Disconnects, login issues and gamefreeze

My game downloaded the latests gameupdate files and after that I cannot log into the game on some charaters, every time when I change zones (via portals) the game loads halfway and I eventually get the WOW51900319. If I Alt-F4 and log in again the char sometimes loads and if it does its now in the location I intended to go.
I have no problem accessing or using internet or any other online games.

update: I have tried with another ISP now too and still the same problem.

Same issues here with myself and a few of my guildies.

I’m having a lot of random disconnects, slow loading screens and never ending loading screens. This problem started today.

Edit: also black character screens

Hello, are you all from norway? I and several others are, and the only solution to this is to buy VPN change from diff companies// Etc Nordvpn. Change your vpn to sweden and reply here with feedback

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