🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

I’m a little confused with what you mean. I was saying that race and chosen affiliation aren’t the same thing, that’s all.

Do you have any recommendations for that


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I’m two hundred posts late because I live on the other side of the planet, but can I address this?

The PCU are Human. When you poke the bear, it responds. I’ve been wanting for the longest time to sit down in Discord and talk to Perroy, and tell him how important I think it would be for his - and his guild’s - reputation if they worked on their diplomacy a little. With a few tweaks, most of the haters wouldn’t be able to speak up and project their envy/feeling of exclusion/misconceptions about the PCU, because everyone would have a hard time admitting the guild doesn’t at least try to save face.

But then I realise, I’m being pretentious. The PCU is enormous and the average role-player’s what, a fifteen, sixteen-year-old? You remember what it was like being fifteen/sixteen? If you don’t, let me remind you: It was horrible. Just the worst. Would I have listened to some mook like me coming into teamspeak to say, ‘‘Hey look guys. Awesome job keeping the realm alive, but people’s envy’s palpable. Here’s what I think you all should do - cool your jets, think before you respond, and maybe, just maybe, don’t respond at all. Because if you’re doing the right thing, eventually, good things will happen, and no one will be able to doubt you.’’

… Heck no. I would’ve thought about it and changed a little but in three weeks time I would’ve gone back to the same old me, eager to defend my friends at a moment’s notice. That’s why I think it’s rich when I see people complain about the PCU.

You know why I say ‘‘envy?’’ I say envy because that’s the root of the evil. Feeling like you aren’t included in something big. It’s the same classroom egotistic nonesense you’ll feel all your life, whether you like it or not. It’s a fact, just like getting pimples until the day you die. If you know people somewhere are ‘‘getting’’ more than you, we’re hard-wired as a species to want it, and if we don’t get it, we shun it instead and tell ourselves we don’t need it.

But you know what, we do need it, because in three years time, I’ll probably be able to come back to England and go on my laptop, log onto this twenty-six year-old game and still be able to role-play on this platform, all thanks to the PCU. Them existing allows the rest of the raft to stay afloat. And it is not hard to exist on the fringes of said raft. Do I need to explain how? New role-players will join the server because it is still active, and then you create your own guild, your own bubble, and you play in it with your five friends and remain content - do you get my tone, yet?

Stop being so ungrateful. I’ve said this before about the PCU, but I’ll say it again: it is either a dead server, like the Sha’tar, where I came from, or it is an active server, with a few obvious hiccups. I still think fondly of Kilam and Javea and Nocturne and Esoteric Illusion every day for introducing me to role-play, but those guilds are dead. Those players are gone. That role-play is over.

Be more present, more aware, and sit in gratitude, please. This is a passion for so many of us - whether you realise it yet or not - that could’ve died years ago. I can’t even begin to explain the virtues of WoW RP to my friends who don’t game. But you know what happens when I meet another gamer who’s RP’d on SWTOR or WoW or FF or Guild Wars? Pure fudging magic. We can talk for hours and not stop. You know why? Because it’s pure. Stop wishing it away on a few banal complaints. Yes. The PCU’s massive, but as far as I can tell, they couldn’t care less about shoving their guild down people’s throats - it is there to join, or not, but that’s it. You poke it, you get bit, (resisting the urge to say, ‘’… you entitled piece of–‘’) but whatever: there’ll always be entitled people with too loud voices.

Blowing smoke now, this forum’s great, on second thoughts, and I can see the reasoning behind it at last. It serves to pull the illusion off the bull**** that keeps cropping up on the realm, and serves as catharsis for people to move on and keep funnelling their energy into their initiatives.

Well done to anyone who tries to make this thing last even a second longer. This might as well be Neverland, as far as I’m concerned.

Now before I start getting too pat-on-the-back(y), I’ll drop my post. Please stop with this petty stuff. No one’s anyone’s enemy. Last I looked, we were all just trying to play in the same damn yard.

… Not sure what’s pushing me to say this, but: I can’t stand bullies.


Doubt x 1 million

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i got back pains from this statement, thanks :angry:


I’d love to have a conversation with you personally because I can see where you’re coming from, even if I disagree with certain elements of what you’re saying pretty heavily.

As you can surely understand, I’m a wee bit worn out after the conversation thus far, as it has taken a far from friendly tone even past the point in which I apologized for certain elements of my original few posts. Ultimately it’s a well structured and insightful post though, and if had come a few hours earlier I have no doubt I’d have much more readily engaged with as a whole!

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Id say the average roleplayer is around 20-35.

35 is a bit too much, I think. We have older players, but they are by no means the average.

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I’m closer to my pension than I am to 16 :pensive:

Another resident in the AD old folks home.


20s seems about right these days, RP is a much more niche activity than it used to be when RPGs flooded the market (EG: baldur’s gate and it’s many spin offs), as are MMOs on the whole. A lot of new RPers in the 2000s would’ve been teens, add ten years and you’ll probably have most RPers sitting at 25ish.

There’s just in general not as many getting into RP as there once was.

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I am loyal member of the horde, yes. Stop throwing rocks at my head, Dustpaw. I deny ever having eaten a Vulpera.

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I suspect it sits ~2 years either side of 30 tbh. Its about the same as the average age of wow players.

Kowalski, I need an analysis

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Most of the people I’ve met on this game + the friends I have IRL playing the game seem to be around 20-25. I don’t think the average age is especially old, tbh.

Yeah sick, my Horde aligned characters would still want to kick your Farraki’s teeth in IC anyway because Farraki have always been outright hostile to the Horde, even in Dazar’alor you quite literally get a quest to purge Tal’farrak.

Even if your Farraki was an “honorary member” of the Horde it doesn’t mean you’re instantly going to gain exalted rep with every individual in Orgrimmar. Orgrimmar is the “City of Warriors”, at what point are a bunch of burly thug-like warmongers going to go “oh okay this sand troll has papers, I accept this instantly and will be their best friend”.

Its quite frankly ludicrous that you’d even take this out of character and let it alter your train of thought where you foster this unbound hatred for a community of many different individuals with (for the most part) many different opinions just because your vague concept of a hostile race in Orgrimmar was subject to hostility IC.

There are plenty of Troll-based guilds that accept Farraki amongst their ranks but instead you’d rather choose to try and jam a jigsaw piece where it clearly doesn’t fit and force this weird canon on everyone else around you, whilst ruining the immersion of the general/regular populace of the Orgrimmar RP community.

You know what most people say when they see a wacky concept like a Sand Troll in the middle of Org? They go… “Let the Grunts handle it.”


Sand trolls are a customisation option for the playable Troll race, there’s no forcing here. It sounds like you’re making up your own headcanon. Clearly they’re allowed in the Horde now, if they’re an option for HORDE characters.


Not too badly since belves now have high elf customisation I guess!

Which begs the question as to whether people have the same issue towards high elves in the Horde now as well, though I guess those characters will spend most of their time in Silvermoon so you won’t really see them.

I feel like this is a kinda hot take. Personally I don’t like the PCU because I used to be in the Rotgarde and the cult mentality is pretty whack, and I’m not alone in feeling that way judging from the opinions of friends who have more recently left the PCU. Ofc that’s a pretty unique perspective to have on the situation given previous involvement, but I don’t think anyone hates the PCU because they’re… Jealous? Of what? The only thing I can imagine it being is a stable platform/group to RP with, which you don’t need a big conglomerate of guilds to achieve. People have been able to feel a part of something greater for years with some pretty historic roleplay events.

People just gotta feel motivated to attend these sort of things and, unfortunately, for reasons you kinda touched on, some people are hesitant to do so when the PCU are involved.

Also best of luck in your future irl endeavours, Chiel and Family. It’s a shame to see another bastion of Horde RP disappear.


Envy isn’t the same as jealousy. I think you’ve missed my point.


Dude, we’re roleplay antagonists. We worship an evil god who is a mythic boss this expansion. We eat corpses and our “representative” in the Zanchuli council is/was a traitor that is now dead. What’s your point there?

Embrace the evil. Play an antagonist.

Disclaimer: Zokaara is in no way evil & has never eaten a Vulpera before.


Ahahhahahs dude lmao