[Discussion] IC Racism is perfectly fine in Warcraft

Just tell everyone you’re a high elf, all trouble’s gone


true belf and helf r literally just ur political sway

Blood Elf is a subrace.

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High elf master race. Until you see them in Telogrus.

you take that back

Never trust an elf.


I think when the person defending a blood elf looks like a pirate, cusses like a IRL pirate and even has Pirate added to their TRP profile, the person counts as a pirate to me! Mind I’m mentioning the Night Elf in this case, not you or your buddies.

And how is that legitimate or a matter anyone should accept, IC or OOC, honestly? Because a handful of fellows say so? Whoever it is can have forged documents, an illusion or anything else that indicates foul play rather than rolling with the idea, something that is completely out of character for my elf (and many others evidently)

We now have permits to slay Horde members :slight_smile:


No :grimacing:

Here’s a good procedure for handling Horde Defectors.

  1. Bring them to the Guards.
  2. Verify the Paperwork
  3. Expell or Execute.

You don’t skip to the execution.

Are you IC right now I can’t tell


Ok, according to who
Link me the wowpedia page


Ok boomer.

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Just common sense if you ask me, feel free to disagree.

I think the only example we see of defectors are Alliance deserters that hang out in some HORDE barn in Borean Tundra.

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Tbf, while that seems logical to people/us OOC, in WoW 95% of the situations for both factions is dealt with “Shoot first ask later”

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Last time I went to Stormwind City the npc guards skipped to step 3 :frowning:


I disagree.

Gunna stand in cathedral square shouting where the alliance women at.

((Are you IC rn mate you can tell me in brackets))


I wasn’t really aiming anything at you specifically, just clarifying what I meant to the best of my ability. I’m sorry if it came off as a personal snipe.

As for recent events in Stormwind, I really can’t comment on what has and hasn’t happened. I haven’t partaken in street level Stormwind RP in months at this point.

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