🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

Dear god we’ve been distracted from what truly mattered.

I didn’t just write that, but again the people who engaged with me on good faith about this didn’t immediately become nice to my character. Again, the solution has been repeated a ton of times, the two sides can just not RP with each other and all will be well. It’s when there’s a forcible move towards rejecting what I’ve written for my character(which again, is already only divisive, not entirely rejected as shown by this thread). That’s a problem. I don’t know why you keep ignoring these points when others have already honestly engaged with them more directly and in a way that moves the conversation forwards rather than regressing it.

Additionally a pardon isn’t really the same thing as an honorary membership. My character didn’t commit any crimes, unless an entire race can commit crimes by association.

I wonder how would Silvermoon like my void elf having her exile lifted by a bunch of Magister NPCs!


I absolutely think that someone choosing to wear a Scarlet tabard is not the same thing as someone being born a Farraki, personally. There are certainly some similarities in that most Farraki have a culture and history that has put them at odds with the Horde, but a Farraki choosing a different life and winding up a member of the Horde is not the same thing as a human who chooses to continue wearing a Scarlet tabard even if they have reformed and been accepted back into the Alliance. Not even close.

I think the inherent difference is that your character took actions that wound up in having become exiled - even then, there is a certain amount of injustice for those who were branded via guilt through association, but I do not think the situation in which a group of people considered dissidents were exiled allows for re-entry is the same as for someone who hasn’t been actively barred from the Horde(mind you, getting to that point was hardly something I just snapped my fingers and said she was, as mentioned previously I wrote a fair bit).


He did. But no one saw it.

Some human roleplayers once wanted to grill my tauren druid.

Can you imagine not liking tauren? Absolute heresy.

And then you realise Chromie sits around in her gnome form in OG.


Or the Stan Lee reference that is just a skinny human with a Horde tabard. (Which confused me greatly the first time I saw it)
:smirk: :smirk:

I certainly do agree with you when it comes to a roleplay aspect of selfmade characters, but over all? That’s just the Warcraft setting if you aren’t a lore NPC. The population in Warcraft (as in the NPC and all the story stuff) isn’t the smartest bunch sadly.


“Oh a guild disbanded? Huh, why is this thread so long? I’ve never heard of–”



And did the Farraki trolls not take actions that deemed them hostile to the Horde? Not that far off, I’d say.

Imagine living this rent free in somebody’s head lmao

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They did, not there’s not something that actively inhibits one joining the Horde in the same way as a Void Elf, because no one among the leadership would have a reason to believe that a reformed Farraki could make their Sunwell explode by being in its general proximity.

Farraki worship the Loa of Death - Mueh’zala.
Who is everyone at war with? The forces of death, including said Loa.

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maybe they’ll summon a sun godzilla gahz’rooki out of it who knows???

not my himbo blood elf that’s for sure!!

They only have a reason to believe the Farraki would backstab them or attack the Horde’s citizens at first given opportunity!

That, too.

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Ah, so not scarlets, but rather Cult of the Damned. But because of the wya troll tribes are presented in-game (and possibly in-lore?) a troll’s tribe can be determined by their colour, right? A darkspear looks different to a farakki, both look different to a zandalari.

Essentially existing would be wearing a full-time uniform for that tribe, unless I’m horribly off-base.

This stuff happened decidedly prior to the events of Shadowlands that could have provided for those interesting avenues(which I was looking forward to), but alas.

Yeah, we have a word for that particular brand of judging based on the color of someone’s skin. Justified in-universe or not, that’s largely what it is. Not a judgment based upon the choices of the individual to actively wear a uniform showing their allegiance to a genocidal cult.

I think we’re done here. Thank you.

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Yes! Thank you for the conversation. Apologies again for how snide I was in early posts, it wasn’t on. Good luck to the Family and good luck to everyone in the thread.


Yeah I think you used the n word in game in the first instance which is why people decided to clown on you instead of taking you seriously, because it’s frankly not worth the time.