Disconnecting all the time (WOW51900323) [09/12]

Same issue here, error code and now its unplayable, even uninstalled the game and the client still wants to update the uninstalled game, facepalm

its just again an unfinished an full of bugs addon! give me back my money!

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blizz blue post pls…

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I believe after reading what somebody said about the memory of ysera transmog that the DC bug is related to it or its art assets.

You do not need to wear the transmog to DC. its enough the game renders it. Getting close to somebody wearing it or try view it on yourself in the transmog wrists tab and you will dc after a couple of seconds.


Same issue. get disconnected every 5 seconds or so.
Only seems to happen outside the seal of the aspects area.
Flew an alt in there and the same thing happened.

Did that, its something blizzard f in game without testing with the update, its not repair issue
also deleted wtf and addons folder so its not that too. Just Valdrakken has an in game issue

I have the same problem :sob:

i transmoged my ysera wristband just when it happened so, might be something with that!

other capital citys too i was just in SW and i kep dcing all the time 5 sec after log on

Tbh how i expect u to not to make the same problems every year for the last 15 years is beyond me, everytime u touch something u break it, with the rising cost of stuff and not being able to play for over aweek due to ur ISSUES (lag, broken quests, broken skills, constant dc’s the list is endless) is a total joke!!!

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it seems disconnecting all over the place, not nessesary to be in the capital

Hey, just took my wrist piece off, which was transmog in “Memory of Ysera”, and the game is now playable. I am in a non-crowded area. Will edit if some problem comes back.

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Hello again,

I don’t have a whole lot of info, but just a quick update to say this is likely going to take some time to resolve.

Current plan is to revert some recent changes suspected to be the cause. Breaking news should be posted soon and maintenance starting shortly.

Apologies for the inconvenience, and hopefully we’ll be able to make quick progress on this!

Edit to also plug our CS Twitter account, where you can get notified about service issues like this as well:


Any refund?

“Breaking news” aww thats cute

yeah close the game for a hour or more like you used to do in the past at least then issues were fixed now keeping the game open while its unplayable is not reasonable. you know full well that peeps will keep trying to log on. just close the game and fix this issue

It has nothing to do with transmog. I just get disconnected 5 seconds after logging in. Doesn’t matter what character or where it is.

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true goblin

yep same here :frowning:

Just for info, I was also experiencing the issue, it started when we gathered a lot of players at the same place to defeat the molten giant rare near the Obsidian Citadel. We defeated him (with difficulties, as we kept being disconnected), and now that he’s dead and everyone left the area it seems to be working properly again.

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