Do I have to pick one covenant in Shadowlands?

Yea. You can pretty much assume that swapping isn’t going to happen. Maybe once in a while before a raid tier, but that’ll be it.

This is yet, another one of blizzard’s brilliant ideas. Restrictions to give meaning to choice.

Side effects?

1-One spec being better. The rest being terrible.
2- Poor balancing
3- very difficult to change specs regularly.
4- High chances of severe disadvantage in pvp or pve, depending on what you choose as your priority.
5- Losing the MMORPG aspect for the sake of power. Now a lot of death knights will go Night Fae instead of Necrolord or revendreth, because they have to for power.
and a bunch more.

But heyyyyyy.

Now our choices matter. Right?! AMAZING.


Well then I do not understand why you brought up “being the best”.
Being the best means you are trying to be that 0.1%
To be viable in more casual settings is another story.

You’re also the one that steered the conversation to be about performance.
I was saying it was not fun.

It should be common knowledge at this point that some of your abilities are barely functional during the level process.
You spend 2-3 hours with it and you’re expected to make a decision for the entire expansion?
Wow how enjoyable.

Blizzard made m+ where there is no ceiling and a timer, people must be obsessed and min-max to reach as high as possible there, so as always it’s Blizzard fault… :expressionless:

No. They had their opinions. That doesn’t make them right.
I for one LIKED AP and Legendary acquistion. I DISLIKED it when they changed Artifact Knowledge and when they added the Legendary currency nonsense.
I’m not saying my opinion is the right one either, just to be clear. It’s all they are; opinions. Some people like A, some people like B.

Who have I called elitist?
I’m saying ‘obsessive’.

No, it’s you who is mistaken. Blizzard have clearly stated what their intent is. You apparently misunderstood them. I’m intent on playing Covenants the way Blizzard meant for us to play them. I’m not being stubborn, like some players are, and claiming ‘my way of playing’ is the right way.

No, I’m not. It’s my opinion. It’s not wrong.
It’s ‘different than the one you have’. That’s all. Literally.

Agreed. M+ has no place in WoW. It’s an esports horror. Mmorpgs should never be made into esports. Goes against everything they stand for.

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What makes them right is the fact that the expansion came out and all their complaints became reality.
That is a fact, not up for debate.

Well you also like Covenants so to learn that you have a history of being on the wrong side does not surprise me in the slightest.

But what is not up for debate is that more people liked A over B, and you’re on the side of B.

Elitist is the common term slung around, there is no need to list off every possible word that could be used as a label to essentially do the same thing.

Key word: intent.


I agree with you with all my heart (no irony). I hate timers in a game where life has its own slow tempo, i’m in a hurry enough in real life.

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That’s still only some of the playerbase. Plenty of players liked or were fine with how those systems were. So yeah THEIR complaints were already there, of course they were there when it went live too.

If I don’t like cheese and you make me a sandwhich with cheese on it, I’m not all of a sudden going to like cheese! Does that make it a fact that cheese is disgusting? No it does not. it’s just my taste/opinion.

:weary: People like you are so tiresome.
YOU ARE NOT RIGHT. Neither am I. We both just have different tastes and opinions. Neither is right or wrong.

Yeah that IS up for debate, because you have no proof whatsoever. No cold hard numbers to back up your claims.

Don’t be silly. I didn’t call anyone an elitist, so don’t say I did ‘under a different name’. Obsessive is something else ENTIRELY.

Yeah, and you apparently think you have the right to tell Blizzard that their intent is wrong and that your way is better. How very arrogant of you?

Personally i will be choosing night fae its the only one with the aesthetics that i like everything else is either edgy emo or paladin/priest wet dream.

I am not saying just the beta players continued to dislike it, that is a given.
AP grind and Legendary acquisition being bad is well documented. It’s proven history, Blizzard has tried to distance themselves from RNG and carrot on stick grinds in SL because they learned.

Legion itself even capped the AP grind and added in a Legendary vendor, two things which were very well received.

You call me tiresome and yet you’re prepared to defend RNG Legendary items, Azerite gear and Artifact Power just to defend the Covenant system?

As I said, those systems being negative are very well documented.

But you’re right, I do not have the numbers, neither do you.
But you know who does have the numbers? Blizzard. And Blizzard, with said numbers, made the decision to change those systems.

You are smart enough to come to a conclusion on what those numbers meant.

To be clear I was referring to the general pro-covenant “community”, their default argument is to call anti-covenant players elitist.
I am not saying obsessive and elitist have the same definition.

I am willing to concede and call myself arrogant if it forces you into the stance of “Blizzard knows best”, in which case you’ll have to admit the majority of players disliked the systems you have previously liked.


Opinion. Opinion. Opinion.

No, it’s not. You just share that opinion. Great. That doesn’t make you right.

By some. A severe beating could be well received by some people. Doesn’t make it ‘good’ or ‘right’.

I said NOTHING about azerite gear. I’ve hated that system from the start. So don’t claim I’m defending THAT.
As for the other stuff; yes I’m defending it BECAUSE I LIKED IT. Why is that so hard to understand? I’m not defending them ‘just for the hell of it’.

Correct. But the big difference is; I’m not claiming to be right.
I’m only claiming to have an opinion (which you then continued to call ‘wrong’ - how rude).

Well, don’t generalize. And don’t just lob me on the pile with them. I did no such thing.

I’m not saying Blizzard is right. I’m saying:

It’s THEIR GAME. They have a certain vision for THEIR GAME. They want players to play THEIR GAME a certain way.

You don’t have to like that certain way, but to tell them; no you are wrong is arrogant beyond words. You can tell them; I’m not going to play your game like that. Well fine; that has consequences. And then you proceed by complaining about those consequences ‘not being fun’. WELL DUH. Maybe, just maybe you (and likeminded people) should stop being so stubborn?!

Or of course, if you REALLY don’t like what they’re doing; don’t buy and play their game. Pretty simple.

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No, it is a fact. You can keep screeching about it being an opinion all you like, it is a fact.

Oh no, my mistake.

My first response to you was that I believe you truly do like it.

Your opinion is akin to saying dirt tastes nice. It would not be rude to say “no, it does not, you’re wrong”.

I mean, you did.
Unless calling me obsessive was a compliment? I am not great at accepting compliments.

I acknowledge all of that, but you’re saying that because it’s their game then their intent is correct and who am I to question their intent and say their intent is wrong, they must be right, it’s their game.

I want to take it back a step.
Can you acknowledge that Blizzard added a Legendary vendor.
Can you acknowledge that Blizzard improved Azerite gear and lowered the costs?
Can you agree that they made these decisions based on the numbers that they, and only they have?

Why is it so hard for you accept that those numbers are against you? Common sense would tell you that those numbers Blizzard had showed negative information in regards to the existing systems.
To claim otherwise is to claim they had positive numbers but decided to make severe changes anyway, which defies all logic.

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Will you guys ever realize its not about what u think is right coz then it would be your game not their. We can accept it or move away.

Just beacuse you think that changing convenants whenever u like it doesnt mean its fun.
Convenants are big part of this expansion and it should be limited without changing.

Embrace it like some street gang or brotherhood of some kind. Dont always look about freaki abillities enjoy a game for once.

Its not about devs or blizzard its about you not enjoying alitte bit of lore they trying to implement.
Screw abilities and skins. Enjoy convenant of what you represent not numbers or tier privilage.

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That’s a biased comparison based on YOUR opinion.
You really should learn the difference between facts and opinion and understand that opinions based on taste cannot be wrong or right; just different.

Dude… seriously stop it.

Jesus almighty, you seriously don’t get it do you?

I’m done… You’re either trolling or seriously lack the intelligence to understand what I’m saying. Whichever it is; I don’t care. I don’t have the will to keep repeating myself ad nauseum about a topic that is closed. Blizzard said what their plan is; either accept it or don’t play. Done. Bye.

No. It is the majority opinion that dirt tastes bad.

Again, for like the 4th time? I am not debating your opinion as fact, I am saying the fact is that your opinion is the minority.

Well break it down for me, treat me like a 7 year old.
What was your intention behind calling me obsessive?

You literally said I have no authority to question Blizzard on their intent.

Ah yes, the classic patronizing high roading comment.
“I would explain to you, but you wouldn’t understand”.

You are unable to keep up with the conversation, you’re hung up on defending your right to an opinion when that is not even what I was arguing about at a single point in this thread.

I asked you directly what Blizzards internal numbers must have concluded and you ignored it twice, because you’re at least smart enough to know that they showed a negative response to the system.

Aye, that was also my original posts point. That’s twice you’ve lost tracked.

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You keep bringing up numbers, but those are irrelevant.
Being among a majority opinion (if that’s what we assume, since neither of us have actual numbers), does not make that opinion right.
End of story.

You keep trying to put words in my mouth; I take issue with that. I did not say any of the things you’ve been claiming. So I’m done. This is a non issue. Covenants are going to be going live soon. I’ll be enjoying that system. Bye.

You brought up numbers, not me, and as soon as I spin the numbers back around against you suddenly they are irrelevant.

You can’t say “Bye.” twice, you already did your dramatic exit speech.


Options are:
1: Pick a covenant that whilst not Ultimate Min/Max for all situations is good / OK in all situations.
2: Play alts for each situation, a PvP alt, a Raid alt and a M+ alt.

I believe upkeep on characters is lower this expac so playing alts is more viable than in previous expacs.

Is there option not to pick convenant beacuse why should i? I wanna play shadowlands entirly on my own. My main is paladin my convenant is not implemented in the game and it should Knigths of the silver hand. Why force people into something i do not wish myself.

How can i be necrolord disguasting paladin or venthyr blood sucking paladin or any other??
How is that normal.
Im not role player but i enjoy lore behind my character.
Imaging all those paladins thar join necrolords its a direct spit to paladin order and light itself.


Why do you keep telling lies?

I actually CAN. As has been proven. And as long as you keep telling lies about stuff I’ve said, I WILL defend myself because that’s simply not ok.
As for your opinion about covenants; I couldn’t care less. THAT part is what I’m done with.