No official response for major-impact issue

Want to shed a light to the large quantity of posts regarding freeze/stuck issues in loading screens happening after last patch (both on Wotlk and Retail).

Searching for an official answer and solution, and not some auto-generated response or first-line tech-support stating “It’s addon related problems”.

Linking several topics that seems to be the same issue:


Any chance you are from Norway, @Albusmors?

I found in one of the threads that people discovered they were all from Norway and have this issue. I have it and I’m from NOR as well.

I’m not 100% sure only norwegians are affected by this - but people reported that using VPN and relocating country fixed it.

Yeah, I’m from Norway too :slight_smile:

I agree that it seems like Norway is highly affected. However there are some users from other countries also reporting similar issues (Sweden and also some Baltic countries I believe).

VPN has temporarily solved the issues for me too, however I have also submitted a support request and looking through the forums I decided to make a new post in this section, including linking several scattered forum threads and the forum thread.

At the moment there is only one response from Blizzard in the forums. That response indicates that the user should remove add-ons, reset interface/wtf folders etc. An OK first-response of course, but the users have replied with more information and their tests, and from that point the Blizzard replies went quiet.

As for the tech-support response (I also posted a tech-support request/bug-report), it seems impossible to actually get a response from a human, since the responses so far is obviously auto-generated due to the fact that they completely miss the facts provided in the initial request…

To summarize; I’m just trying to shed some light and hopefully someone at Blizz actually starts looking into the problem (instead of letting their chat-/supportbot generate auto-responses :face_in_clouds:)


Have people compared their ISP as well? Virgin Media used to cause gaming problems.


Yes, it is happening across several ISP’s. There has been some tracing done as well in the other threads.

The main issue right now is the lack of awareness from service provider (Blizz).

I got a reply from Blizzard CS Eu on Twitter stating that they were aware of the issue and investigating, but no ETA as of yet. Still strange they are completely mute about this on the forums, though.


“Hi, we’re aware and investigating, though no specific ETA at the moment. Thanks for taking the time to let us know, and hope it can be resolved soon!” - @BlizzardCSEU_EN on Twitter, 53 minutes ago


Great news!

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Official response for now, lets cross fingers:

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