullies makes me come off as bitter and unjustified in my remarks, but okay.

People can think what they like, there’s already a jilted-ex stalker type blog running so I’m sure whatever game of telephone these people are playing after writing badly formatted erotic fanfiction between themselves can’t make things any worse.

I’m not interested in standing idly by while people badmouth my friends and it’s entirely weird to think that would be the case.

Furthermore, no the thread was an obvious call out directed at someone and Chiel took the time to frame and blame them as the cause of all ills on the server, while handily omitting all the weird OOC stuff she had done, so honestly and IMO: good, people want to call each other out? Then don’t be surprised when they get called out in turn.


think i have never ever seen any1 from the PCU go @ someone over anything less than wacky insults/attempts at callouts. People just go crazy really fast because insulting a big community means that a multitude of people from said community will react with negativity equal to the amount you brought in (see: this thread)

yeah but after a several years of this kind of snakey behaviour you’ll understand people are a bit fed-up/will go out of their way to dunk on people that make things up

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Come on man, don’t do the Mayto dialogue

Don’t do the ‘ah, I just had some innocent criticism… and I have been viciously attacked for it…’ trope

Just own up and say yeah I wanted to snipe at PCU loads and now I’m unhappy that my flintlock has exploded in my hand


Right. Carry on I suppose.