Void elves are amazing <3
levelboost trial? You’re at 110, get 10 gold (enough for any transmogging needs) and it costs only 10 seconds to set up.
Haha, thats a funny joke.
No, you stop enjoying being a prick. It doesn’t make you funny.
Also, I think I’ll play whatever race I feel like playing, thanks.
Can you stop constantly insulting people in this thread? It’s a bit weird
i HaTe VoId ElVeS pls StOp PlaYinG them they are BaD race
Am I cool now?
No, Gimli, you aren’t and you never will be
Why should i, a prick care if i am funny?
You’re trying to start arguing, so I’m not replying to you, bye.
I think you hurt the elf’s feelings, Sindri.
Guess he wasnt so void afterall…
You two are cringeworthy.
But to try not derailing the topic further, overall, I think villain RP is one of those things that are crucial to good RP, but it’s done wrong a lot of times.
It needs to be done more, but by better RPers.
A lot of good RPers are shying away from it, because a lot of bad RPers do it and they think they’ll not be taken seriously if they actually try to do it.
Amen, boii
Don’t mind them friend. It’s nothing against you, they just hear the whispers you also hear, and… See the glory of N’zoth so… They become… Like this.
Again I’ll have to ask you to stop insulting people, it’s frankly rude and I’m amazed that you haven’t been reported that often yet, incredibly impolite.
I don’t get why people stress “you have to be defeated, mind you!” even before any RP begins. I just think it doesn’t make up for a good, exciting story. Let the RP happen I say. Uther was good and look at what happened.
If you don’t risk losing, where is the tension?
What did you say to my kids?
So… who up for tic-tac-toes? ill start
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Its that bit of that Competitive RP thing where people don’t like the bad guy getting away with it.
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I’ll never understand why people want to ‘win’ RP.
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For the same reason why we want to win everything else in life.
The good chemicals that are released into the brains.
Which can be used if you have the skills, You will have to be the villain that tricks his opponents into doing the evil things that will make them ‘lose’ by masquerading it as a good thing that makes them ‘win’.