🍾 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

The quote which is specifically about choosing between two equally terrible options, posted to discussion that moved to issue that emerged when The Family kept moving their event date to the same day as when Dustpaw Caravan was holding theirs.

Seems you are either completely ignorant of what your quote is about or you are pretending to be wholesome enlightened centrist after people called you out.

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Then my bad for trying to crack a joke about fence sitting and how bad it is!

“It was a joke, I wasn®t being serious, trust meeeeeee.”


 I guess? ???

Okay bye.

Jokes are supposed to be funny, Vaxir. The issue is, you used two awful descriptions as your comparison - which isn’t really a joke, it’s just insulting.


I quite enjoyed that episode tbf. Not everybody finds South park funny, I get that. But idc. I ain’t gonna respond to more nagging as usual. Gonna go RP instead!

Don’t take a joke to heart anybody who read it. It’s from a cartoon and was my crack @ fence sitting x

I knew it was a South Park joke, its just time and place.

Boy that’s cap


“It’s about Family, and that’s what’s so powerful about it.”

And the fact that not everybody knows said reference.

Even in South Park, its meant to show choosing between two not great options.

With those insults and remarks it seems like you guys are trying to get this thread locked.


Some people enjoy picking something that happened x years ago. They are like vultures picking what’s left. Such is the way.

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As I’m seeing a lot of people assuming the market night was intentionally scheduled on top of DPC’s:

We used to have monthly shop nights. Our shop night for January was scheduled on the 22nd.

Chiel mixed up the shop and market night dates and wrote the shop night’s date down in our AA and forum post for the market night. In-game, the market night had been scheduled for the 28th since early December, going off the earliest someone marked themselves as Tentative:


DPC’s event was announced on the 12th of January:


In other words, she never intentionally scheduled ours on top of DPC’s: she did just genuinely screw up by making the wrong date public, and no one but the people who got a calendar invite could’ve known the date we made public was the wrong one. It’s partly my own fault because I was in charge while Chiel was on break. As I had little to no motivation to keep the guild running until its official disband, the mix-up went completely unnoticed because I only ever checked anything guild-related when asked and only logged in to run events. We didn’t realize until the 15th (the same day DPC’s thread went up, which, yes, makes the edit from the 22nd to 28th look very suspicious), when someone with the calendar invite DMed Chiel to get the date right:


Neither side bothered to DM each other when the overlap happened, and even if there’s no point in doing damage control now, I’m glad we got to clear this up at all. So: apologies to the guys from DPC for unintentionally messing with your event. I would’ve had no problem moving ours to another date if I hadn’t also made the assumption you were trying to mess with us.

Best of luck to everyone in this thread. I don’t agree with what Chiel did either and I agree with a lot that’s been said here. All I can do now is set the record straight with anyone who might’ve felt slighted by us at some point (if it’s Family-related, that is, not Chiel-related). With that, here’s my Discord tag for anyone that wants to hash things out privately: Marevia#2173


What’s with the hairline shaming?

Body shaming is not cool, gamers.


Unfortunately I am not bald. I have, in fact, a full head of hair that severely needs a cut.

Tired: Calling out someone for being bald.
Wired: Appreciating those who are bald for acknowledging that their hair isn’t as good as it used to be and doing the necessary thing to make themselves look neater.

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I have 0 knowledge if Vaxir is bald (shocker I have never met them).

I guess u could also say it’s a “joke”, calling someone bald, in order to pull their nose with a pretty harmless thing.


  1. the action or practice of humiliating someone by making mocking or critical comments about their body shape or size.

“she is not the only celebrity to speak up about body shaming”

You’re still saying it like being bald is something to be ashamed of. Not very cash money of you.