[Discussion] IC Racism is perfectly fine in Warcraft

I swear officer, that void isnt mine. It’s my cousin’s.

damn it’s true. they got us. everyone go back to your homes, the blood elves won again

edit: also means i can rp akamito in stormwind. just what i always wanted


Damn you are right! I welcome you with open arms to stormwind. I hope you will find all the romantic roleplay you are looking for here, but sir, that lust bar of yours… 20/0? Are you sure you can handle all that?


tbh you shouldn’t be allowed to enter stormwind if you have any kind of negative noun attached to your race.

Blood Elves (blood is messy and means hurt)
Void Elves (void bad)
Dark Iron Dwarves (dark = bad as established by wow lore)
Lightforged (what does that even mean??) Draenei
Night Elves (i’m afraid of the dark)
Highmountain Tauren (no blazing up in the king’s city)


Doesn’t she have to sneak around constantly? Seems like she’s kinda persona non grata, otherwise she wouldn’t have to infiltrate Anduin’s room after dark for…“talks”.


Who are you coming in here with logic to debunk my comment?

I wouldn’t know, I don’t frequent these forums too much and mostly just browse through titles, but when you see a thread that was made 3 days ago with 400 replies you get interested easily.

I wouldn’t know, I have not interacted much with members of the PCU outside of my own guild, which is mostly due to me and is nothing personal to the rest of the PCU (withering interest in the game’s gameplay means I also play other games so I’m not always on for every RP thing)

The problem with the void elves which I often see people ignore is that, ICly, most of the cultures have a reason to absolutely despise ICly them becaus of either a connection to the Void (think Draenei because of the Light, think Humans because of the Church of light, think Night elves because they were blood elves, heck, think the entire alliance that’s dealing with a faction of defectors and the Horde
You can claim this comes from OOC sentiment but at the end of the day that is not even relevant, because even if that was the case there’s plenty of IC reasons for both factions to be wary of void elf RP, if you cannot come to that conclusion by simply looking at their story.

To me every player character is a player character, but my main is a blood elf, it wouldn’t make sense for him to be buddy buddy with void elves, so if I get a whisper from a void elf telling me my character has to stop not liking his character, well. You can guess the response I’m going to give.

If those reasons are the same you gave at the beginning of this post then I’m going to disagree with calling the reasons valid. You can see them as a reason to dislike them OOCly sure, but to ICly not even interact with someone over that is petty in my eyes, personally.

I’m sure there are better reasons to think of and I’m sure there are people who have better reasons to avoid IC interaction with people because of what they said online on a forum.

I also feel the people who bash you over not being subbed should really think for a moment about the kind of image of themselves they’re projecting outwards. It’s about as petty as ICly not interacting with people because of what they said on a forum.


I tried to show why it matters with things like the mice experiment.

I mean, just look at what was posted here against the post you’re quoting to get an overview of what might happen in situations of conflict. If people don’t want to deal with that its perfectly reasonable to say “yeah, I’m not following you into this situation”.
But yes, we have reached an impasse either way.

Yeah, true. I’m sure there are also worse reasons.

aye. they smell so bad, they’re so dumb, they’re living on our goddang paychecks. i just hate em

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void elves hated by the alliance
void elves hated by the horde

yep, that’s what i - a proud blood elf - call based


i knew what i signed up for :pensive:

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Dragon rper disagreeing with PCU for the sake of doing it. 99% of ppl that throw slurs at perroys crew are erp fiends


I, a Forsaken, proudly walk into Stormwind, upon being questioned by the large amount of guard RPers trying to ruin my experience (ugh!) I sigh and pull forth my documentation that is legal because I wrote it to be so. I turn it around to them, the paper reads “King says it’s cool” and I merrily continue on my way ignoring anyone who doesn’t interact with me the way I want them to.


Naturally, this is to be done on a human character because else those rude NPC guards godemote you :roll_eyes:

Why cant i blaze up in the kings city?? stealing my rights bro…

If I go to stormwind as a pandaren the guards attack me? Seems like they’re stomping on my right to religious/philosophical beliefs of the Huojin. Anyone else been oppressed like this? Very concerning from a supposedly tolerant society.


It’s now my headcanon that the Alliance has a secret police that keeps tabs on Pandaren living in allied territory looking for signs of Huojin leanings and practices and black bagging any they find.


There is no war in Stormwind - The Dai-Light.


big if true

don’t come to stormwind