Discussion: Villain RP

The Church people did get punished for the most part, though. Lots of deaths/injuries/etc.

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Ok, this shows me your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. No point in speaking further about it.

Oh yea, that’s pretty true. I put up some gnome / goblin in mech suite example. Since the power scaling is pretty odd when it comes to that. Paladins or so can definetly be on the same scale.

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Well yeah but the organization was around far longer than it should have, I feel like. They were taken down or exiled 3 times, I believe?

I actually really like this interaction. One of the most interesting things with RP is that you do have things that outright counter you but aren’t as clear-cut in PvP. Demon Hunters can really mess a Warlock up IC, for example.


I mean I guess it’s easier to be a hostile troll than providing evidence regarding your claims, so I can respect your stance as a fellow wageslave.

It’s better you aren’t subbed and active in the game for the sake of everyone else.

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*rlly easly asphyxiates + death grip + stabs both of u so you stop looking like a pair of posteriors *


WhY dOnT aLiVe PeOpLe WeAr SaRoNiTe

Low quality bait my dude.

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On paper, anything can kill anything. Though whether it’s an easy feat or not. A mage might not be able to kill a spellbreaker directly with magic via frostbolts to the face. But pyroblasting that statue so it collapses on top of him? There is very much a scale in skill in what people play, a humble footman isn’t going to fare too well up against a giant orcish death knight for example.

And I agree, Aerilen is the bane of anything that’s undead or demonic and arguably a cut above the common footsoldier. Just like a Silver Hand paladin. But he actively avoids fighting in certain conditions or against certain things because the odds aren’t stacked in his favour at all.


You just assume they are an easy kill on the basis that [Baerhugues] is a DK and nothing else, which is makes no sense: unless I’m mistaken, you know as much as I do of the encounter except for the fact they were five players fighting one. Sure, maybe Baerhugues is a top tier DK which soloes armies on his own, but five enemies aren’t something to be taken lightly by default, even by DKs. His rant kinda made sense to me.

The risk of this attitude is turning into the self-absorbed type of RP which so often gives villainous RP a bad reputation: you can take up anything without worrying about the others because you’ll deem your character stronger by default.

You make lot of claims, but so far I don’t think they are part of the established lore. Anyway you can’t expect others to do three times the effort you make.

He’s referring to the old lore from Icecrown where soldiers/miners were driven mad by Saronite while undead were immune to its effects, prompting the LK to also build his entire citadel from the same stuff, refined and unrefined as well.

Hence when we got around to demolishing his army we were all driven insane by the time we reached the Gunships a few levels up and all the other nastiness that was bound to happen.

It’s outdated lore to suit the narrative from years ago and overwritten by the power creep that comes with the MMO format. I’ll accept his rambling when we get recent lore snippets claiming that Saronite (or any material to that effect) is as potent as they were during their respective expansions.

Might sound stupid but. Why wouldn’t it be?
Also lets return on the topic boys and girls!
I agree with:

To many time, I see people doing horrible acts and refusing any consequences. Which is quite sad.

Oh yea true. Which might or might not seem unfair to someone else. Also your entire point is true and I was about to ask whenever you replied next what we know of the 5 group guys. They might as well be able to defeat the death knight if it’s 5 paladins or w/e. Though some random farmers with clubs on the other hand might have a harder time.

Like… DH’s/DK’s being strong and DK’s being able to use anti-magic shell…? If you think they aren’t then that’s ok. I do think they can use it though.

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You mean… right?

Technically they were driven mad in the mines; most people assume its because of saronite, but again this would become an entire essay about why saronite isn’t as op as people think. I don’t have time for that, so I suggest people read the Feranos guide on metals, which debunks a lot of myths about saronite being invincible.

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A dead villian is the end of that roleplay. The conflict gone. Really it is in most people’s intrests to not just kill whatever villian they come across from a roleplay perspective.

Death is so terribly final and all, not something to seek in this business.

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Not even how that spell works lol


Not even know the pvp talents of your own class. A shame really.

Exactly. When you’re dealing with things that you can’t just brute-force, you have to play it smart, which both makes for more interesting emotes and combat. You get this interaction in PvP too by baiting interrupts and the like. If a DK is somehow lured into a trap, even if they’re just facing normal soldiers they could lose depending on what happens. Blanket statements like “DK > all” only really apply in a vacuum.


False statements regarding the ability of Saronite only to then call the other side “wrong.” and that “you are right.” do not make you look like someone with an informed opinion with at least some evidence to your claims.

" However, saronite isn’t indestructible; as seen (and explained) in the quest ![N|15x15](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/wowpedia/c/cb/Neutral_15.png?version=596466490ae8f056712f81372dfef6c1) [80] [The Iron Colossus](https://wow.gamepedia.com/The_Iron_Colossus), a [Colossus](https://wow.gamepedia.com/Iron_Colossus) constructed from a saronite alloy is still vulnerable to the acid of the massive [Jormungar](https://wow.gamepedia.com/Jormungar). Smelted saronite has also been described as being "brittle" on two seperate occasions, first in the quest ![N|15x15](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/wowpedia/c/cb/Neutral_15.png?version=596466490ae8f056712f81372dfef6c1) [80] [I'm Smelting... Smelting!](https://wow.gamepedia.com/I%27m_Smelting..._Smelting!) where the Scourge used broken shards of saronite to create deadlier [Ghouls](https://wow.gamepedia.com/Ghoul) and later in ![A|15x15](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/wowpedia/2/21/Alliance_15.png?version=f0f5d84285e5eee6b976a3a0b241c75f) [80D] [Tempering The Blade](https://wow.gamepedia.com/Tempering_The_Blade_(Alliance)) and ![H|15x15](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/wowpedia/c/c4/Horde_15.png?version=ece5bfd58dad1e79267d3ced207af432) [80D] [Tempering The Blade](https://wow.gamepedia.com/Tempering_The_Blade_(Horde))where it was said “that jagged saronite edge is brittle and will shatter the moment it strikes anything” unless it was properly tempered."

Furthermore, whilst one may argue that Saronite has anti-magic properties this is entirely contradicted by the earlier introduction quests of the DK zone in which we neither hear nor see no evidence of these anti-magic properties. If you still desire to believe that saronite does contain anti-magic qualities then the most likely answer is that raw saronite has these qualities and heavily-refined saronite (the type of saronite required to make weapons/armor that doesn’t shatter instantly) ends up having these qualities removed through the smithing process.

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Reports start coming in from DEHTA that the Jormungar population of Northrend is seeing a significant decrease due to them being hunted for their acid to use against saronite-wearing death knights