Do devs care about EU game playerbase?

Considering the Asian playerbase are more numerous and the EU playerbase pays more, yes. Surprised and disappointed

No, they don’t.
They don’t even bother to post polls on the EU forum, just the US forum.
We’re literally second class citizens to Blizz.


Not really. We’re in quarantine, our worst excesses policed by bots but our input is not valued nor considered. Entire subsections of the forums have been cut from the EU site reflecting how our opinions are undesired.

If you want to be heard, make a US account to post on their forum.

Of course they don’t.
They keep forums seperate for a reason, to easly ignore EU players while milking them sweet monies.

Taking a look at the US forums it is hardly like they are littered with posts by the Devs over there either. There is one from 11 days ago to state that SL Alpha realms were offline due to an issue but there is also plenty of feedback in that forum with no blue input whatsoever.

I also made the small effort last night to connect a US starter edition to my account and level up to 10. All in all with the buff it took me less than an hour to finish.

It’s not the solution.
They should have a presence in all the regions. The game is the same, the community is different, EU has different needs and requirements than US. Language and timezone are the main offenders here.
Specific solutions for regions needs to be implemented.

WoW is run and made by a different company for Asia so you cant compare .

Im wondering what you think NA gets that we dont get. Eu plays the same game


They hardly have a presence in the US forums either. I can only see one post in the last fortnight in blue that was made by anyone other than a CM and that post could have just as easily been made by a CM (in fact an almost exact same thread was made by a CM a few days earlier).

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No? That’s the case for China. WoW in South Korea is still by Blizzard. WoW in Taiwan is still by Blizzard.

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As a software developer I can tell you developers care about their product and the people who use it.

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True but we have differences, language overall.
I mean, the Italian community is pretty small, and we’re still stuck on two separate servers, makes no sense.
The russian premade issue, and the general issue of playing with people who use a different alphabet.

But if no dev ever come to have a look at what we say, we never fix those problems.

Why do you post this when a lot of the times this is posted a blue responds with yes we do and we even look at external places of discussion?

Aren’t you do the exact same Karma farming that you seem to hate so much by doing this?

Yanilla do you have to row about everything just give it a break its tiresome .

Devs do look at what we say. Just a lot of it is garbage or not feasable. If they replied to a thread saying it was good or bad ideas, then theyed get so much hate. Either because people expect the feature or because they shot it down


If actual developers do not think about EU forums as much, but CMs and CS cares enough to respond to fun threads and engage with people here… I’m not sure whether to feel bad about it, personally. :sweat_smile: I’ve been active in NA forums and it’s very different here where things feel a lot more welcoming and the base is relatively smaller.

I’d honestly have fun CMs with personality than the same techy responses that NA gets (which we can ourselves check anytime on the NA side). But that’s just my teeny opinion. :sun_with_face:

tldr so this point may have been made already - but devs almost never post in the US forums either. Virtually all their blue posts are by Community Managers who are nothing to do with the development team.


For myself personally I get confused with the ‘numerous titles’ so please correct me if I am wrong :slight_smile: A Community Manager is as I understand it a person who creates the guidelines/policies for the community in question and the Moderator is like the ‘police’ in this instance in that they enforce these guidelines/policies?

Would be cool to see that we matter as well, I guess.

Of course they don’t care. They treat EU as second class citizens and living $ nothing more.
Feedback or our posts here mean nothing to them. Pure $ from us is what matters.

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