🍸 [DISBANDED] The Family and Companies: Closed for Business! - Criminal Guild

They are very cool.


Missed last night’s stream? Not to worry, you can still find it here!

EDIT: Oh, wow, I’m finally allowed to post external links! Thanks, Blizz’!


The closed signs have been removed from the shop and bar.

We’re back from a two-week campaign and open for business again! Thanks to everyone who joined us as we sailed from place to place and “borrowed” from the locals. :eyes:

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A sign has been posted up on the bar and shop doors. Not the boats, however. It reads:

We are away in Zandalar on deliveries from the 2nd - 6th. Please stop by to make purchases and orders beyond then, from the 7th onwards, where we will open normally.

~Chiel Nightfall

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Both signs about their absence have now been removed.

We’re back from Zandalar after a successful smuggling operation few deliveries! With roleplay steadily returning to Orgrimmar, you can expect to find us at our usual haunts in Orgrimmar and Bilgewater Harbor.

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The explosion rocked the Harbour. Yet for all of it’s denizens, this was not, admittedly, unusual. The collapsing building by the bar was likely one nobody cared about. Still, for those in front of it, it was a grizzly scene. A black haired elf reached out to the door, to the person behind, face white with terror as she cringed away from the sudden heat of it all, a silent scream melting into nothing as the explosion would drown it out. She stumbled, falling backwards whilst clinging to a corgi from the same place that had just gone up in flames. A goblin outside, pushed from the explosion as it went up, ducked around a corner away from the heat, to huddle at the wall, terrified. For the one inside, she was not as lucky. As the bomb had gone off, she had yelled one, simple word,


And stood her ground. For as long as was necessary. For as long as her body could withstand the explosion, she stood, getting thrown from the building and buried in rubble as her back was torn apart. Jekle, the goblin, cursed avidly. The forsaken who had sacrificed herself for him lay by his feet. Haliae, the elf, cried out, eyes wide in horror at the scene. In desperation, the two moved to try to free her, beneath the burning embers of the building. The little dog was dropped by Haliae, the corgi whimpering and scampering off.

“Deo’… Deo’…” Haliae sobbed, low, murmured, and shaking. But there was no reply. The various metal plates that had been holding the forsaken together were now visible and hot from the blast, her armour in pieces, her body, broken. And yet the elf still tried to pull her from the rubble. Her voice was desperate, choked.

“Deo’… Deo’, can you hear me?!”

But there was just no reply.

Tonight we say an IC goodbye to one of our Sisters, Deoiridh! She will remain in the guild on her alt, but due to circumstances at one of our events tonight, her character has taken an unfortunate death. We will love her and miss her dearly, and of course, she’ll be added to our In Memoriam to be forever remembered. :blue_heart:


What, Deo noooooooo!

I will drink to her next time I grab a mug :beers:


My Deo dying was such a sad moment, even though it was two weeks ago now I still feel sad about it at times xD.

I could not have had a better ending I feel though, it was great and completely in the moment which makes it so much better. Nothing about it was planned.

This guild, its members and the friends we make along the way are amazing and I love them all. I hope we will get more lovely people to join our growing little community <3


Somewhere, a carpet gremlin emerges, dusts away some flies and cobwebs, and crawls out of the thread, before moving back to his cellar.

Spring cleaning of this forum post is now done! I hope the decluttering will be welcome to all!

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The bar doors are closed, windows boarded, sign dusty. A goblin rushes by, places a sign atop the door, and then leaves.

Kindred Spirits is closed until further notice due to an ongoing gnome menace! This will be removed when there is no more gnome-doom!

The sign itself isn’t in any worker’s handwriting, and the text seems… off. Likely the goblin placing it wrote it himself.


With the end of Bilgewater Harbor’s alleged gnome menace, the sign on the door and the boards covering the windows have been removed, and the bar’s been cleaned of its build-up of dust.

We’re back in business!

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Notes have been tacked to the warehouse, shop and boat doors: Indefinitely out of business. For questions, address a letter to the Kindred Spirits bar, 03 Bilgewater Harbor.

A similar one’s been hung on the bar door: Indefinitely out of business. For questions, leave a letter.


It’s hard to say goodbye, and this one is really hard. Especially with so much attached to it.

I am indefinitely quitting WoW. In fact, most of the Guild are.

Argent Dawn is too inhospitable an environment to survive in.

It’s a sad truth that has been escalating further in recent times despite the release of a rather awesome expansion. But myself quitting and the guild’s departure runs far far deeper.

For two years I’ve ran The Family with Kaziik/Ireshka at the head for the first year. For four years, I’ve been RPing. There is always an inevitable point where we have to quit, pack up, and move on with our lives.

I joined Argent Dawn in a terrible position. I had some severe mental disorders. I’d quite often get messaged from concerned friends with how late I’d stay up in the mornings doing nothing but RPing, dedicating myself to a virtual reality because my real life was so messed up it was all I could do to escape into it. This is unfortunately a rather common sentiment on Argent Dawn and one I’ve ran into with many other RPers.

Yet, as I type this, I’m in a great place. I couldn’t be happier. I have a stable job, a loving home and family life, and a great social network. I haven’t had any awful days for a long, long time now.

So this is the point where inhospitality aside I’ve found myself turning around and enjoying life for what it is. Enjoying just… living.

I’m abandoning RP, because I want to focus on making my real self my main character.

The way it should be.

That’s not to say I never enjoyed this. I’ve learned a hell of a lot from this, and I’ve only grown as a leader, to the point where my real job has grown in leaps and bounds simply because I’ve taught myself as a GM how to handle people - and now I’m teaching people beneath me in the real working world.

To go back into our position on Argent Dawn. Without naming certain groups of people, there comes a time where you have to say enough is enough. And unfortunately, when one particular group (this goes for any RP community) dominates RP as a whole, and as an entity, this creates a rather awful situation and is often the death of RP. Even worse, one of the worst evils is to sit down and say nothing when other atrocities are committed. And I can’t sit down and say nothing to save face and to make sure my Guild doesn’t get heckled off the server any longer. I’m refusing to name and shame, but those who know me will know precisely the situation I am on about. I can only thank those within the groups who supported me no matter what happened. I made some rather wonderful friends, and would never judge people based on where they lay their allegiance. I would judge them based on how they reacted to the situations they were presented in some critical times. Some of which were rather cowardly. Those who found themselves being cowards then found themselves ostracized: and nobody defends cowards. Why would they, when the cowards never defended them?

I’m going on a tangent. Regardless, I’m gone. I don’t really care how out of hand this thread gets from anything I’ve said here because I have absolutely 0 intentions of returning to WoW to RP. I will at least admit that I also RP and play Ninmi for those who stalked the forums at any point and read certain posts.

Anyway, we’ll still be here, just not on WoW. Many of us in the Guild are sticking around as a community and gaming together. Any plots you had with The Family, consider them gone, or pursue them with the rare few that are sticking around. I’d recommend Kylerane. I believe she’s one of the only one’s actually staying on her Family character.

No matter where you go and what you do: thank you for participating with us in the stories we made. We could not have done this without the support of the community. Because RP isn’t about creating great stories…

It’s about creating good stories together.

Want to stay in touch? Here’s my Discord, too: Treasure Key#0001


I checked the AA earlier and was so sad to see the disbanded tag. I always did - and always will - think of you guys as great people with a great guild and I’m sad to see it disband. Yet it’s understandable to finally quit and I’m happy to hear you’re doing much better! The state of RP is… something, I do agree with that. But I digress. It’s great to hear you’re doing better, the guild was amazing to see around and I hope all the best for you and the future. Take care <3


I think this is the only thing that truly matters in this post. Mental health is incredibly serious, and taking the necessary measures to not only improve but preserve it is admirable.


I think if your guild/rp requires you attempt to infiltrate other guilds to coup/co-opt them then maybe the ‘monopoly on rp’ isn’t the main issue you’re facing.

All the best, at any rate.


I wanted to reply to this, it made me laugh so thanks! But uhm… What gave you the idea that our guild had infiltration as its main theme? We have rarely infiltrated guilds if ever and all our conflict RP was done with significant amounts of discussion between the two sides to make sure its all good and fun for everyone.

So uhh yeah… I got no clue what gave you such a flawed idea of our guild >.>

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Seconding this one. It’s not my place to comment on the rest of the post, BUT:

I hope your upwards trend of good fortune IRL continues indefinitely, OP. If it’s what you felt you needed to do, then more power to you.

Take it easy, and all the best wherever you go in future =]


I’m sure it didn’t, but some of your members including Chiel if I remember rightly tried to do exactly that, to what end I am not sure; and I believe it was entirely OOC motivated so nothing to do with the guild theme.


[Several people are typing…]


Since we’re in the business of thinly veiled jabs, I won’t name any names but I think that being in the business of making a new account + discord in order to infiltrate and play mindgames with a guild you percieve as your rivals only to then months later disband your guild claiming they’re the ones who “forced you out” is exactly the kind of behavioir that is further dividing this already very divided server.

AD deserves better than this sort of ridiculous behaviour.