🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

And why’s that? I’m being accused of things, I’m denying them and asking for proof, and I’m getting none. What exactly is the winning move here? I guess I could just bail out of the thread but then you’d see it as guilt either way.

No, because you are claiming that calling someone bald is body shaming and that being called an incel is sexist (which is ironic from you)

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Guess u don’t want to remain Kellduril the elfposter anymore then

Or does it not count as bullying when someone goes out of their way to drag down/attempt to destroy/basically harass someone you don’t like?

I’m more unnerved about the “its okay to dox people who are bullies”

Like WTF dude…

You realise they’re trying to pin the blame of some Reddit account’s posts on me, right? Isn’t that doxxing?

Isn’t it rather ironic that they give me :poop: for saying doxxing bullies is okay, then do it themselves?

r/mgtow hahahahhaha

imagine unironically posting on there

that’s not what doxxing means no

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Is the reddit poster using their real name?

Is their address there?

is there anyway you can track this reddit poster to where they live?

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I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt Kellduril. You’re upset. You’re angry. You don’t like these accusations put towards you and that’s justifiable honestly, I wouldn’t wanna be associated with those things either.

But you are really digging a hole for yourself right now with quotes which look really bad. I know it’s stressful but just read and re-read the things you’re posting,

If they post personal information on that account? Definitely.

Tell me what I’m supposed to do, exactly.

If I stay silent = guilt, if I run away = he must’ve done it

Sure, but as tehya said above, what’s going on above isn’t doxxing.

being the operative word, and even then it isn’t doxxing.

Doxxing is specifically spreading the IRL info of someone, not linking them to a public account that they themselves might have posted their personal info on

perhaps if you don’t want to be linked to wacky things you say on the internet you might not want to post them on public platforms

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Take it slow. Give yourself a moment to think before hitting that reply. Saying things like “bullies deserved to be doxxed”

And nah, I’m not on about staying silent or running, just really think if the things you’re putting out here are viewpoints you wanna share, you know?

I hope this was a joke, COAD has less substance and evidence to it than worst of buzzfeed.

There’s no point denying that, I did say it ( a year ago or so ).

And a random Reddit account is evidence?

I’m giving it the same doubt as I tend to give to COAD articles. Best not bring it up here as they’re infamous for taking things out of context in an attempt to frame people.

i like how you at no point in this have directly said that it isn’t yours, only alluded to it being supposedly questionable

it’s almost like there’s a part of your mind that’s disinclined to flat-out say it isn’t yours because that conflicts with the truth it knows

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The account is banned. I just checked it. I can post on Reddit, which proves it’s not mine. ( Reddit signature bans ) Tell me a thread you want me to post in and I will.

God please bro please stop posting.

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I dunno, I personally’d flat-out say it wasn’t mine if I was in that position, given how drastically the views differ from my own.


Right? Reasonably, anyone who isn’t the owner of that account would immediately and firmly say so before someone points out that they’ve strangely enough not done that.