🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

Not receiving gold from a roleplay tournament is not a scam lol.

Fel green sus


I think us all going; “this’ll be good” when seeing her typing probably scared her off.

Yes, Blizzard. Your lore update will be good. We all await the new lore clarifications and cosmic update.

(Think it will work?)

Anyone else missing level 60 classic Khalgosh posting about doxing and male opression


he called you an OOCer who v rarely RPs yes.

where’s the lie?

[watches u quietly drop the weird scam angle]


I don’t want to be drowned…


There’s nothing to drop, next time you hold out a tournament you can try not giving out the prize and see what happens.

In the fact that I was not an OOCer. And you know this. You literally saw that I even used an Alliance char to roleplay my Demon Hunter on that side, in a RP guild.

I don’t know why you feel the need to lie to build an argument.

Scamming, according to Blizzard’s own description of it is as following.

“A scam is the act of acquiring items or any other possession from another player through misinformation, confusion, or fraud. Confirmed scammers risk account suspension or closure. Take appropriate measures to protect yourself, as restoration is not guaranteed.”


(hope so, I really did want to see what she was going to post)

Doesnt make it a scam you walnut


I will give you 5k if you can geniuenly show me someone getting actioned for “scamming” if they dont give out gold after a rp tournament.

Anyone else waiting for Chiels reply? They where clearly here and writing not long ago :pensive:

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Nobody cares that you join RP PvP events with a thin veil of TRP3 to have some fun lol you are disliked because of the things you posted on Khalgosh mostly


Dont scare them…

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What’re you gonna do, doxx someone?


The only person who cares about him joining the tournament is him. So much so that he keeps bringing it up!

About the RP tournament scam thing… how does Blizzard view not giving someone their share in gold boosting? I’d see this as similar since in both cases, the person was meant to receive X amount of gold for doing something in-game and the terms weren’t met.

Too late. Elvis has left the building.

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