[Discussion] Practitioners of Arcane Magic?

right so we’re just lying now cool

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Yea, but they exist outside of the Kirin Tor’s authority aswell.

Some pre-dating it by several thousands of years.

So I doubt, for example, the Nightborne and the Shen’dralar honour the authority if the Kirin Tor and the Conjorurs of Stormwind were made specifically to exist outside the authority of the Kirin Tor.

Also, the Sunreavers have been shown to actively be in conflict with the Kirin Tor, and none of them are in the Violet Hold(I might hope)… So thats not true either???

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During the purge of Dalaran many sunreavers were actually send to the Violet Hold by Jaina and the Silver Covenant

i’ll just to do a smaller tl;dr of previous post: please stop demystifying magic and trying to turn it into only being able to do two, perhaps three arcane missiles but only if you have written authorisation from a kirin tor human archmage when you’re a horde orc mage

the kirin tor are not the world government of mages

every government figure of the kirin tor is a mage but not every mage is governed by the kirin tor

please stop trying to make hogwarts be a thing in world of warcraft, not only is it boring, it grabs every piece of lore about the kirin tor, mages, and the arcane in warcraft and repurposes it as harry potter-themed toilet paper

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So there’s obviously a disconnect between you posting something 100% made up and then trying to defend it with real lore.

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What does Hogwarts have to do with it? :thinking: if I were to compare this the Potterverse I’d probably reference the Ministry of Magic as a good fit for the Kirin Tor instead :slight_smile: and we are shown that they go after unsanctioned use of magic like in Legion when they take down the Empyrean Society ^^ (I think that was their name anyway it’s been a while!)

yeah because they were fighting the burning legion and they were a burning legion cult

meryl felstorm, the leader of the tirisgarde, the faction that sends you there, uses fel AND necromancy, and it’s not even a hidden thing, considering he himself is the one he used necromancy on and he’s got ‘fel’ on the damn name

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Having ‘fel’ in your name is actually pretty common in WoW ^^ it’s pretty interesting there’s even a pair of orcs in Hammerfall whos entire last name is Fel :slight_smile:

And yeah the difference is that Meryl is sanctioned and acts for good and the Empyrean Society wasn’t :slight_smile:

dude his surname is felstorm and he uses fel, and openly reveals to everyone present that he had an entire demon bound inside of him. he’s been alive for so long that he’s older than the kirin tor and the city of dalaran.

please just read a scrap of mage lore instead of just dancing around the point and misquoting stuff just to say that your headcanon is actually the canon way things work

I’m sorry friend I don’t really follow the issue? Like I said it’s sort of common on Azeroth to have Fel in your name :thinking:

But is it common for mages of the Kirin Tor to use fel?

I’m super confused what it even is you’re trying to argue or what point you’re trying to make.

Do you have a source for your “Mage’s Code” or are you just wilfully twisting and turning the lore to your whim to the point of breaking it?

That was a semi-rhetorical question btw cus I know where this is heading.

Yes the primary defence for Dalaran is even powered by a Dreadlord ^^

Fel-based arcane magic? The lore energies diagram seems to indicate the two are opposites; chaos and order. Though it seems to be implied in lore that mages who turn to fel do so through the arcane, at least at first.

Also, there is no mention of shadow here, or Void, which are both a warlock’s bread and butter.

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You’re replying to a ten year old post.


No, but they haven’t bloody popped up to Orgrimmar and started doing FBI raids on the Cleft despite it being an openly advertised city district for fel-casters and having Kirin Tor envoys in the city; or chucking the blood mages that they recruited into the Tirisgarde into jail during Legion despite them doing fel magic on the side.

Dalaran has rules for Dalaran. The warlocks of Dalaran have to hide in the sewers because they’re under their jurisdiction, and they say that dark magic is a no-no, but they’re not about to go to Orgrimmar and start doing a “say no to drugs” campaign about fel magic in the Drag after busting a bunch of hut doors like people think it happens.

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Ah, the Kirin Tor worldwide magic police that will send squads of mage cops at you whenever you make a portal.
Surely Horde and Alliance would be OK with this third party dictating what they can or cannot do despite each having mages and magical cultures that predate Kirin Tor and until about 10 years ago didn’t even know it existed.


Yes, I am.

There are no felcasters in the Cleft ^^ just shadow and summoning

The day they do this, is the day they become the Karen Tor.