🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

I don’t need to say it, I can prove it’s not mine.

By all means

I think doxxing people either way is extreme, but u clearly think it’s an acceptable way of dealing with people who u feel are “bullying” u.
And I think u should honestly maybe, change that statement of yours. If u think doxxing is acceptable, some may believe doxxing u is just as within line.

I misunderstood. Oops.
Apologies, got a bit of the flu and I’m on the sleepy side of things atthe moment.

SUrely one’s morals are not bound by those of people he disagrees with. If you think making fun of someone’s nose is the worst thing ever, you won’t do it even if someone does it for you.


Leads to a banned account. I have a reddit account that is not banned and I can post on it, meaning the original one isn’t mine or I somehow tricked Reddit.

I appreciate how this guild thread apparently turned into frickposting central. Ironic, but reminds me that we’re off-topic here.

Can you tell me friend;

Joining a guild and stoking the flames against the guild leader in an alternative guild discord where you invite his members, pushing them to try and replace him -

Is “not intending to harm”?

I feel like you are looking at the situation with rose tinted glasses. I have been partially caught in the storm of the situation due to the specific people involved and I can tell you it was maddened OOC drama, hatred and conspiracy unleashed on someone I have learned to know as friendly and good-willing.

That is far, far from “not intending to harm”.


Hitler also raised a country from nothingness and made it a world power. Your move, gays.

My man you make some weird comments.


God that’s disgusting

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Goes hand in hand with the amount of racist, sexist, homophobic stuff he posts other places.

What event? I’m curious as I’ve never been to any of Blithere’s events!

I have to know. Is that the actual name of it. Please, tell me.

There was a 1v1 tournament one year or so ago in the Twilight Highlands, which I won. After that I noticed a dramatic increase in PCU hostility towards me. I guess someone was really upset about it.

Ah, that’s just the usual response to dueling a demon hunter then. :joy:

DH loses to a lot of classes 1v1. I beat a Rogue, too, I don’t think that’s supposed to happen.

As I recall, I fought a Shadow Priest, UH DK, Sub Rogue and an Arcane Mage

In open area without pillars, you definitely should win. They cannot reset if you spectral sight and they have nothing to hide behind. Resetting is the win condition for rogue-dh 1v1s.

Back in BfA DH was winning against all of these 1v1 by default, I think. The class was strong back then.

Smoke bomb, Blind, Vanish

Those should be enough to destroy a class that has no damage reduction while stunned and 0 healing while Evasion is up

Weren’t you able to just use the magical stun and keep pumping into them for four seconds? From what I’ve seen, the only way rogues were 1v1ing DHs back then was pretty much running around the pillars and getting consistent resets. A class that keeps randomly dodging stuff every 6 seconds, has crazy leech whenever they get uptime on you and consistently pressures you down is hard to deal with. Maybe a multi rank1 rogue could deal with a 1600 demon hunter with gear advantage, but let’s not pretend this wasn’t a matchup heavily in favour of the DH.

You’re thinking of arena, where those 2 use different builds, probably burned their cds to deal with the healers and there’s a convenient ‘no eating’ rule that stops DH from doing any healing while Rogue just stealths around the pillar.

Once a DH has his trinket on CD a Rogue shouldn’t lose.

A class that keeps randomly dodging stuff every 6 seconds

If it’s 6 seconds it’s not random. You just Kidney after it’s done.

Fairly sure Rogue can use Stealth abilities immediately after being unstealthed.

Sure, they can do so for 3 seconds, but if you were found immediately after stealthing as you attempted to reset DRs before next go and then end up being pressured down by a DH, it’s for sure not a good position to be in. A DH in the open more or less means the rogue won’t be able to wait for, say, stun DR, or any of their cds.

How the turn tables.

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