(Discussion) I wish, I wish

…The pandaren language wasn’t Om nom noms.

What’s your biggest annoyance in-game, lore or in RP right now? Get it off your chest!


That this isn’t in the Peeve thread.


That’s the Mogu language

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It’s still how Pandaren communicate and it’s a joke that’s went on too long :frowning:


I’m annoyed that Bwonsamdi was given to the Zandalari and made such a major part of their tribal culture, when he was originally meant to be the Darkspear patron loa.


Originally it was supposed to be something closer to real asian languages, but they didn’t want to be insensitive, iirc, and thus went with nom nom.

Couldn’t anyone argue that the entire expansion was insensitive? I understand where they’re coming from, but Pandaria isn’t a real place, so no real reason to tie it in with a real place imo.


I wish Gnomes were able to speak Dwarvish.
I wish Gutterspeak/Forsaken language didn’t exist.
I wish druids would stop talking while shapeshifted.


Well, thank the douchenozzles that yelled rude garbage to alliance players during vanilla alpha/beta for that.


I wish I was a little bit taller
I wish I was a baller
I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her
I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat
And a six four Impala

Unless we’re not doing Skee Lo? The first two apply to Raes anyway.


I wish Party Sync worked in raids. It would’ve been a damn useful tool for events (for example, if the leader has the open world freehold in the neutral state where you act as an Irontide pirate in the quests, then everyone in said party could access a neutral Freehold) but it doesn’t work for raids and thus only really works for gatherings of 5 people and below from what I’ve heard/seen. Granted I might be wrong on this, but I don’t know for sure.

On a similar topic, I want raids to be able to enter dungeons for RP purposes. I admit it’d be broken in serious play (since a raid could just breeze through mythic bfa dungeons for mounts or whatever) but they could tweak it to just work for Legion and below. Imagine having a raid-wide brewfest of all races gathering in the Grim Guzzler or a group of Nightborne defending the Arcway from withered and any surviving Legion holdouts. The possibilities for RP would be amazing were this to be a thing.


Easy fix, entering while in a raid group there won’t be any drops (gear or otherwise).

You also can’t earn any achievements.


I wish there were more cool Dark Iron bros for me to hang out with


Must admit, that om nom nom always makes me chuckle whenever I see it.

Now for the topic, I wish nightelf models and their lore werent so mediocre.

Models: Female nightelf faces to me appear to be as middle aged women apart from the 2 options.
Male night elves look hunched for some reason and their tiny squinty eyes…I dont… Know why. Especially the Nightwarrior skin those tiny eyes are so obvious lol.

Lore wise: our story has been butchered since Cata (first start at removal of SW NE park and destruction of many beautiful places in Kalimdor like the volcano and desecration of land by the Horde). During MoP up to Legion it was a bit tolerable, but for me it broke the camel’s back during the prepatch for BfA.

RP: So many of my friends quit the game out of heartbreak and moved on, entire RP communities gone there are no more HUBs in those beautiful places.
There is still some activity, but that’s the keyword: some

More reasons: Remember when the nightborne were given to the Horde for some reason and came up with a lame excuse to justify it? :ok_hand:

Just wish Blizz stopped treating the nelves like punching bags already :sob:


Hey these are my threads.

I feel ye, had a really lovely guild with an amazing GM we were like 10 people, slowly growing, BOOM! BFA hits like a truck and 3 quits, the other officer, a member and the GM and I’m about to move apartment as the 2nd officer there wouldn’t normally have been a problem that I was gone a while, not this time though. Honestly I’ve been strongly debating, now that I’m back, if I should even come back as my NElf.

Anyways, onto the topic.
In general I wish there was a way to learn languages, at least the ones within your own faction.
We had more “costume” transmog, like eyepatches, why can’t a plate wearer get a proper eyepatch, but a mail wearer can?
I’ll probably find something more for another day that I have not already mentioned in another thread :^)





I wish Malygos was still the aspect of magic.
Malygos! What have they done to you?


Man, I wish the same. Malygos was really ruined in a random mid-patch raid.

A proper damn shame. But then again; this is Blizzard; Nozdormu was ruined in a 5-man dungeon and Ysera was totalled in a Questline… So I suppose Malygos got the better end of the sticks. D:<

Also I wish, now I that I am playing the Legion Paladin Campaign; it wasn’t so much facepalm. Alliance Paladins, Neutral Paladins and Horde Paladins working together; as in, you have the “proper” paladins like the Humans, Blood Elves and the Dwarves; but we have Sunwalkers and Vindicators show up like its some Lightdamn carnival and everyone is just in some weird as Halloween costume.

Sure, Sunwalkers and Vindicators overlap with the Paladins, but they aren’t the same Naaru-/An’she-/Light-damn thing! D:<

And thats aside from the damn cringey names like Silver Highguard or Silver Hand Protector…Or what about the damned Blood Guards, wtf man.

I might be alone in this; but Legion really did more bad then good to class-fantasy imho… It just threw everyone on one heap and whatevered it >_>

(And thats aside the fact they felt the Lightdamn need to use the Order of the Silver Hand, a goshdarn Alliance-organisation, as a neutral organisation! D:<)

Also Legion ruined way to many artifacts. Ashbringer should’ve stayed an NPC-only weapon, alongside Atiesh, Shalamayne, Doomhammer, Gorehowl! (especially after TBC). If they did think they should’ve used a legendary sword for Paladins; they could’ve added either Quel’delar or the real Quel’Serrar as Artifact weapons. Especially since the real Quel’serrar is still missing and the Quel’Serrar they added in Vanilla and whateve ris just a mimic from the original one.


I wish more bosses had Auriya’s death sound. That scream cracks me up everytime.