🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

If there is a PCU member behaving inappropriate, simply take a screenshot and send it to an officer.
There are many people who blindly hates the PCU and call people in the PCU plenty of mean things. There is a big chance that they would jump at the chance to just report PCU members if they could do so without needing proof. I think it’s absolutely mad to ask for just pure trust when reporting someone.
Hope this clears up your issue with trust.


I have mentioned time and time again that IC pushback was not the issue. My character faced jerks all the time, but they left her well enough alone after the initial interactions. What happened in the instances that bothered me is that it was incessant and unceasing to the point that any RP I wanted to have elsewhere was swamped by this dynamic, and because it was pretty clearly driven by a lack of respect for the concept in general, as there was an insistent ignorance of all of the elements I had included in the character to help convince people that she was a member of the Horde, the disregard for which was the basis of their consistent harassment. If people don’t like or want to accept the concept that’s fine, but at that point we’re never going to agree and there’s nothing constructive that will come of our interactions.

It was cancelled so they could make a 160 page graphic novel instead, as you said yourself. There is a massive difference between a series getting cancelled before it even comes out to be instead made as a graphic novel and a single issue comic book(as in, one chapter of twenty five) being released and cancelled due to poor sales.

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Not really when its been 11 years and nothing from said novel has not even been refferenced ever again.

Yet you base your entire rp concept around it and get upset when people arent onboard.

Using something as a precedent set when it wasn’t even that outlandish to think it could happen in the first place is something I feel that most other communities would accept readily, and that outside of specific circles is happily accepted - again, I had plenty of unpleasant RP with people who were unpleasant in the context of her being an honorary member of the Horde and not liking it or her for being a Farraki. That’s not what made me want to stop playing the character.

I feel it’s somewhat ridiculous that a number of people have already said that this isn’t really that outlandish and that ultimately yes, what I faced was kind of an issue because it seemed to be motivated by a need to harass a character based on the OOC player’s disdain for the concept, I have agreed that yes in future I should probably screen this and report it, and yet you continue to argue the point that has already been moved past. It’s fine if you don’t like the concept, or if anyone else does - but there is nothing constructive that can come from us interacting IC if that’s the case, because whatever character is trying to get me merked for not being Horde(when my character is), is only trying to override what I’ve written, meaning that ultimately what’s happening is that someone is trying to impose rules they have decided are the truth upon a character that is not theirs. Rather than doing that, as multiple people have said, it’s better to just not interact with one another. We have plenty of other people to talk to in our own circles.

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Again why are you shocked about it?

Even if she is a honorary member, that doesnt mean every character will suddenly like her. To most people outside of the Farakki tribe, they are despised and hated. With good reason.

Having a badge saying “im good” doesnt change that.

It is in fact extremely outlandish, considering only one character has ever undergone the same arc as your character supposedly did.

As of Shadowlands, however, I don’t think you need to worry. With the introduction of sand troll skin to playable trolls (why?), I think most people would reluctantly accept them as vassals of the Zandalari.


If someone in Stormwind would roleplay a “friendly Trogg” Vixi would still hate them.

You’re free to do so. Again, the issue was not “My character was disliked”, it was “People were either constantly verbally or physically assaulting her in the context of her not being a member of the Horde”, meaning that they were intentionally trying to force me to RP my character in a way that they saw as proper, when instead they can just ignore me and move on and I can go on my merry way.

I am pretty sure those two statements are synonymous basically. If you are disliked you are going to be disliked.


Only if you cut out the last part of the sentence, sure. Taking things out of their full context does tend to remove the meaning and frame it in a way that suits what you’re saying. What I said was “In the context of her not being an honorary member of the Horde”, a key part of the statement that changes the dynamic from what was disdain that was justified to a type of metagaming that helped no one.

Or you could have played a troll race that was you know. Part of the Horde.

Your concept was a poor idea. There is no shame in admitting that. We all make mistake.

But you seem to be pulling this:


i wouldn’t even say it was a poor idea.

it’s just a lack of foresight to be surprised when the hated troll tribe gets treated as a hated troll tribe, and a bit dumb to then frame this as an OOC problem instead of RP leading to RP


True, thats better phrased.

Oh good lord this thread literally doubled in size while I slept


Welcome back.

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That seems pretty mean spirited, considering there is a precedent from a decent graphic novel I read that’s never been declared non-canon and again, no one had to interact with if they didn’t like it in the first place. Again, the group of people that did this have already been decried above your post(by a group that I have to assume you are literally a part of) , you should go and read it - and now you are doing the same thing. Instead of simply saying “Alright, I’ll live and let live”, you’ve decided a concept I created and worked pretty hard on and that sure, can be accepted or rejected depending on your mileage, isn’t worth pot and I am in the wrong and deserved people trying to force their view of how my character should be written upon me in a co-operative space in a way that was hostile in a way that just isn’t fair.

You have time and time again repeated that your character disliking something is IC and I have agreed, but taken issue with the idea of it at all being motivated by disregard for a concept and someone trying to force the removal of that concept via strongarming someone else in RP. Again, I tried to say “Hey, my character is actually part of the Horde”, but was routinely told that no, the character I wrote could not be that way and their character would continue to act as if that element was nonexistent. That is a form of metagaming in and of itself.

I still don’t see this as trying to force anything on you. They can’t retcon you in hindsight. Their characters, however, can still IC disregard the claims or dispute them. Again, surely that is part of the appeal, or the reality of RPing such an idea?
Having your character struggle to overcome this scrutiny, this disregard, this disdain?


Bro, we were rping with you. You can be negative towards a character IC without wanting them to change OOC.

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Ignoring every character your character dislikes IC isn’t exactly very interesting.

My character was doing that elsewhere, but there wasn’t much in the way of trying to slit her throat and thus ending any kind of ability to overcome that which the verbal assaults inevitably always lead up to.

I cannot believe how many times I have had to repeat that it was not the element of disdain for her being a Farraki that was the problem, it was a very clear OOC disdain for the concept that lead them to thus ignoring the IC elements I wrote for the character and treating her like any other hostile. It’s literally a type of metagaming in order to shift the conversation that the character would have been having with people to one that enables players to reject a character concept via IC by just… Killing her like she was some rando who walked into Org without any preamble?