🍾 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

Highwarden basically said it.

Which makes it actively malicious too (as said, since their event was on the 22nd already and they moved it JUST to clash with yours) as well asinine.

The more I hear of this guild, the less I like of it.

Should’ve just stuck with; “goodbye and thanks for all the fish”

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Injecting hopium under the sea, that is how Aerilen be

“I’m going to build my own RP event! With blackjack and [redacted]!”

Given the goodbye post and the whole ‘one group of people dominates the server’, I’d say it comes off as them trying to wrestle ‘control’ back. Which is not only a bad look, but also pretty disrespectful to all RPers. It’s not just the PCU that shows up to these sorts of public events. It has an impact beyond the group of people they’re clearly trying to slight.

I’ll admit I took a fence-sitting role earlier in this thread but I’ll be honest this is the first thing I’ve seen that has really made me boggle at Chiel’s decisions.

Not cool.

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centrism was your first mistake

Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.


Sometimes you gotta choose between a turd sandwich or a giant douche.

Or in this case, people rp’ing and people actively trying to drag said rp down.

Ur not a centrist Vaxir, u just have a grudge


so a gross and not edible sandwich vs a large hygienic product

i know what i’ll choose!



Did you really miss the; “Family event was set on the 22nd, Dustpaw set theirs for the 28th, so Family moved theirs to the 28th” or was it deliberate?

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Do I? Cool. Never knew that.

I only grudge against the people who harass me mind you. So like several individuals in total. But I think most are forum banned now for the crap they’re said to me on here hahaha.

Knowing Vaxir, playing dumb for the sake of pot-stirring.


Only ever around for attention, that one. Imagine fuelling your entire presence in a community solely with a grudge looool


So I take it you were harassed by Dustpaw Caravan then?
Can I give you my Discord contact so you could send me screens?

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Ur trying to make this sound like a hot centrist take, but infact it’s just u saying “I don’t pick sides in this because 1 is bad and I dislike the other.”

U can easily agree with someone u dislike, without that being a massive character flaw, Vaxir. U won’t be Thanos snapped out of existance if u go “maybe they’re right” once.

Let’s not do that, eh?


I know I’m biased anyway, but even if I wasn’t; that is an incredibly horrid thing to do and its kind of an awful thing to fence sit on.

I’ve nothing against them. Never said I have unless you can link or show me where I’ve stood against them? (In fact who are they?)

Boy, do I love quoting people who contradict themselves in span of 2 hours and 15 comments.

Oh, you’re assuming I grudge against the PCU.

Hot take: I don’t!

I just hate certain individuals who have harassed me.

PCU can sod off. They can interact. I don’t give a crap either way though I’d rather avoid it as a whole thing (events etc). I’ve said it before: I’ve friends in it. I don’t judge as a whole :man_shrugging: I just forever hate the usual culprits who need to remove the sticks from their butts.

As someone on here said:

“People like to hang on to the past and it’s not healthy”

@Dorlas: You’re mistaking my words. It’s a quote from South Park. I wasn’t calling either side either one else I’d be calling this guild bad which, if you read, I quite liked them. (My apologies if you misunderstood of course, I didn’t mean to say either side is bad).

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