[Discussion] IC Racism is perfectly fine in Warcraft

i think if that kind of attitude keeps going, it will inevitably end in the death of roleplay.

engaging with someone because your ooc views conflict with their ic ones completely goes against what roleplay is.

entertain a different way of thinking instead of being this boring contrarian dragon man.

imagine if every roleplay encounter you had fell apart because either you or them got upset ooc. wouldn’t that be completely insane


There is a nice experiment in which two mices have to play a wrestling-like match to get a piece of food. One mice is bigger and will inevitably win over the other, which is smaller. If the big mouse wins repeatedly and doesn’t let the smaller mouse win, the small mouse will stop playing the game. It’s a bit of a stretch to say that there’s a spark fairness in mices but said behavior surely reinforces a degree of fairness in the couple.

I think this is a similar situation: some people just don’t think they would enjoy such an RP because they feel they would lose/feel uncomfortable without a way out.

Its why people should be more tolerant and fair to each other OOCly.

losing is something that happens in roleplay. it’s something you should use to develop your character further as opposed to chucking your toys out the pram and say you aren’t playing anymore.

i don’t know where repeatedly losing comes into it however
if you’d care to explain that further

naturally but if my character’s views upset you OOC, then surely something’s amiss

I’m going to go a little personal here. You all know I don’t agree with your community’s OOC approach to the game. I think the issue more-or-less in these terms:

I believe your community loves to win: it’s a lot about feeling winners. And it has a low threshold of toleration for dissent/disagreement: when there’s conflict it takes up a very partisan* approach and hence it does create more disagreement in return. It can be somewhat insensitive to people’s needs and expectations.

This attitude is exactly why some players will take distances from your community: they don’t feel like they can express what matters (to them) in role-play.

We could say that OOC mentalities don’t matter but personally I think that doesn’t ring true: we care a lot about them. It’s why we’re discussing them in this thread.

*Now, that being said, I’m perfectly aware it’s not your community’s fault. Well, not entirely that is. The server has been known to be somewhat partisan since the dawn of time. You just happened to react in a new (successful) way that however stressed divisions even more.

Who asked?

I consider you being unsubbed one

The words of a man who posts mini-essays in the real world equivilent of low common at 4am on the forums for a game he doesn’t play

Their need to play blood elves that do romance RP in Stormwind

I think people take a distance from you based mainly on the standard of your roleplay but also perhaps your generally indefensible OOC positions


Local man with no subscription still has stake in-game

More news at 10

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Something to consider is…

People might be getting tired of the ‘Rabble rabble hate the void elves’ RP I mean this is what the second or third time its kicked off?

At some point its going to reach the point where people are OOC done with it it and find it unpleasant.

Or their general behaviour OOC. It seems funny to me that someone throws around “you guys just like to win!” as an accusation when you look at their own past posting history.


Then you don’t partake in said RP, if you find it unamusing.

Just avoid it.


Sadly the new storyline for the upcoming patch doesn’t give much credibility to the void elves

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Then they could:

A) Not engage said RP
B) Not RP a race known to switch teams lots and use the objectively worst magic

Super simple stuff tbh (to be honest) if you ask me.


With all due respect, that’s just human nature, it’s not something that you can just turn off nor is it a social construct you can influence away, it is rooted deep inside the human psyche because winning often meant surviving in the early days of humanity.

Can you name an example? because if this all happens ICly it’s just more to latch onto and contend with with your own RP. Now if the backlash is an OOC one the answer is always simple;
Take it up with my character in game if you don’t like the way he’s behaving and stop bothering me with whispers


Like you always do, repeating the same thing for 30 posts in a row not even replying properly to people on the forums. You are litterally just a broken recorder that has nothing of value to be said.

End of argument


I’d also even say that if it does geniuenly bother you OOC for any reason to the point where you actually wish to lash out OOC at the opposite player(which isnt okay), I’d like to think most rpers are somewhat sensible that you can actually tell them, -politley- that "Sorry, but I don’t wish to do this kind of roleplay because of “X” reason, instead of going on some all out attack and call the player racist.

Of course, the best way would be to solve it IC somehow, either by making yourself scarce/get away or some other means.


Well, to give a Horde example (since I guess I still mainly play Horde) -

Forsaken have had similar sentiments against them for as long as I can remember (and, like void elves, for very good reasons) - ie. even at the height of Sylvanas’ power you’d get people in Orgrimmar like twenty steps from Grommash Hold saying “dumb rotters …” which isn’t the highest form of " racism RP " but when the big 8.25 patch came there was riots etc but they were perfectly thematic / cool because why wouldn’t at least a chunk of the population be extremely livid at the minions of the Warchief that just dabbed on them

In the same sense 8.3’s void / old god whispers theme is a good hook for going after void elves - much more so than any previous patch at least. It’s good to react to patch content even if it means your character suffers massive setbacks - it adds a lot of flavour to the story


This. It’s important to know exactly what you get into when you pick “X” race or class.

Using myself as example the times I roleplayed on Vixi alot, or when I did on my other Gnome warlock, I love the class and lore. And I like the roleplay that comes with it.

It adds a layer of interest to see some people reserved about the magic, some disslike it, and some be more accepting. It’s also added a bit of extra to guild interviews/sign ups in the past to discuss the nature of which she uses it, sometimes limitations on when by the superiour officer/leader etc.

Heck, I’d even have some interesting roleplay out of the terrible “warlock liscense” people by meeting them head on IC with Vixi arguing that she’s heard of those things, but considers it complete bogus.

But in general, it’s crucial to be aware of what your class/race entails and roll with those things. It’s why happy-treehugger/ “love u” death knights are so awful.


I think the forums are full of such replies where members of the PCU openly claim that they take such a mentality.
I don’t think I should discuss about your community more than this; it’s not going to go anywhere (edit - look at the reactions lol). If you think what I said it’s true, good.

This “racism” issue lamented in the whole thread is not just about the PCU: it’s also about players RPing their void elves as having a second-life, it’s also about anti-velf RP having a terrible stigma, it’s about some players perhaps having a threshold of tolerance for conflict RP that is too low (and anytime they get disliked they feel uncomfortable) and people mixing IC and OOC. It’s about all these things too.

I’m just explaining why some of them may have a valid reason to choose not to engage with you because of OOC reasons.

If you think what I explained above isn’t a sufficient reason for people to ignore others that’s fine. On the other hand, I think it’s reasonable. I tried to explain why it makes sense from such a perspective. It’s just a part of the issue. And I can’t go deeper than that if the reactions are so negative.

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Stop posting until you sub again please.

Wait a minute…
Steampunk telescope goggles zoom in on the dragon’s post
Type writer noises
Goggles retract
Huh… it appears… to be an unsubbed player posting big opinions … stay on your toes… and find out who asked