[Discussion] Practitioners of Arcane Magic?

My totally real and lore friendly permit from the (Currently absent) king says I can have my San’layn order drinks from the Slaughtered Lamb and be a citizen of the Alliance without persecution or hostility otherwise it’s law breaking. : )

Well my super permit from Varian Wrynn says I can kill people I don’t like in Old Town, with a gun if I so please.


With a /y GUNSHOT! too?

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Well, my ultra permit from Anduin Lothar says that I’m the new governor of Westfall.

Well I hope you don’t hate sand, cause that’s what you’re gonna be farming

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sets fire to all permits, all of them, they are all burnt to a crisp now

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NooOOooo that is a god emote bad rp

sets fire to Zaphius for complaining