Not true. Badly effects Stormwind.
I cant even launch the game now i click on “update” but it then starts scanning and then at 100 % i get the message " oops something broke, try again later…" nice
this has just started happening for me as well started while in azure strand managed to get the capital but still happening and all in the last 30 minutes
It’s happening to me and other payers as well on Draenor WOW51900323
I have to report the same problem. Server Drak’thul, everything started happening after the 9.12 maintenance. Mostly it happens in the Backenhide Hollow area.
Same issue here, constant disconnects since server restarts this morning.
Same issue for me on Silvermoon, as soon as I hit the grand hunt area in Waking Shores I get disconnected instantly
I had the same problem until I switched Zones. I went from Valdrakken to Waking Shores and it stopped when I went back to Valdrakken after that.
I hope this helps and fly safe out there
i have a theory. i got constantly dced when i was in valdrakken and it stopped after i left the city, so after i left the city i joined a bg and the same thing happend there for everyone. i think its probably a bugged item that makes everyone dc which happend in the beta alot
It doesn’t only affect Valdrakken. It happens in the other zones as well^^
like i said, it also happend when i joined a bg everyone got dced
In Obsidian, all of us every few seconds disconnects, its ridicolous… thank god its a free game, right ?
When I was finishing up in Azure Span I “only” dc’d 3-4 times in maybe 30 mins, but after doing the into quest in Valdrakken where you investigate clues I can’t even log in and it dc’s me straight away again. Every single time I try…
How about you hire some people that actually knows what they are doing Blizzard???
discconects one by one
starting to regret coming back to wow -.- £50 expansion + £10 a month for a subscription just to disconnect, lag and the insane amount of bugs/lua errors etc.
and know we can’t even play. GJ
Same issue here. When i log in and i got disconect after i press anything. Error wow51900323
Same thing happening for me.
Same issue, randomly dc’d to now being unable to log in without being dc’d again 5s later
For those of you that can atleast launch the game and get to character screen have blizzard acknowledged that they are aware of the issues with a message ?
It seems clearing cache folder and scan/repair fixed the issue for me so far.