[Discussion] Practitioners of Arcane Magic?

as per my previous email

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The burden of proof is with you ^^ no need to be rude :slight_smile:

what are they summoning, darevedon

It’s likelier that there are policing bodies for specific portal lines that make sure official travel is not interfered with. The Alliance either regulate themselves through the Stormwind Tower and its wizards or delegate supervision to the Kirin Tor.

Portal licenses are a dumbo meme and always have been.

Okay y’all, it’s a troll.

Time to disperse.

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Kirin Tor authority RP has croaked thankfully and they still have 0 authority anywhere outside their floating city.

The other great piece of headcanon is that the WOTLK-era collectible books from Dalaran indicate their policies (and apparently applicable to the rest of Azeroth), stating that practicing Necromancy is a capital offence, only to then have Death Knights and warlocks walking around the streets without a care in the world. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Or the good old Portal License nonsense.


Demons aren’t only summoned with fel :sweat_smile: you should probably educate yourself on the topic a bit ^^ very often it is with arcane or shadow

Blood elf actually ^^

Are you sure? Look like a void elf.

the kirin tor disallows the practice of demonology, shadow magic, and fel, which is related to demons because demons are made with fel magic

i recommend that

and open wowpedia and read for a bit instead of freestyling in a passive aggressive tone after scouring 10 years worth of post for 1 outdated (even by RPG standards) post of magic lore just to rp the terf witch’s magic ministry in warcraft

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To my knowledge, they never bound a dreadlord “several times”. A warlock bound Kathra’natir to Valeera, and to save her and trap the Nathrezim into a strong-willed body Meryl decided to switch bodies.

It was a desperate decision, and from then on Meryl underwent into a self-imposed exile. He makes a return to Dalaran only when the dreadlord he tried to contain attacked Dalaran.

He’s trapped inside an artifact, not a body.

Dealing with demons, shadow magic and necromancy has always been a big “NO, NO!” among the mages of the Kirin Tor and we have plenty of proofs about it:

Kel’Thuzad (a big cheese in the KT) was banned for using necromancy - even if said experiments were held outside of the kingdom’s territory.

While one may argue that in Legion things have changed, we actually know that:

  • Levia Lawrence was expelled for using shadow magic.
  • The above-quoted Empyrean Society was labeled as “blasphemous” for using fel magic by a mage of the Tirisgarde, implying that the Kirin Tor’s take on using fel is on average very bad.
  • The Obliterium Forge in Dalaran was deemed “too dangerous” and the Council of the Six ruled against having the Kirin Tor’s blacksmiths use it, instead they used a third party which worked from the shadows:

Archmage Khadgar says: I agree. Our artisans lack the skills to build such a forge. The dangers of toying with demonic powers are simply too great.
Archmage Khadgar says: I’m sorry, but your request has been den–
Archmage Karlain says: Actually, Khadgar, I believe I may know someone that can build this forge. An expert.
Archmage Khadgar says: Really? Who?
Archmage Karlain says: Perhaps better you didn’t know, sir.
Archmage Khadgar says: How mysterious. Very well! Archmage Karlain will assist you, .


I don’t think void elves wear this tabard :sweat_smile:

You should work on yours I think you’ve been very belligerent throughout :thinking: and again you are the only one that brought up links to the potterverse ^^

They have eredar openly in their well guarded sewers and a portal to the warlock order hall ^^

you can literally pay the guards to leave to enable pvp against anyone in there, the Dalaran Sewer guards are so corrupt that not only do the warlocks make it their base, but also the rogues of the Uncrowned, and the Pandaren black market

the Blood Elves that survived the Purge of Dalaran escaped through there in specific because of how absolutely undefended and unwatched they are

The only authority on mages I recognise is Telaryn.


I don’t see how that’s headcanon tbh.

I think it’s pretty obvious that necromancy is indeed forbidden to practice as a member of the Kirin Tor. They could still very much allow death knights and warlocks in the city as they’ve proven themselves valuable allies in the many world-threatening situations they’ve had to deal with.

That doesn’t mean death knights and warlocks are members of the Kirin Tor.


There were a good amount of SC in the sewers also ^^ you should replay the scenario sometime

This has to be the most inherently patronizing smiley there is.


Sorry if it comes across that way :sweat_smile: it’s a pretty regular one in my experience :thinking: online cultural differences?

Which apparently does not contain lore.

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Or manners in your case ^^ don’t need to be rude because you dislike some lore :slight_smile: