🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

This post is with regards to someone being called “malding” or w/e in trade chat

Then don’t

Who exactly is forcing you


This is just… Wow. This is an entire dumpster fire.
Let’s not forget that Chiel, Ligsette and Stel have been very manipulative while in BB. Especially Ligs, who has a history of doing just that.

(The chaos is still fun to watch. I need more Sweet popcorn)

It, like malding, is actually not exclusive to our community.
We don’t have the rights to hairline loss.

i think all that this reveals is that you won’t be taken very seriously if you decide to follow the generic routine of sniping where you throw an insult at the community and then pretend you definitely didn’t

maybe if you do want to be taken seriously try not starting out with insults in a thread that’s already hilariously malicious in nature

(also ‘hairline lol’ is not extremely personal i’m sorry to inform you)


How do you get so worked up over mentioning your hairline how do you function in rl like do you not reflect at all

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It is for some


hullbreach, ur simply the surprised pickachu meme personified


NO, you dont understand.

It was an April Fools joke on their friends.


I think it’d do you well to think about how we’ve managed to grow so large, if we’re such a cruel and unpleasant environment to linger in. Perhaps this imagined toxicity stems from the fact that you immediately hop into the offensive with us whenever we’re involved in a conversation?

We are elitist, that is true. If you consider our complete intolerance towards things like ERP and OOC-influenced roleplay, you’d be absolutely right. If that’s the kind of thing you’re interested in, you’re right to stay away, I think.

Listen, man, I’ll say this to you friend to friend, since I too have had issues in the past where I’ve been coming across as rude without the proper intention.

You might not be aware of it (I think you are and this is a defence mechanism, but let’s assume you’re not) but the way you talk about PCU comes across less as ‘valid criticism’ and more as just snipes. We may be more welcoming to discussing things with you in the future when you turn that kind of attitude around, I think.

Step outside for a day once Covid has come and gone, my friend. You will discover that this is, unfortunately, how people in the real world operate.

Calling people… ahem… ‘jerks’, isn’t criticism. It’s an insult. And in the real world, people will react to insults poorly. It is good for you to learn this here, as a staging ground for what to expect when you eventually leave the WoW-Matrix.


I find it to be far more personal than is acceptable for someone to respond to pretty even and far from personal attacks upon people - but rather an atmosphere of a group. One and the other are not alike, even slightly.

Morsteth speaks only on the atmosphere of your truly abyssal trim, nothing more


But I have been called Peter Griffin


Lucky there’s a family guy?

if only
looks @ all the oocers :pensive:


More like I socialled you in discord dms and made you an unwitting pawn in one of my many schemes


Does your evil know no bounds?

I can second that. I had my negative experiences with PCU because they’re people, and they’re many people and many people just don’t get on but since those experiences, I had positive ones that shifted my perception. They’re not perfect but i’d say they’re far from this server ruining mob that they seem to get branded as.

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forcibly plugs you into the hivemind

Sorry to see you go Chiel! You helped me out when I was in a bad way once and I thank you for that.

is this (thread) an out of season april fools’ joke?


Not yet …