🍾 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

Go for it big guy, be my guest.


If u find anything there about Trailoff that’s worse than ur reddit chonker moments, I’ll hand u the hat

I think we already have that here with the body shaming apologism. As for ‘‘my’’ reddit chonker moments, I am yet to be presented proof that the account is mine.

Bro what are you on about, I’ve been saying that you are making poor comparisons

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Someone should turn off ur supply of copeium about now honestly

I’m sure its more because you can be a right class act on the forums my guy.


If you can show a post of mine that breaks the community’s rules, by all means.

I’ll amend it.

Though the PCU complaining about people being rude would be rich.

Funnily enough all your old incel posting has since been deleted, congrats.

Now that is not what i said, was it?

Also BTW: I’m not PCU either.

That’s a sexist slur, my friend. Let’s not.

don’t think anyone will complain because ur rude, I just think they’ll be rude back. But then ofcourse, we’d end in the same spiral of “PCU is bullying me” won’t we?

The only thing I’ve said in this thread is that body shaming is bad. ( the nerve )

In return, I’ve been accused of posting some stuff on Reddit 2 years ago with no proof.

I don’t think I’m morally wrong here.

Yeh, guess ur not above those urself tho so it’s fine

You wouldn’t, considering the subreddits you frequent.

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Completely possible I’ve said sexist things, I’m a Balkan boy and we still joke around some questionable stuff every once in a while because we’re a decade or so behind when it comes to progressiveness.

But can you actually show me some sexist stuff I posted?

Yeh, give me a second tho bro

There u go

If you’re going to make unfounded accusations you can’t complain about consequences posting ‘lies’ and ‘edited footage’ about your community.

I mean you could, but that’s pretty hypocritical.

I refer back to the Khalgosh arc.

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And what sexist things did I post as Khalgosh? I said people who promote violence or bullying towards others deserve to get cancelled/doxxed.

Perhaps an extremist opinion, but I think you’ll find a lot of people agree with that.

I can’t tell if you are trolling or you are just an absolute binkus

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