🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

It’s gone from a shambles to a shampoo.

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Better than the dumpster fire it was before

I think it’s just a massive stretch tbh, there’s a lot more of an affect on someone’s life with disabilities than if they are bald lol

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Personally have thin hair myself and use medicated shampoo and all sorts. Yea, fearing baldness is horrible and I do feel sorry for bald people who don’t wanna be. I couldn’t imagine it. Again, to joke at someone can hurt them.

My hair is dying because I dye it loads, so I will most likely become homer simpson which is cool

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Homer, but only his hair is yellow

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That’s life. That’s what all the people say. And it’s funny as it may seem. Some people get their kicks. Stomping on a dream. But i don’t let it. Let it get me down. Cause this fine old world. It keeps spinning around…

Both of them can cause depression and other awful thoughts. So how about we don’t make fun of them? Seems pretty easy to me.


I’m not defending mocking someone’s physical appearance I’m saying you can’t compare someone being bald due to hair loss IRL to someone who has disabilities which hinder some of their life choices

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This is " who has it worse " debate territory that I’m not interested in. Just don’t do either.

Nah this is just you making an absolute strange comparison, with you saying that two struggles that are worlds apart are just as bad.

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From the point of view of someone that had a brief time in the Family, but who also knew Chiel since Sixty Thieves - and in fact took their place in the officer core and were a part of the vote to cast them out - I would say that it’s a shame to see them go now. They’ve improved a lot over the years.

Which, unfortunately, doesn’t render them immune to making mistakes. I know, or think I know, that they did not intend harm with joining the guild in question. But they also did not consider the consequences in the slightest.

If I try to imagine myself in position of the officers involved, Perroy included, I think that I would not have taken the matter lightly either. Even if you would allow Chiel to stay in the guild, you’d set an unacceptable precedent.

At the same time, I do think a lot of unnecessarily harsh words were said both at the time and in what’s been written here.

I know people said that one ‘answers in kind’ when being called something. I can understand that mentality well, but my answer to that is that no one will learn and no bridges are ever built, if only answer to derogatory language is more of it, or if revenge is met with revenge. Just as someone said one should not suffer bullies, I think all sides are guilty of bullying here, if we go by names-calling, personal attacks, derogatory comments or show of disrespect, or people with similar views ganging up to support one another or posting with the mentality to ‘show’ or ‘one up’ the others. The question I gain from it is to ask what we all can do to foster a better atmosphere to not cause further splits like this. Which I think is the only take home message I personally got from all this. Not everyone has to get along - I know (at least) one former Family member I would never spend even five minutes roleplaying with - but we can all still treat each other better. And with this, I do not mean that grievances need to be swept under the rug.

I saw Chiel grow up from a metagamer running a guild that Sixty had to black list, to a person I would have trusted in conflict roleplay to hold their end and take their consequences. We also managed to keep up dialogue and friendship through it all, in spite of all the differences between the guilds we were running. So, to see it all end like this is just a big shame.

The silver lining, I guess, is that at least they’re happy with their life and I hope that stays. I wish them all the best.


Thing is somebody may have great self image issues from being bald or general hair loss. It can cause depression which can lead to other things, feeling worse as time goes by. It can have a horrid affect on someone’s mentality.

It may not be as “bad” as something else, say depression from family loss, but it’s still an issue in that person’s world that can ruin everything.

Sounds to me like you’re just mad you got clapped for body shaming and now you’re trying to argue semantics to get out of the pit you dug.

When you do something wrong maybe think about why it’s wrong instead of trying to rule lawyer your way out of it.

Quote where I bodyshamed lmao

You’re right, you just defended it by trying to argue hair isn’t part of the body which is pretty galaxy brain

Much like fingers hair is not part of the body.

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No you claimed it’s body shaming, which it isn’t, and I argued against that originally. Saying someone has long fingernails isn’t body shaming.

Body shaming is the act of deriding or mocking a person’s physical appearance. The scope of body shaming is wide, and can include, although is not limited to fat-shaming, shaming for thinness, height-shaming, shaming of hairiness (or lack thereof), of hair-color, body-shape, one’s muscularity (or lack thereof), shaming of looks (facial features), and in its broadest sense may even include shaming of tattoos and piercings or diseases that leave a physical mark such as psoriasis.

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And that source is from?