[Discussion] [H] [RP] The Horde RP scene

sorry I think you meant

:slight_smile: hypegang


:fox_face: gang

:skull: gang

its bound to happen, if you follow the schematic

Horde RP is really excellent for the most part, but I definitely think there’s a weird atmosphere on Horde. Mostly it seems to derive from a huge amount of OOC opprobrium between the PCU and people who dislike the PCU for one reason or another. I only came back to AD in 2018, but it seems as though there’s a long history of bad blood and feuding.

There are plenty of cool PCU people, but you do occasionally see one sneering about the idiot peons who aren’t smart enough to RP in the exact way they would prefer, which is a bad look. Likewise, some of their detractors are jerks or creeps.

Also the recent loyalist/rebellion split lead to a tonne of OOC frustration where both sides felt like the other side was powergaming, because (predictably) nobody wants to lose when they engage in adversarial world RP. Given the PCU was the most prominent part of the loyalist faction, that seemed to add fuel to the fire on the first point.

I saw a tonne of people complaining like, “the Rotgarde shouldn’t get to arrest people, that’s powergaming”, or “rebel RPers shouldn’t be allowed to escape when we arrest them, that’s powergaming”. It amounted to people who weren’t on friendly terms OOC doing super adversarial spontaneous roleplay with each other, and coming away with their feelings hurt.

I think RP that involves stakes or combat like that, you should probably hammer out the rules and terms beforehand. Otherwise it seems to devolve into a series of “nuh-uhs” or “I have a more powerful magic spell that stops your magic spell”, and nobody ends up happy.


That never happened but instead the opposite happened all the time, we made our characters act very stupid and Sunday morning cartoon villain-esque to let other characters escape again and again because the players complained OOC

I always do that


I saw it happen once or twice early in the expansion, but I’m glad things changed later on.

That’s odd to me, maybe a PCU member complained about his RP being effectively nullified because the elements / a hearthstone / his whacky IC officers told him to let it go (again)

But the official PCU officing team never accepts people getting angry loads over such things, that’s not in line with our understanding of RP conduct and I think we can pride ourselves with a community that you can RP @ from every angle and we never take it OOC


Is there something like this on Alliance?

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This is such a crazy fabrication lol

We actually went as far as specifically running DM’d (and fully NPC’d) events where imprisoned rebel characters would (for example) defeat the grunts guarding them and escape the clutches of the loyalists on several occasions. The loyalist side repeatedly contrived ways for our characters to fumble / lose in increasingly goofy ways until we hit a point where we just began to avoid a lot of it all together

This kind of disingenuous post - without any screenshots and posted on some random Alliance character - is exactly why there is bad blood

Yeah like me right now @ your post

I truly wish we had shown none of the courtesy we had because it was all thrown back in our faces. The moment we began avoiding some of these guilds was the moment they dropped from the dizzy peaks of up to 20 players online into the depths of inactivity. Should have dipped way sooner I think

The PCU has Alliance guilds for dwarves / gnomes (all kinds) and night elves / worgen ATM


It’s pretty crazy how the one thing they complained about most was also what kept their entire activity rolling, the plummet downwards was near-instant.


Honestly did not help that their GM kept on making statements about avoiding/ignoring the PCU but also rly quickly going to RP with the PCU. Makes things confusing, like are they ignoring you or are they rping with you?!?!?! seems to be both!


I only ever really saw people becoming exasperated at having to play cops and robbers with people who don’t really want to actually RP along with the idea that if one enters Orgrimmar at the height of the war and decries the warchief with a vile outburst, they might have some of her soldiers and admirers be looking for them.

The issue wasn’t with people escaping, or rebelling, or causing disrupt in the streets. The big annoyance came from the fact concessions were made near endlessly; and even then that wasn’t always accepted in good faith (escapes described by way of a 3am forum post update, or people saying that they were given no means to RP an escape at all when they were given a list…)


The day of the siege was fun. Guarding the PCU was weird… The amount of people that thought they could waltz in and just murder them was surprising…Sorry off topic.

I think that as mentioned before BfA opened up a ditch between the two main partys and then OOC claim and counter claim turned it in to the grand canyon. Now both sides are so entrenched on there side of the canyon (and given the horrendous things that where done OOC i can understand why), That bridging it will require more than either side is willing to put in to it. And so random RP has suffered, Knowing who you can talk to and who your “suppose to ignore” has completely poisoned the well to steal another’s wording.


The barricade was exciting, wasn’t it? A swarm of rebels and Saurfang loyalists baying for the blood of the Stygian Legion as we all closed ourselves in the barracks. I was enjoying myself, anyway.
Going straight for “we get in and kill them all” would have ruined all the tension, anyway.


Was a crazy day, definitely. Pretty telling too that one of the big leading characters on Loyalist side ended up dead, while the entire rebel side made it through the whole thing pretty much unharmed (despite being caputered twice and even starting a big fight in Orgrimmar for one of the rebel rp’ers). :thinking:


Sorry no idea what the barricade outside was like, i was upstairs guarding the final couple steps to where the guard was. It was mostly one man army’s i dealt with.

They lost belok… never forget… how she grinned while leaving him to die


I get what you mean op, I mostly rp on Alliance but I did some on Horde aswell and the contrast is huge, one of the few aspects of the game were blue team as a better time than their red counterpart.

As much as we like to make fun of Stormwind rp it is a big bubbly mess of people and potential interactions. If I want to just log on and do casual rp I can go to SW at any time of the day and find rp to engage in. When as in Orgrimmar people just sort of stick to themselves, of course they are exceptions but you have like those designated areas for guilds where all of their members stick together and do guild stuff. As an outsider I don’t want to go engage with them, it would feel like kicking open the door of the gymnasium while the basketball team is training and ask if they want to be friends.

That’s nice!

One issue in Stormwind and of Alliance RP is the persistent “whaddyawant” attitude. Both IC and OOC. I’ve ran a little experiment and assertively approached people, but nine out of ten times the people who have their fancy “approachable” tag in their MRP don’t actually want to be approached, and usually quickly walk away.

And the endless amount of snarky, antisocial and sarcastic characters is getting really tiresome.


Do you want me to run around pulling quotes from all the people who are low-key upset about rebels teleporting away during arrest RP? It’s not like it’s a secret that a lot of people in the PCU were unhappy about that.

I guess I wasn’t around for the later stuff, when you guys made concessions. Good on you for doing that, though.