Stealing? Pretty sure she invoked the powers of the Night Warrior and had Elune not answered; well she wouldn’t have it… So Elune is as much in it as Tyrande is. Had Elune, a Goddess, denied her, Tyrande would not have became the Night Warrior.
Also pretty sure it was in the WoTA books that it was made clear that Elune choose her. Especially since she went out of her way to protect her and isn’t she in indirect contact with Elune (Visions and what not granted to her by Elune) anyways? D:
No. They fit better with the Sin’dorei. Not with the overall Horde
I mean, in the same way that, if we’re judging about looks, neither the Sin’dorei really fit with the Horde with their “High society… Well appearance”.
Compare Suramar and Silvermoon to Thunderbluff, Sen’jin Village or Orgrimmar. They’re like classy as hell compared to those savages! xD
(I love Thunderbluff, though! Its a really relaxing city! )
Also I wish;
We got more animations; for walking with a staff, Casting magic through staves/wands, etc! You get the drill!
Also wish that Warriors become a master of weapons again; being able to use Glaives to! D:<
I wasn’t judging where the NB should end up based on their looks. More so from what makes sense through the interactions they’ve had with the Horde and Alliance.
Yeah, that’s true. But the Blood Elves stand with the Horde, so there you go.
Silence, bobbly-head doll! You belong on someones cars dashboard!
Also I wish; updated racial mounts! Use the War-mounts as start point for the Swift mounts(so those pvp armored ones, but without flag) and the normal ones can be HDified(like the sabers in Darkshore!)
When there’s an undead night elf on the PTR and you go hysteric because she shares a first name with a character from Vanilla, so then you scream bloody murder about how Blizzard hates a pulpy fantasy race because they’re not the infallible warrior woman legion you want to then fall suspiciously quiet when it turns out its a way to get a battle pet and a reference to someone suffering from cancer.
A while back everyone went absolute ape over the Amara undead night elf being datamined on the PTR because there was a night elf quest giver in the middle of nowhere called Amara as well, so clearly Blizzard is out to get night elves once again and turn even more of their FAMOUS characters into undead as a major screw you to the very existence of night elf players.
Except the NPC was a reference to a make a wish child suffering from cancer and part of a battle pet quest to get a cool cat pet. Must have been really cool for them to blast their name all over the place