🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

i just edited the quote i copied

for example:

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I haven’t. I’m citing a canon comic as a source for use as a precedent being set within the lore. I don’t think it’s that much of a stretch, and the reaction illustrates the exact issues I have with just hanging out with people who seem to care less about any actual regard for sources than they are with just going out of their way to continue harassing someone who has told them they just want to be left alone.

I’ll rephrase Tarrook epically for a fellow Tauren brother

I just simply don’t care about Troll visas anymore… I will leave that matter to Stone Guard Gruggosh in the Hand of Conquest (a cool guild to join + people checking this comment should check them out)

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  • I vaguely recall reading somewhere that Farraki whilst they are part of the Zandalari are basically considered the lowest caste of Trolls and are essentially put in the cupboard when anyone comes to visit so they don’t have to see the unsightly sand trolls, but don’t quote me on that. I could be making stuff up again from my vaguely assembled memories.

Imagine getting this up in arms because someone IC doesnt like you

Is it elitism or is it that oftenly people that start getting “bigger” guild wise tend to have a power trip for some reason and decide to do or say the most weird things?

Shoutouts go out to [without names mentioning]:

  • the demon hunter guild with the blacklist, if the leader had a problem with you + was heavily into favoritism among their members

  • the bar guild led by a demon character that kicked you off the Discord+guild if you had another opinion than him

Two of these examples were selfmade. But you know who the first person blamed for people leaving? The members. Not the guild leaders self made insane rules that she broke herself countless times.

The bar guild guy downright blaming the PCU (???) for the downfall of his guild, here’s a quote of him in /2: “I’m 24 hours a day high”.

There are countless guilds that have a lot of members on AD that don’t even know the PCU guys exist. Why and how? Because they don’t do weird stuff and then blame it on others. Many people that create guilds that get big (or stay long) just don’t understand community management and what their actions can and will cause. This is why many guilds have in their rules stated “to not bring shame to our guildtag”, people aren’t smart. They see X guildtag and instantly assosciate all their negative experiences with everyone in the guild.

I’ve had once the pleasure to meet a few lollers in the Grove in Duskwood that kept trolling people with toys. A check alt check revealed they were in a PCU guild, I forgot which. So I whispered one of the officers and the guys got kicked. These two individuals were dumb.

Do I now blame the entire PCU or the guild they were in for their actions? No. But a lot of people would, I imagine.

Another perfect example is that I recently came across someone from GS lux. The TRP stated they were a beginner. So I whispered them and carefully mentioned the guilds doings. The person didn’t know about it and was only in the guild for “the rp school”. I talked to the person a little more and they left the guild while we looked for better suited IC guild together. This new person is not responsible for the actions of their leader. But in todays times a guildname is already enough to set people off. You have to understand that as a leader.

You can’t just say things without having a reaction. I’m sorry but that isn’t how it works. You can’t call people a bully and they will just go “whatever lol”. See, this is exactly what I mean. Both as a community member of a guild AND a member of AD, you need to think about what certain words will and can do.

Before throwing stuff at people, you need to think what it might cause. That is where the mentioned “blame others for your own actions” comes into play.

This entire situation is a big thicc example of “I don’t understand that action can have (reputation wise) consequences, eh… let’s do it anyways and blame later others”. Reading the whole “prank” (?) thing is just a big “but why?”. Just damn dude… This is so much of a self-made situation it’s ridicilous.

Also please stop using that word. Because each time I read it I think of OOCers going “INSTALLING AN ADDON IS ELITISM AND TOO MUCH EFFORT!!!”.


Yeah the same could be applied right back at you here to be fair. The comics are debatably canon already. Since in the comics Med’an had Atiesh but yet Khadgar possesses it in game and no reference to Med’an even exists.

There’s plenty of ways you can RP your concept. I’d even say a Horde aligned Farakki is feasable, but do you not understand that if you walk into the middle of the hordes main RP hub on a traditionally hostile race it’d raise eyebrows?

I do Naga RP sometimes, but I don’t have the character walk into the middle of hubs. It wouldn’t be fair to the countless other people who would either have to ignore me or RP accepting my headcanon.


I hate this

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I think tumblr (lol) used to have this until someone played an epic prank like this on the site owner or somesuch and he promptly removed it

food for thought re: blue posts…

One single Centaur being allowed in by a diffrent warchief nearly a decade ago doesnt mean that every single case is now free pass.


Going to introduce my faceless horror into the Horde with papers and all oh lord


What precisely of the Farraki was the appeal to you to play if you didn’t want to face any of the difficulties and situations of playing one?
What did playing a sand troll provide to you that playing a darkspear/zandalari would not have, if you had simply wanted to be a Horde-aligned troll who is free to maneuver Orgrimmar and befriend the myriad races?


You know what garithos was right

It’s not that much of a stretch, if it’s canon. I liken it to when Illidari joined the factions. I was RP’ing in a human rifleman guild. We’d just come back from deployment, stood outside Billet (During the pre-legion invasions) and a group of Illidari walked up to the front gate. We lost our minds and nearly started shooting at them, which probably wouldn’t have ended well for us but us lowly humans didn’t know any better… Well, people have reactions, and I know my Troll would be extremely on edge and ready to jump on a Farraki that even looked at someone funny, regardless if they had a badge or not. That’s just my characters reactions to your character, and that’s creating RP. Would my character bash your characters brains in given the chance? Yes. Would I bash you for playing that character? No.


A bunch of human footmen kicking all powerful demon hunters out of stormwind sounds great


Considering that Bloodsworn and Me’dan’s run are completely separate it seems like a reach to say that Bloodsworn is of dubious canonicity. Just because they occupy the same medium doesn’t mean anything for their canonicity, otherwise Varian’s story(which hasn’t been told anywhere else by the way) wouldn’t be canon either.

I agree that I shouldn’t expect hugs and welcomes, and I never did. I took the insults and slights on the chin. The consistent overbearing attitude from one group of people was a wee bit different though, because even when asked to just leave me be if they wouldn’t accept the canonical possibility of that dynamic, the harassment continued. That goes beyond IC.

Rangers, thanks. Footmen were the poor unfortunate clankers we’d give our intel to so they could go do the dirty work. :smiley:

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Asking the hard questions here.

Clearly you didn’t take the slights on the chin if you’re on the forums

Chfg’yrajs enters the wyvern tail, his 40 feet tall hulking body shatters the roof. Your character hears whispers in their minds as the monstrosity lets out guttural noises.

"Can I buy you a drink? Im with the Horde. Here is my badge. “