🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

Plis no, don’t do it.

That’s fair + I respect that

Can you give some examples on this, I’m interested to know what you mean

I don’t think I’ve ever seen people’s RP get disrupted by PCU tbh, and my interactions in RP have been genuinely fine™

I’m not really involved with any PCU group in the slightest but I’ve never really seen anything disruptive coming towards folk in RP (the only disruptions I’ve witnessed was OOCers + offrealmers really) and I think as far as PCU bad claims go that’s one a little beyond even the scope of the wacky blog of “is a 300 y/old belf dating a 145 y/old belf jade witchery”-posting that was mentioned somewhere above


My RP gets disrupted by PCU all the time, because they flood hubs with people and my potato PC dies. I demand compensation, Perroy. It hurts my feels.

Ive seen people unironically blame the PCU for the various yell slurs and “PCU bad” spam during public events because “its their fault these people show up"

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Usually there’s more disruption by the multitudes of people yelling crap at the PCU from Orgrimmar than what the PCU are actually doing.


I don’t really mean to project that I feel like they’re all powerful and that their influence pervades all spaces, so I apologize if it comes off like that, I probably could have phrased myself more elegantly. I have been part of pretty self-contained guilds in the past and I’ve had a great time with that, and I will continue to do so in the future.

I at one time tried to roleplay a Farraki turned honorary member of the Horde and I faced constant attempts from people within the PCU to try and assault my character either verbally or physically despite quite a lot of writing having been done on my behalf to justify her acceptance into the Horde along with using a canon instance of a Centaur gaining membership in a comic as a lore source for traditional enemies of the Horde to become part of its ranks.
I know that it’s a little bit more outlandish than basic concepts, but I wasn’t exactly trying to exert her upon anyone else, I was largely just hanging out with some randoms I had gotten to know, but was often harangued in a manner that was more than just passing insults, and that I know for a fact that a number of members of the troll community who overlapped with PCU members were motivated by a specific rejection of the fact that she had even gained entry to the Horde.
I was aware that the concept wouldn’t have been everyone’s speed, but I didn’t think it was that outlandish, certainly not enough to warrant the constant events that were made of harassing the character out of public spaces when all I wanted to do was hang out with people that weren’t the PCU.

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Okay, but… how could their characters know that without metagaming?


How are we supposed to know that IC + Why are you taking IC interaction with characters who obviously would not like that sort of thing near them as an OOC slight?

I fued with multiple PCU members on an IC basis daily and behind the scenes we’re best buddies. IC is IC.


Are the comics canon? I thought it’s seen just like RPG lore

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so you RP’d a traditionally hostile type of character and got a hostile response IC

I’m not sure how that wasn’t exactly the expectation


So a troll tribe thats still a enemy of the Horde and has been for decades.

You are surprised why?


That all sounds IC?
Why play a race that you know is hostile to many people within the faction if you didn’t want to deal with the IC hostility it brings? This is a genuine question. A lot of people would be better served thinking about the why of the idea they are choosing to portray!

I play an openly eccentric troll hunter (hello). She uses guns, engineers, likes the sin’dorei… she is not popular with many other trolls, I tell you! But to play an eccentric meant to accept the distrust, scrutiny and cruelty that can come her way!


The comics are an atrocity most of the time.

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So they roleplayed at you


I don’t think a centaur joining the Horde = every single other race has joined the Horde (with the farakki specifically and repeatedly serving the Old Gods) but that’s ultimately your choice. While you pay your sub you’re welcome to RP whatever headcanon you want but you shouldn’t take people RPing the default setting as some OOC attack - just PM them and tell them you’re in a reality where the farraki have joined the Horde


Imagine rping a person from a faction historically at odds with the Horde, and being shocked when people don’t like said person being there. It’s almost like as if the farraki are enemies of the Horde. I’ve been thrown in jail multiple times by HoC and they’re great, stop taking IC OOC like they threw a rock through your window.

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This is a moot point because she wears a badge of the Horde and said IC that she had papers, and yet people continued to harass her because they won’t accept that as a possibility.

Looks at 16 year old Valeera drawn like that
Looks at the loaded pistol in my hands
Goodbye world


This is literally one of the top 3 most common origin stories of big pcu bad men.

Tune in next week to find out what the top 2 is: hint, it’s erpers.


Yes and no. I think they’re seen as more linked to canon than the RPG which was outright classed as a sort of AU, but like many off-game sources there end up so many discrepancies and contradictions…
It tends to be if nothing in game conflicts it, then it’s okay to play with but bear in mind not everyone will have read the comics!