🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

Linked it above.

Essentially, it is only counted as a scam if you aquire an item.


Difference is that the RP performance can totally just be withheld money (wholly in-game) for IC reasons. That’s a can of worms no GM would want to open, I reckon.


Nothing would happen, I can very safely say.

The simple truth is that at no point was anyone:
A: obligated to let you participate
B: obligated to give you the prize money

they did so anyway
so i’m not sure why you pretend it was some epic heist you got away with

I do? If we go off the things I know I’d say you’re a pure OOCer who hasn’t RP’d a day in his life, because I have never ever seen you RP to the best of my memory

Your boy Tehya was observant enough to know I had a Human character on Alliance that I used to cross faction RP, I think we both know that’s another lie.

Surely I would’ve, by now, if that was the plan?

Of course it’s scamming. You promise X thing to someone and then don’t hold out your end. This is just like when they were trying to argue bald shaming isn’t body shaming. Rule lawyering to defend a really weird stance.

I think Koiffen summed it up rly nicely there is a difference in saying “I will perform this boost action for X amount of gold” and role play I guess


boosting provides an actual (dumb lol!) service, unlike participating in a tournament.



They dont really step in unless items were involved. And then at best they take away the gold or item from the offender. But the victim doesnt get anything back often.

Fair enough, that does make sense!

Yeah okay then you must take Loyalist man XY to the court I guess lol or do you think the actions of a role play character are legally/ terms-of-service-binding to the player behind the screen

Why do you even weirdly argue about it you were given the gold


Can i demand gold for boosting people IC? (Like give their characters power)

You’re not owed money for an RP performance.

But you’re free to contribute to Perroy’s Patreon for the service of running those campaigns you attended. :smirk:


Doing something IC/in RP doesn’t let you break the game rules, just like how saying something sexist IC would still make you eligible for punishment by Blizzard.

Oh, it’s not. Blithere was 100% cool. The weird part is where I find out months later that a bunch of you are angry about me winning. Whatever your reasons are, you could’ve talked to me about it instead of talking behind my back and stewing in salt for months.


That’s how I’ll start this. I’m glad this has been sent to Customer Support, I was going to do the same just to lock it in place seeing as:


Well, yeah. Apparently I don’t have permission to delete my own original post even.

I’ll start by doing something I don’t think most expected:

I’m sorry.

Well, to a degree, at least.

I’m sorry to the server for having to witness this, and I’m sorry to my Guild that I even potentially dragged them through the dirt on my own selfishness here.

I’m sorry to the new players and that I haven’t exactly helped the toxicity on Argent Dawn.

I’m not sorry to the PCU - no, actually, I am. I’m sorry to the people within the PCU who have had nothing to do with this, who have had themselves dragged through the dirt based on a few minor players within that I feel ruined things within the community. I don’t harbor ill will to the PCU on a whole, only certain people within it.

Alright, now that’s done, I’ll make a master post on a lot of things. Where people decide to go with it and who they decide to believe entirely depends on them. I mean, 800+ posts, is a lot to wrap my head around.

I never intended to infiltrate on an OOC level, but I’ve already covered that.

So, the rest of it, then.

I agree in that every GM should have the right to say yes or no to who they want in their Guild. It’s a basic GM’s right. They don’t even have to explain why. But as Trautfizzle/Bettiboom has said, that wasn’t the issue here. He would have said yes to me had I approached him straight-up on face value. My concern as to why this was not done was people I RP’d with on Kweezlet changing their IC based on knowing it was me OOC. I didn’t want that potential change. It’s why I ‘hid my identity’.

What this stems down to is if you do or don’t agree if it is morally a good or bad thing to conduct this and hide who you are from others on the internet.

If you think what I did is wrong, that’s your opinion, I won’t try to convince you otherwise. You’re within your right to have that opinion. But I won’t say I agree with you, and I won’t apologize for something I believe I didn’t do wrong. I believe I definitely did wrong in how I handled the situation both here and outside of it, but I don’t believe hiding who you are so people treat your character equally IC is wrong in itself.

This WAS something I tried to explain to Perroy, but I didn’t get very far in it.


This is only a segment of the conversation, to add.

As Jekle has said, we actually do still exist as a community, just not one that remains on WoW. I believe the Guild is actually still in game but it’s not one I host. Which reminds me that before my sub actually runs out, I need to transfer ownership over in full.

Now, on the topic of ownership, we have always had this rule:


This is a copy from our personal Enjin in which our OOC rules still exist if you delve in far enough. Fairly certain I deleted them from public places with the new year revamp.

Where the issue therein stems from is in members of the community assuming we conducted ownership RP in the building, or buildings, we used. There are two floors, downstairs, and upper, for our main bar. We used the upstairs as a form of office in which we’d conduct nefarious crime related conversations, but not all the time. Certain individuals expressed distaste towards this, and myself and Perroy actually came together and collaborated in a way in which we could move past this and not deny players the use of upstairs when we were or weren’t using the bar. It was a pretty decent conversation. I won’t send all of it, the only thing that’s really important is that it ended in this:


So we freed up the upstairs. Unfortunately, this wasn’t quite relayed to others who assumed we still blocked off the upstairs. We didn’t, and even in the end of the Guild’s lifespan the upstairs was customer open. We never then locked it off again, I’m not sure how or why that was assumed.

I have truly no intention of returning to WoW. This game’s sapped up more of my life than I care to admit, and all of my care, so any form of victim play or pity posting would truly be useless. I won’t even return on an alt account. I have no investment or will or want. But feel free to @ me if that changes.

I will also say that BB didn’t ignore us when the Kweezlet situation happened, they were still amicable, and for that I’m really thankful. I’m not sure how or who or what was said to imply that they ignored us, they never did, even after what was done. This is respectful in itself, and even admirable.

The situation in which someone was kicked from PCU discord, or a few someones, I referred to Lisette and Stel and also Kitahni.


Anyway, the point is, I don’t think I’m a victim in the slightest. I brought this on myself. I’m admitting I did some bad things even. Just not for what people think.

The whole reason I posted what I did is because I am an honest person, to a fault. Two years of holding back a lot of how I feel built up to, as Dari said, a lot of bitterness, anger, and hatred. Just not again for the situations stated. Overall and generally speaking it built up. I won’t go into the ‘did I metagame on Sixty’ situation because I still to this day don’t think I did, but I do think trying to take players from Sixty was an immature way of responding to a guild kick. Look, I’m admitting I did something wrong! Though this was a long long time ago. Really, long before this Kweezlet situation came up.

I even admitted when I was kicked from BB to a few people that I was planning on leaving in that week anyway on IC. Kweezlet was already helping out a different sector of the Battalion and with his friends all leaving he had no reason to really stay. I just didn’t manage to quit before I was kicked. I almost wish I had.


Oh, and to clarify some other minor things that really don’t matter in context of what went down:
It wasn’t a Discord server, it was a Discord Group.
Yes, it was called Chiel’s Simp Initiative, and it was an ironic title. It actually went through some other equally cringey yet amusing (at least to us) names.


Anyway, this is becoming an incredibly long reply, and there would be a lot I could cover in replies placed here to say what did or didn’t happen, but then this post would be twice the size, and I figure my Discord is here for those who have explicit questions on anything further.

I suppose I’ll only end it in this:
Every community has some bad eggs in it. It doesn’t truly matter the size, but the bigger, the likely more. And bad eggs have the loudest voices. This in essence is why I disagree even with Lilynore and how she has handled things regarding whatever the hell it was she actually went through. Tarring everyone with the same brush in a community isn’t a way to combat it. You include the innocent in it when you do something like that too. I don’t believe the PCU is some hellbent evil, but I do believe that those in which that contribute to that identity don’t have much done about them. Not as much as should be done. And I believe due to what the PCU has been through regarding players on the server means that it is very easy to have a negative outlook on a players intentions when they do attempt to assimilate themselves into a Guild of theirs and hide their identity no matter what the reason, even if anything nefarious or hostile was never the true intention. I still have friends who are in the PCU, somehow. I’m not going to call them bad people for that or hate them because they are. I think some of them are exceptional, and truly wonderful.

Now please, God, someone lock this damned thread already.


you are as far as i can tell the only one that’s upset about you winning that tournament


what does this have to do with people not caring about you joining rp-pvp events? You are going absolutely crazy posting right now calling everything a lie, making your hairline recede even further for every post.

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Ah yes, nothing like some more bodyshaming.

“Im sorry I got caught”


Give us a mo until our boy Kellduril loses his spotlight…

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Morsteth once swore to kill my character ic and my character is not dead i feel scammed and would like compensation of 1 squillion gold thank you.

I’m fairly sure the reward prize money was mentioned OOC as well.

But it’s really telling that you think it would’ve been acceptable to not pay the promised prize.