[Discussion] [H] [RP] The Horde RP scene

Welcome to the twilight zone.

Yeah. Because everything is subjective.

As far as “This person is a Second Life roleplayer” goes; I forget, did someone actually acuse anyone in particular? I was under the impression that the talking point there was the ability to spot one, and how that was just subjective and couldn’t be proven.

Going on the latter (and correct me if it was the former) - People always make subjective observations about someone else. That’s how we function as a species. I walk into a room, someone spots me, and they’re gonna think “Oh, that’s a guy who…” – Some people are able to more accurately determine someone in this way, on account of a more developed intuition, while a lot of people tend to get things terribly wrong, often in account of what this person thinks about themselves, I.E: “Oh, that person strongly dislikes me, what a jerk.”

Can someone spot a second-life character from miles away, as they hustle past you? Yeah. For sure. Pretty easily, really. It is harder to spot a night elf Erper than it is to spot one of these, and that should illustrate the low bar.

Should one jump to conclusions off of that and take drastic actions/make a fuzz over it? No, of course not. Nothing is confirmed. Everything is subjective.

The observation is still valid, the process is legit; going of on a crusade about it is not. Which, as I said previously, I don’t think has happened. Correct me if I missed something there.

Seeing as you spend most of your time posting cringe on the forums and cycling alts to bump your recruitment threads I can only assume your guild is dead as the novelty of dying repeatedly in Stormwind has worn off for the rest of your member base.

Of course, anyone could have foreseen this coming a mile away; your two options now are to 1. atone for your sins and humbly join a roleplaying guild or 2. slink off to some backwater pvp realm in the hopes that someone who can actually play the game carries you past 1.4k.

Good luck with the vocational diploma.

You can either choose to believe that a group of people are watching a thread so intently that they can organise multi-flagging on a single inane post in the 3 minutes it took him to attribute it to them.

Or you can believe he linked it in his discord as soon as he posted and replied after he saw it was hidden.

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Horde sucks these days, don’t be fooled, it’s not the better nor more mature faction, it’s thd faction that seems to attract the biggest wuantity of sweathard edgelords intent on turning roleplay into machiavellian play pen. All sides that have been involved in splitting it apart over the last expac are guilty, and it’s just not really a fun place to roleplay anymore with how sour the overall atmosphere feels, that’s my personal feelings to it anyway.


Calling the level 115 1 post person is gonna be called an altposter / forum ghost and not taken seriously.
But she’s kinda got the gist of it.

I’ve mostly gotten the opposite impression from playing on horde side. Pretty good quality stuff, held back by a low population. So there’s that.

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yeah, pretty much

If they had any stock to their opinions they wouldn’t hide behind an alt to do it

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wow based post stonetower you are extremely handsome and your cabinets smell of fresh mahogany


Nyaah…you’re not 120, nyaaah, that’s not your main! Nyaaah! That’s not relevant to your opinion but it still invalidates them, nyaah!

Totally not an alt-poster proving his point.

I was trying to be explicit that that was what I was doing.

It is true though :sunglasses:

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Well you got me there, lol

  • below 120
  • only 1 post (at time of posting)

yeah that’s an alt poster if I’ve ever seen one (also your alts are decked in slutmogs, pls fix)

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Glad we agree on this.

No one was accused in this particular thread but I take issue with it as an accusation, as it’s something founded entirely on subjective opinion and I believe that the stated methods of identifying a “Second Life roleplayer” (if a person reacts poorly IC and OOC when their character is put in a negative situation) are particularly loose and leave lots of room for mislabelling. I’ve spoken more on this above.

For that last bit in particular, I’m prone to not trust the intuition of people who slam down labels like “Second Life roleplayer.” I personally find the logic that they use in order to form that opinion about someone to be faulty, similar to how I find the logic of “this person cheers on the Burning of Teldrassil therefore they are alt-right” to be really weird.

I do not find the process of making the observation to be legit, which is why I am speaking out against it.


Fake news. Only my void elves are.

“not true but it’s true”

thanks for your input king

So is Kritzz your main, or the void elf in the slutmog?

The irony here is immense given then machivellian part of my comment.

Is this the power of Silverpain UwU roleplayers?

Not even as much as you as an individual player

Even then your opinions on someone being good / bad are entirely dependent on if they agree with you OOC on something entirely banal

Yeah I want to say that and you’re right that there is really no point. The context behind your posts here is that you roleplayed your super saiyan death knight killing the NPC guards of the Sludge Fields in a out-of-game 3am post and that is considered one of the keystone incidents of the BfA fiasco

Honestly please don’t convince yourself of this. It’s simply not true

That was my contention also. If you’re really reductionist about the “dude, how can you know the TRUTH …” shtick you can’t really know anything because its all just light beams entering your eyes or w/e


We do, yes :smile:

I’ll probably be on the same train if an accusation is made. Not really an issue if it hasn’t though.

I’m gonna take this one out of context, because it’s generally a good idea. Few people tend to have a good one, but at least it’s only really a problem when they lash out with it. A rusty rifle in the hands of a blind sniper, that one.

That sounds about right. While I agree overall, I’ll challenge that last one; The process is absolutely legit. It is the process of making an observation (but what process; No, like, that’s the process. The process of observation.)

A process of observation isn’t always correct, but the process itself is still legit. The ability of the person using it is enough of a variable that we should always question the result (but not the process)*

*A person can see exactly what they think they see, but the context of what they saw changes the result of their observation = Legit process, questionable result = subjective observation.