I’ve seen this whole dance in PvE & PvP before.
If they’re not omegasupertier-sssss++++++++++++++++++++ they need buffs because they’re the worst healer if they’re not omegasupertier-sssss++++++++++++++++++++.
I’ve seen this whole dance in PvE & PvP before.
If they’re not omegasupertier-sssss++++++++++++++++++++ they need buffs because they’re the worst healer if they’re not omegasupertier-sssss++++++++++++++++++++.
nerf Disc by a tiny bit
Buff MW and Holy Priest
Holy Priest needs more mana
A buff too Heal (cast a spell should be most rewardet)
A slight damage buff
you can MD it btw.
How? it is strong but you can counter play around it more than any other spell in game
-First of all post with main character.
-Second do you see hatred in your words… you want resto druid weak? but who are you to want? We even dont know on which ratting you played or play.
Third: no one there want Disc priest to be destroyed, they still need to be competivie and deserve it, but not competive in degree that anyone other have no chance.
Fourth: All healers deserve equal chance to be competive there shoud no place for something like God Tier if game want to be respected E-Sport
Literally those disc defensives are the problem + dmg
Yesterday I did some 2vs2 with my mate.
I was playing rdruid and I never seen smth like that. Im free casting in brokoli form and WW + disc just took down my dps, literally all hots rolling spamming heals, HP just slowly went to 0.
Not sure what I could do there.
Only way I found out to kinda counter heal is with Nourishment and the other hero talent tree. You can easily get to 800k hps with it, however you will burn through your mana sadly.
However the best strategie is actually not playing 2s unless you are a disc. 2s is their bracket now. It finally happend they won the whole bracket
2 min cd vs spammable spell. Can’t dispel if it’s on me. Fade means they just recast it, unlike other healers CCs. If I MD someone else that gets cycloned, they can just recast it instantly again.
Yeah. It’s ridiculous to have a CC with no CD on a healer.
Hpala and Disc are also better equipped for the insane burst DPS “some” classes can putout. Nerf these 2 melee DPS classes and other healers will start to climb.
Hmm thanks. I will have to try it, cos I feel like I need some extra tips how to deal with it.
Yeah the trees are nice for overall healing, but they cant handle the constant spikes sadly.
Had the same situation recently. All hots, bark skin and treeform free casting and couldnt move the hp bar at all. So i was like screw it, just playing max single target output now
Cheers mate.
I managed to talk in my mate to give a try for wow pvp. Atm Im failing to keep him interested to play arenas. I will try my best to min/max my character so we can have some fun.
Feel you. I don’t mind losing games as a healer in 3s cause it’s fun practice to have a uphill battle, but I imagine for non meta dps it’s frustrating.
2s is however even as a healer too cursed of a bracket nowadays
Currently resto durid is so weak that you feel weaknes, you are tied to spam regrowth, even being in tree not provide any respite from preassure, we dont have a single healing ability without flaw… There is no button you can press to say, now my mates gonna be ok for few second… I offen had situation when my fully hoted and ironbarked target die because damage bypass hots since there is no HP hots can chew on. And basicly games with mates who not use defensives or not use them proper are automatic loses.
Entire game is spend into panic healing and desperate attempts to clone someone to relief preassure, which can easy get counterplayed. Than you look enemy disc priest how heal with ease, into his mistake forgiving world and in same time doing awesome damage and game litteraly feels for you 3 vs 4
He is newish player. He rolled BM hunt, I did suggest it. We did hit a brick wall at 1350 rating. Im no pro on rdruid, best what I had is 2300 rating on dudu and it feels like I have to min/max - seek for more info, how to carry my mate a lil bit higher.
Thanks for input fellas.
Which also only works if you have all hots running.
Currently druid just wastes too many globals compared to other caster. When iam on my Pally, its max 1 global to set up a big heal, while druid sometimes needs to press 3-5 buttons before you can even start to get some big direct heals out.
Even worse a holy shock outscales a regrowth by far.
Even as prevoker were you need to also have some set up as healing, it feels alot better as even the prepartion spells do big chuncks of healing. Doing verdant into echo breath feels a lot better than 3xbloom into reju into reju into ward into swiftment into regrowth
I wish druids had more ways to apply multiple hots at the same time like shadows do with their dots / protect them better / extend their duration more often
And almost anyone have dispel… bye bye all your globals in purge mechanic… Will see how we gonna preform after 23. october, they are resolving mindless dispell spam on us with reworked reactive resin.
Love how dispelling unstable kills you but purging a druids most important hot slows you by 30%…
They reworking it… you wont get 30% slow for purging anymore, but dispeled hots will covert into undispelable hots which stacks if purge spam fest occour.
Being purged is one thing, when enemy skill play to dispel key hots and stuff this is skill play, problem is purge abusal, when people press 100x times per game dispell button completly negating you, for that we finaly get some protection, will see how it work in reallity.
So basicly dispeling druid spell in right moment gonna be rewarded as usual, which shoud. be like that But head smashing dispell button wont, which was goal.
Disc is the only healer with interesting gameplay. No wonder ppl always gladly jump it when its B+. But I dont think its the best healer at all. Imo healers just dont have interesting fantasy or gameplay.