[Discussion] IC Racism is perfectly fine in Warcraft

But nobody asked :heavy_plus_sign: you :white_circle:


For being a member of a community that laments about being targeted by fake facts you surely seem to enjoy spreading fake informations yourself.

However, none of the things posted are untrue



OCC :thinking:

Oreo Cereal Calamity?

You know that you claiming something is true doesn’t make it true r?

I can imagine that things will look really bad in characters eyes who don’t have Wowpedia-vision.

1.) War breaks out again, we recruit former Hordies who use No-No dark magic.
2.) Sometime later, one of the biggest No-No emerges out into the world and a literal void-dimension/Bad Azeroth starts to pop up at diffrent locations, including capitol cities. (IE Horrific Visions for both SW and Org).

Some lines are gonna be connected to the velves, especially since we have no indication of the Nazjatar team & SoO 2.0 team meeting up together and laying out a mindmap of “Hmm, so Sylvanas probably worked with Azshara and they wanted/did kinda release N’zoth” & then telling the public.

I’d doubt they’d even do some big public speech at all since Anduin shouting out to Stormwind that “Old Gods are coming!” would probably lead to mass panic and cause more problems.


Visions of a BBQ flash before my eyes.


Glad you at least being honest with us, but could you stop erping? it’s not good for minors.


What I posted is the basis of a civil disagreement. The fact your reactions are so disproportionate tells lengths about how correct my post is.

Edit. Because I reposted it here.

Why did you delete the cool part of your post, the one where you went on about the basis of civil disagreement it really showed that you have no grip at all please restore it

Edit: Yeah that one it is really crazy


in other non dragon ERPer related news

thoughts on violently evicting blood elves from Stormwind?

live and let live

Nah Im kidding, I’ll faction change to be the benevolent Grand Marshal Wal to start giving thumbs up to our vigilant soldiers targeting Blood Elves to murder.


They don’t belong there in the first place. Lets go and boot them out

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Especially when they’re claiming to be “sin’dorei”?
Love it. It should be absolutely 100% mandatory.

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Sin’dorei that forgot how many times their leader refused on switching to the Alliance deserve for be reminded. A lot.

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Excuse me, but all of those Blood Elves have special dispensation from the High King himself as they are on diplomatic missions to engage in entirely wholesome relationships and just generally doss around Stormwind.

Can’t just go throwing out official envoys like that.


And yet, strangely, none of them are willing to show these legendary papers of theirs (that even the ren’dorei never received) or come along to the guards…!

One way or another… they will go. No matter what the king says

Because they left their papers in their other slutmog. It’s not their fault.

“But if Valeera can be friends to Anduin why can’t my blood elf be Alliance???”