🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

None of my real world friends RP. It’s kind of a blessing really.

Also: onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat


It’s actually a pain when they do.

Sure, if I was actually trying to prove something specific beyond “I have an opinion.”

Crazy idea is, if someone wrongs you, screen it, contact their officer and give them the logs within the same day/week instead of harbouring a grudge for 10 000 years and having to keep your logs in a secret vault never to be released again.


Honestly, I’m not quick to believe anybody “has logs” unless they’re willing to show them.

I mean, they don’t have to show them to me (obviously), but in this case in particular higher ups in the PCU have been like; “show us and we’ll deal with it” only for… none to show up?

So yeah basically, take the “I have logs” with a big pinch of salt.

Both sides of arguments like that are guilty. “I have logs” and nobody shows anything.

I can understand how reporting something to an officer could be a frightening prospect for someone, mind. But then again, that same hypothetical someone wouldn’t also be the sort to post everything on the forums, they just wouldn’t post to begin with.


i have information that could lead to the arrest of philip perroy

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100 players is 100 players regardless of faction - in some sense when organising RP faction isn’t important with the addition of cross-faction chat

Even funnier that you gurn your jaw for something you were 100% complicit in (not that I think pressing like on a forum post is really some grave sin)

More than welcome to add me on discord for this if you mean with regards to the OP


Sharpens axe…

After all of this, all I can think of, is the term ‘AD Famous’. - People used to sometimes hold recognition of Karen and Carol in Org. - Does this mean we’ve made it? Can I finally go on Big Brother, WoW addition? Oh my gosh, do you think us famous WoW Rp’ers, (which I completely am now), will be able to sell books? Maybe even host talk shows for exactly one season? I’m honestly so excited. Can’t wait to influence the world.



This is such a disingenuous and bad faith argument. If someone is being unfair/abusive/etc. you would 100% want to have the logs. And by that I mean the full logs. Otherwise it’s just hearsay or taking things out of context.

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Its an esoteric reference

Swing and a miss tbh

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Perhaps only in this thread, the rest of us are doing just fine.

You’re an esoteric reference.

I’m glad most of the argument has been smoothed over.

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Only a scholar of Argent Dawn’s history would know of it

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If someone is being unfair/abusive/etc, you would report them immediately, not sit on the logs in an underground bunker for the off chance that the person one day might become your e-nemesis.

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I think Rainwatcher is agreeing with Aerilen here

When’s Aerilen coming back to RP?

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