🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

Can’t say the C word, droids have rights too

Pshhh, no they didn’t. They’re like ten a copper and they fall out your pockets when you wash your clothes.

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I remember this. Thanks for doing the stand up thing of sending me a whisper. Can imagine plenty of people who would sit quietly in a discord with their socials and simmer and blame PCU instead of just communicating so an issue can be rectified.


Okay sure, that’s a fair criticism, when did this happen and do you remember who did it?

And I agree, there is a line where both parties should realistically go “Okay, I don’t like this, you don’t like this. We’ll walk away and both get on with our business, staying out each others way.” but it’s an unfortunate part of life that not everyone adopts that attitude and expecting everyone to do so will ultimately make your life difficult in far more than just roleplay.


Unfortunately I do not, and I do not have receipts. The first few times it happened I didn’t think much of it, and I was admittedly pretty upset when I finally decided to just give up on the character, so I didn’t bother doing anything else about it. It was a variety of people.

I will also say - I didn’t even know the Eternal Sisterhood was part of the PCU. You guys are a cool group, I’ve RPed with you a number of times on my orc mage. Hope to do so again in the future!

I agree with this, but ultimately it was far too common for me to be able to just get on with it, it eclipsed the roleplay in which I could just hang out with the multitudinous randoms who didn’t seem to give a darn either way.

I think it’s pretty unfair to say ppl are disregarding canon when your example is explicitly the only one of his kind to ever be granted entry into the Horde and even then, he was only inducted by a group that’s basically Garrosh’s personal elite because they saw huge potential in him.

It’s not really applicable to every quilboar on the planet, especially if your character’s backstory basically amounts to walking into an office and immediately getting their visa.


It was not a ‘walk in’ kind of thing, I mapped out the character’s career from the point that the Farraki supported the Twilight’s Hammer all the way to Legion in which they gained entry to the Horde. Naturally, people can’t know this IC - but it seems like most people in this thread seem to dispute the very plausibility of it and apply that IC, so that history suddenly becomes a lot more pertinent to mention.

I would predict so as well. Many just overdramatized situations.

I believe I had two (2) interactions with PCU guilds that are in my mind because I’m just not a guild guy. 1 was the Sunnyglade Ratters asking if one of my characters was looking for work, which my character declined and then an event on the bridge to Stranglethorn from Duskwood.

Unluckily a friend of mine and me were roleplaying on that bridge at that time when 2389239183 people rolled up for a big event with dire trolls. So we just moved 10 meters to the side / walked off. Problems like these can be solved that easily, but some people like to blow things out proportions.


Hey, I’m not completely sure but I think I was one of the people talking with you in general/trade that time during the anti-crown riot. At that time we had already been bombarded by multiple people talking oocly at us in yells about how we were disrupting RP and being in people’s way despite us just rping in the same space as them.

You have to understand that in a situation where PCU is bombarded by slander, lies and people just being generally unpleasant to us just because we exist it’s incredibly hard to take someone calling us bullies and what else we discussed about as anything other than more of the same anti-PCU talk, and we respond pretty quickly to that because it gets tiring to be called names or be called evil because we enjoy RPing in a big community.

Even if you had the best intentions you can’t expect people to just take something as being called bullies as an opinion that doesn’t deserve being called out on. We’re just trying to have fun, if you feel we shouldn’t maybe it’s not us that’s being bullies.


I have already laid out that the label of bullies was not the actual wording I used, but that I laid out a number of issues I had that could be reduced to “there are tendencies of bullying in those circles”. As mentioned already, it was a mistake to use that wording in my first post, and I apologize for doing so - but ultimate what I did was lay out some of the issues I had with the guild at the tail-end of an event and was accused of someone I wasn’t and had personal insults leveled at me in a manner that regardless of the situation, is a completely out of proportion response that reflects badly on you(in much the same way as the tone of the initial post did for me) one way or the other.

I’m definitely disputing it, especially when you plan to get angry over IC at people and make them out to be villains. The vulpera were barely allowed to join and the most recent history of the farraki is literally being slaughtered in a purge and having a hydra (important to them) killed. Then the tribe assaults Talanji and horde. Are you REALLY so surprised no one treats them good? If you wish to debate canon, what is the canon of that horde badge?

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I understand, but it will really just amount to the same thing no matter how much background you write for the character; they’ll just randomly pop up in the Valley of Honour. It would be a lot more prudent to try and gain entry into the Horde through roleplay, so that you can establish ties both IC and OOC and actually legitimise your character as a member of the Horde. I doubt people would ever grant you full entry into the city, mind, but I think you’d be able to fill your niche regardless.

And EVEN if they were 100% confirmed to be Horde (they are not). People still wouldn’t have to like them. Saying that they have to be nice to your char IC is a weird take.


Casual reminder too that the comic series with the Centaur was cancelled after 1 issue(Bloodsworn) and has never been mentioned again.

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I did do that. A huge part of the writing for the character was roleplay prior to Shadowlands, it just wasn’t among a particularly large guild. This is the nature of roleplay, and I feel like I shouldn’t have to ask permission for things like this from one group that largely speaking I didn’t even want to roleplay with anyway when everyone else was more than receptive to it. Again, there were plenty of folks who insulted her, but the persistent stuff all came from one place and seemed inherently not IC motivated, but rather IC informed by OOC decisions about the plausibility of a character that ultimately they saw fit to consistently harass even after a discussion about it OOC had taken place.

You may want to check your sources. Bloodworn is a 160 page graphic novel. I’m certain someone who has read it in order to get an informed opinion about its contents would know that.

And they shouldn’t have to ask permission to act like their characters would. Goes both ways, no?

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The question remains, why a sand troll?
What did it give you over a Darkspear, Shatterspear, Revantusk or Zanadalari?
I’m not saying not to do it, but it’s important.
If IC pushback isn’t up your alley, sometimes it’s better to go for an actual ally.


You can ofc rp a sandfury, but expect that people will be aggresive towards your character, cause many characters (especially Trolls and i imagine Vulpera too) have history with them. They can’t read your about IC.


“World of Warcraft: Bloodsworn is the first graphic novel of the World of Warcraft: Horde comic series. It contains the canceled issues Issue 1 and Issue 2.”

"World of Warcraft: Horde was originally an original graphic novel series set in the Warcraft universe, and the companion series to World of Warcraft: Alliance. Wildstorm intended to launch these new Horde and Alliance titles to complement the World of Warcraft ongoing series, which came into a wrap-up in issue 25. The new Horde title spinoff was intended to hit newsstands on January 2010. Originally intended to be a monthly series, Wildstorm instead opted to transition the series to an original graphic novel format, allowing them to place greater emphasis on art and narrative. Since the release of Bloodsworn, the series hasn’t been mentioned or revived. The descriptions of the first two known issues of the canceled series became the start of Bloodsworn. "

Source: Wowpedia.