🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

Hello, im an Alliance Naga. I have the papers right here.


Muh warlock license

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do you think a character’s opinions should instantly dissolve the moment someone throws some papers around (as if Orgrimmar is a bureaucracy lol) and has an insignia? anyone can steal a badge


Yeah unfortunately during BFA (before Zandalar joined the Horde as allies), Farraki were considered enemies of the Horde and would the average-joe Grunt in the Hand of Conquest would 100% try and throw you out of the city for this.

We try not to metagame, so we won’t know your Farraki is a member of the Horde on face value.

I don’t mind the idea at all of more exotic races being a part of the Horde.

The difference is, I’m afraid, is like this Centaur, they wouldn’t really tend to mill around Orgrimmar.

I’m sorry you had a bad experience with us, but unfortunately I think the Grunts of the Hand of Conquest (possibly even me at the time! I was playing Bearan Earthshatter) were just trying to act appropriately and respond in a way their own characters would.


Walks up to you in an extremely cool way.

“Where’s your horde loicense mate?”


Sometimes communication isn’t perfect, but you’ve got to expect a measure of hostility when RP’ing something typically regarded as hostile. It’d be like someone Rp’ing a Quillboar and getting upset when Mankriks cousin tries to bash their face in. The only real way around that is through… More RP, because redemption arcs are a thing and characters can be creative but you should really still accept that there’s going to be a standard reaction. That AND it’s RP, not all RP has to involve people liking your character.

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I get called a tretcherous moon cultist by people IC loads too. But I have the capability of understanding that these people don’t think I’m a Moon Witch on an OOC level.

I don’t really understand why you’re up in arms over IC interaction. If I had that sort of mentality I’d despise half the server, come to think of it that’s probably why a large chunk of AD is so hostile to the other half.

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Please no not the comics, i don’t want me’dans multi-spec class to be canon


You don’t really get to decide what’s canon and what’s not though. Bloodsworn is canon as can be and there’s nothing about it that really breaks the canon of the lore in any given way. This always seems to happen when I bring this up as a lore source. Why is it so hard to believe that there are honorary members who join up with the Horde that aren’t traditionally members?

I think this sort of speaks for itself as the kind of issues I have when trying to just do my own thing.

You and I have had this conversation before, and I told you then that people generally took it OOC by saying they wouldn’t accept it. This is a type of gatekeeping in and of itself, and if people spent less time operating like this we’d probably all get along quite a bit better.

I think they still are. The Farakki is hated by the Zandalar aswell and lives in the slums. They also attack Horde characters to try and earn favour.

They arent a popular tribe.

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Why is it so hard to believe people don’t like farraki

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Happened last week unironically

It’s canon that one (1x) centaur joined the Horde. Not sure at what point that comes to other hostile races

I am Xghh’xhuz the Unraveller … once, a c’thraxxi overlord of a thousand tortured worlds … but now? [extends one of his many insectoid limbs and presents a visa signed by Baine Bloodhoof] I am Xghh’xhuz the Honourable … proud warrior of the Horde

I’d say now it’s probably way more typical to RP a non-Horde troll in Orgrimmar based on their affiliation to the Zandalari but if you were RPing that a few years ago that is warlock license level RP and if you want to avoid people RPing with you you can just ask them to not RP with you


Something being canon is not subjective. Either it is, or it’s not.


fixed that for you :relieved:


Which limb do I shake that isn’t basically a proposal of marriage. Help me out here.


Wait howd you do that

Neither do you, though. You don’t get to decide other peoples reactions either. Reacting to reactions and having reactions to those reactions is basically what RP is. It’s like a game of reaction tennis. Not always going to be happy-to-see-your-character-tennis, though.


I don’t know man, I see trolls having the Farraki skin colour option now and I just think ‘ok, guess they have the Zandalar visa now’

Also I am also no longer a Grunt protecting Orgrimmar so I can ignore this matter of the law and focus on my edgy Death Knight dialogue RP instead


So IC interactions are now supposed to be a disruption of your rp? Did you not expect RPing a literal racial enemy of the horde would give you such a bad experiece with people who fought the tribe? First of all, there was no source of Farraki ever joining. Everyone saw a skin tone and jumped at it with 0 hesitation. Second of all if you did your research you would know to join the Horde you need to do the blood oath. Something you swear to the warchief. We have none, so it needs to be updated. I fail to see how a honorary member makes sense. Instead of crying about not being able to be in city of your enemies you and the rest should have taken the initiative for Tanaris rp. Or, rp with rest of enemy tribes in Zuldazar.

By the way, that skin tone is not Farraki. Color is off and their tusks are not ivory :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


No, but neither do you.

And in Canon, the Farakki is hated by everyone.