[Discussion] Practitioners of Arcane Magic?

We’re not disliking some lore, we’re disliking the lack there-of in what you’re saying.

Furthermore, these regulations were outdated even at the time. Death Knights being introduced into the factions was a very new thing, and these were presumably long-standing laws. Now, a decade later, it is not impossible to imagine that these stringent norms and stigmas regarding the darker magics have relaxed a bit.

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I have repeatedly addressed your concerns by bringing up canon examples :sweat_smile: you only replied with belligerence and references to hogwarts though so it didn’t really go anywhere I guess ^^


You literally ignored the entire post I made where I mention how and why that entire code you made is basically wrong.
(the one that starts here)

And only replied when I got frustrated that I said that it sounded more like some Harry Potter stuff than anything vaguely Warcraft.

The only concerns you’ve addressed are the ones you’ve handpicked to go “ah ah ah! but, technically, [completely wrong thing]!” only for someone to give proof, clearly frustrated with the way you’re addressing them, and then going “sorry but u were kinda rude in how u said it which means i’m still right ^^ maybe u should educate yourself :/”


I don’t think being rude makes someone wrong and I think I’ve been very patient with it throughout ^^ maybe that is your mentality but I don’t really share it someone is just wrong if they’re wrong not because they’re rude :sweat_smile:

I say we kick the Kirin Tor down the stairs.


Alright this was fun let’s do it again sometime ^^

Damn my reveal was too subtle :pensive:

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:clown_face: :mirror:

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As mentioned before, Levia Laurence, a member of the KT, was exiled from the city because she used shadow magic, your average priest kind of stuff.

This shows continuity between the Kirin Tor’s laws in Legion and the laws of the Kirin Tor as depicted in the Last Guardian, Chronicles, and the Road of the Damned (demonology and similar magics are forbidden and will result in an exile if you’re lucky).

Everything else is quite accurate though: Dreadscorch’s criticism is kinda spot on, especially since the blood elf isn’t really offering any sources aside from being snarky, imo.

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Genital squeezing.

What listening to Chad Gipiety does to a mf


Man resurrects a dead thread and then plays contrarion for the next 17 replies.

This individual is too powerful.

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I only spread the teachings of archmage Chad Gipiety the fourth

Y’all I know it’s in-character for mage players to be smartasses but you really don’t have to debate any of this.
Just log in and cast fireball, I promise nobody will be mad.

All my non Kirin Tor mages (which is all of them) are laughing.

denies all your portal permit applications

sets fire to permit applications and opens a portal anyway

weeps as I scrape my burnt headcanon applications off the floor

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hands over papers from anduin wrynn that say your headcanon is real now