🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

Just flying by with a fact check:

We’d had disagreements on the way in which you flipflopped between doing ownership RP of the inn in Bilgewater Harbour, me mainly taking issue with the fact that even when the bar was open you would have the upstairs closed off and guarded by bouncers even when not in use which forced everyone to pack into the bar like sardines; removing the rule only to re-implement it later. This went for other buildings your guild used as well. However I wouldn’t amount that to actual dislike for you, if you’d asked to join the guild and been honest I’d have just said sure come on in.

So many months later it was literally a day or so ago when we finally got around to kicking people who had been inactive for more than two months. No one was kicked for defending you, in fact we dropped the topic to spare the feelings of the individual defending you who later left on their own accord leaving an I quit post behind.

My group never made any effort to pursue you or witch hunt you, in fact we were still intending on interacting with your group purely on an IC, if we have to basis and continued to step around your ownership RP to the very end.


Tbh April fools has been pretty obnoxious since corporations got into it.

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I think the pervasive nature of the PCU as the only group that really presents these issues ever is a reason for why people find trouble in trying to remain centered. I’ve been in this thread for maybe half an hour and have had far more personal insults thrown my way than one could possibly justify if there is any truth to the claim that this atmosphere doesn’t exist.


throws insults at a community numbering in the hundreds

surprised a dozen fire back


I think you just hoped for a different reception. It’s funny that you try to repackage that as a general statement, but your original villain speech specifically says:

How is it that you repeatedly get caught in your own lies, man? Could you not be bothered to scroll up and read your previous post

You’re welcome to post the context, then, since when you entered my DMs cap in hand to try to tell me “actually, it was the guy who exposed my alt account / new game license alt who is the bad guy” rather than doing that lol

Also I really enjoy the 20,000 word essay to justify faking an identity to join a guild that you know doesn’t want you in its membership

We’ve now gone from “it’s OK because Chiel is extremely famous online” to “it’s OK because it was a prank bro” to “I was in too deep”

Yeah it’s not super believable

You should cover the part about owning public buildings (that people are under no circumstances allowed to use for RP even when your guild is offline) and the moving events to clash with “” rival “” events in a seriously impressive self-own next. Those are funny moments for me

Funny post but respect for not posting on the alt this time. I think it’s pretty partisan to defend stuff like guild infiltration / land ownership RP etc based on that you hate some group but I think that just makes you look like an insincere guy with steam coming out of his ears more than anything else - you can absolutely say “even if I don’t like the PCU, these things are also still bad RP practice”

People tend to have this double standard where they will be really rude in some public chat and when they get a reply of the same tone they are seriously shocked

Looks like I’m not the alt you should be worried about

Then dude don’t deal with us at all. It is so easy to not interact with a group you don’t like

Then don’t persist in that enviroment. We’re not exactly begging to hang out with you and the feeling is apparently mutual so what exactly is the point of contention

I think this is kind of a lame centrist chill gamer post man. We are not descending en masse - if you think like all of ten people is some huge mob out of the hundreds that isn’t a super sincere PoV

Also I will say that we don’t really need favours and I think that if the Forlorn Order was called out by someone with whom they’ve had effectively no recent contact (and in fact had been the target of) I hope you would be posting a big retort

It’s easy to sit on the sideline as one of the most chilled out / relaxed gamers in the universe and say “heh… just don’t reply …” but when you are brought into the subject it’s very easy to see why you’d be inclined to correct the record - because people tend to like their guilds / have friends in them / have invested something of themselves into those groups - and in some sense the PCU operates as one very big guild with multiple leaders. Just as you’d be annoyed to see someone talking absolute bag about your beloved guild, so too are posters here

Does that make sense?


Your nose is larger than average!!

What’s the “background discord” thing people keep mentioning?

Do you not agree with what I say, is your belief that we should just take it every single time? The former and this post are actually serious from my side (lol) because I don’t understand that sentiment you seem to have. I am here now for a while but sometimes I still think wtf because people just cook up absolute random lies about us – I am one of the evil top dogs, I am in the evil council of scheming and I would know about all those supposedly harmful ways we enact upon poor players such as the OP, but nothing of the sort is even remotely discussed. We are just trying to run our role play events, man.

You are obviously not a well adjusted individual (since you seem to specifically mention your hairline & an event that was near years ago) and you argue in bad faith, people are simply not invested in making you feel welcome and that is OK


I think you’ll find if you simply tell us that we’re doing something wrong without pulling the “my friends friends cousins uncles dog got murdered by perroy apparently” routine we’re actually perfectly happy to discuss issues.

The reason that on this thread many people seem abrasive is because quite simply Chiel literally catfished one of our officers and then when they got caught attempted to claim we’re the reason they were bullied off of AD. And that being hit by the forums usual anti pcu forum wholesome brigade is just tiring.

If you have anything you’d like to tell us, feel free to just comment on our forum thread or DM one of us if you’d rather it not be a big public spectacle. We’re happy to talk and listen.


A background Discord! It’s in the name.
A Discord with Chiel and some of the people who were hiding her in BB. They started slandering BB, Traut and other members of the guild in it.

Well. AD people do like to hang on to the past, yea? This thread is a crap show and there’s a lot of negativity being reflected upon certain individuals that pride themselves on being so welcoming and nice :thinking:

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I am super welcoming and nice : )

To people who don’t try to play wacky games

This was in the past few months, not years.
There’s a difference between being welcoming and a doormat.


For the record, your honour, can you state the (unironic) name of said discord?


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Was talking about the hairline thing that as said was years ago. There is a lot of hypocrisy around.

After setting up an alternative persona to secretly join a guild, they also decided to set up a discord to talk smack + coordinate attempts to destabilize the guild by making the GMs life harder re. handling events and role play

Edit: This was done for no apparent reason


Not really. I posted because I do feel genuinely deterred from roleplaying in a number of places and feel uneasy about interacting with the PCU because it usually has that same pervasive atmosphere of dislike of the unlike that seems to have its root in elitism, and that it manifests in a way that can only be called caustic in most situations. That is a genuine and in my mind, fair criticism from my past experiences, and saying that much in a trade chat resulted in Perroy and pals deciding to insult me in a pretty personal way that I think in most situations would be hard to justify.

People responding in the exact same way in this thread doesn’t suddenly become different just because I decided to reduce the things that happened that night with “I called them bullies”, because at the end of the day it’s a just as easy not to throw those personal insults if someone doesn’t want to engage with something they see as rote than it is to decide that it’s acceptable to act that way because someone showed disagreement.

In general I think it’s pretty revelatory that the thought process is “Well, this person said we acted like huge jerks, so we responded by acting like huge jerks, and we’re justified in continuing to act like huge jerks” and that somehow highly personal insults(whether they be true or untrue) regarding appearance are totally alright and acceptable when someone has leveled a criticism that those same remarks are part of the very pervasive atmosphere I have mentioned.


Can I continue to be correct + powerful, since I have an exceptional hairline?

I will post images to verify if necessary.

This was during the last quarter of last year, not years ago.

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And it’s understandable you’re peeved they like to try and use it as an insult. Think I would be too. But still, they are making one community look worse by spewing such things and being hypocritical.