The launcher stopped working and I couldn’t get it to work again, so I tried starting WoW with the WoW executable and I couldn’t. It says “Connecting …” then it disconnects, every time. Later, when I finally got the launcher working, I was able to play from the launcher without any connection problems. Is the game designed now so that it can’t be played without the launcher?
I’ve already written about that in Cannot log in to server, it disconnects immediately (BLZ51914003), got no replies still. It is a big inconvenience actually.
Thanks. It helps to know that I’m not alone. For me, the only reason that I was trying to start the game without the launcher was because I broke the launcher trying to fix the “We’ve detected a newer version of” problem. After I broke it, I couldn’t get it to work. In desperation I uninstalled it and removed everything I could find on my PC that had anything to do with it. Then when I tried to re-install it I kept getting a message saying that it couldn’t connect with the update server. After three or more hours of experimenting, I was finally able to get it to install by turning the VPN off to get past the 25% mark, and then back on for the rest of it. It was during that time that I tried to start the game without the launcher, and found out that I couldn’t.
Looking around, I see that other people have been having trouble with the launcher since a recent update, and that this has happened many times before after an update, without ever any helpful response from Blizzard, and no response from anyone that helps everyone. In this case I didn’t find any answer online that worked for me, but I was lucky enough to find my own answer by trial and error.
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