Do I have to pick one covenant in Shadowlands?

i think anyone with or without beta with a brain was complaining on Azerite, u didnt need to play it to reliese how bad it was

Convenants are gaining a community of players for it because In concept atleast its Pretty cool. its simply the Gameplay it’ll bring that is concerning.

heres the biggest issue with convenant

It pushs a cool idea. where u can have alittle more customization to the base loadout (beofre the Changeable parts of ur character are put ontop) HOWEVER

will everyone who is For or Against this idea Who are playing M+ And Raids going to feel a Negative effect from this.

  • YES, this will Increase your chances of being rejected by the vast majority of groups u apply to in PuGS
  • your guild may demand u swap COnvenats for progressive raiding.
  • you May be stuck playing a Certain convenant for its borrowed powers Instead of one u actually want.

its gonna carry Negatives through the door with them positives.

The side ur on will be simply:

Do u Intend to play End game content such as M+ and raids
Do u intend to only partiicpate in the game in its Solo Content.


Do u have faith blizzard can gfet this within reason balanced.
Do u beleive blizzard are incapable of balancing this system.

its that simple. there are people that will fall into all those Answers and it’ll ultimately determine their opinons of convenants.

M+ has plenty of place in WoW, Esports however does not. M+ isnt the result of Esports either. they’ve been pushing WoW as a Esports since god damn WoTLK.

M+ Just fell victim, the same Enemy as Raiding did, which are THis enforced concept of “Esports” Swarming around some MMORPGS now.

first 6 months of M+ Before esports or anything took it over, it was generally a Quite Nice and fun scene… its now become something u can enjoy with friends but has attracted LARGE Quantities of toxicity in its PuG World.

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Azerite in concept was fine too.
Classes were (are) very dull in BFA, people were clutching onto Azerite to make them fun.

“We don’t have Azerite traits yet, they will improve classes”
“These are just placeholder traits, they’ll be fun”
“It will get better, the system is good”
I even remember getting into lengthy arguments with people pro-azerite. They would defend it because it introduced hundreds of “builds” and “factors”.
Then reality hits, the system is boring, quirky, cookie-cutter and limiting.

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i’d argue it wasnt.

Its concept is built on the premise, of levelling a Neck up on a Infinite Grind, which gas content overincentivized attached to it for progression of a ENdless system.

Its second step… is a bunch Items circling the Same traits, which Actively are farmed Again and again on new ilevels Locking down pieces of the gear for systems to be fixed to.

with a Ton of RNG and lack of player engagement.

Conceptually there wasnt anything That great at all there, and it was hard to visualize anything as they kept going on about “in 2 patchs they’ll really expand”.

Convenant choices. give players a chance to specialize their characters to cater to a Certain Situation. or selection of situations, its like the Priests race locked ability back in vanilla. its Cool… it was conceptually really cool. was the fact everyone picked a Dwarf default and u were kicked otherwise? that really sucked.

Im not saying Convenant system isnt obviously flawed or that in anyway its a good idea… but on paper the idea is cool. its when u apply Player mentality and human nature to it. that the 1000 Problems are highlighted.

I do think some were defending azerite but i’d question the IQ of said players.

anything on a Unlimited grind is by default bad in both concept and player friendlyness.
Anything that has Overincentized content built onto it is also bad in both concept and player friendlyness…

i atleast never found Azerite conceptually to be fun or a cool concept.

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Sure, you’re physically able to keep replying after your now second “dramatic” exit from the conversation.
That wasn’t really what I meant and we both know it.

You absolutely did bring up the numbers.
I made a statement which you replied “You do not have numbers to support that”.
I made a very reasonable statement back to about said numbers you were talking about, to be ignored twice, only for the third time you to say “forget the numbers”.

The same question stands by the way, in fact its all I really care to know.
I’d like you to explain why Blizzard would make the changes they made if their internal data showed the existing systems were doing well.


A good system for who?

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It’s sad because from a RPG concept. There’s so much cooler things they coulda done.

For example

You could adopt the aesthetic of your convenant for your class aesthetic.

So your mage could adopt blood red animations if they were venthyr.

This would have opened much larger “RPG” then some DK saying “after 10 years of learning death I can now cast arcane floor patterns”

Instead they have to acknowledge the thing that forces players participation is player power so feel some sorta requirement to push it in there


Ventyr is correct aswer to ur question

But as they tied player power to it a power choice will override any other choices as nicely summed up by Kevin Jordan 3 days ago on Allcraft (worth watching).

Covenants could be hard on story/lore/cosmetics through the whole expansions but it becomes meaningless when it becomes also a source of player power so 9.1 will start some system changes and 9.2 will dump another systems to alter the game state into something more sane.

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For €74.99 Epic Edition, you should be able to pick at least 3 covenants :stuck_out_tongue:

I really like this system. Sure, people are complaining that they will not be able to play at MAX scale all the time, but one of the reasons why this game lost its RPG roots is because everyone wanted to always be able to do everything.

Now, we can have at least SOME rpg elements, which in this case should be convenant choise. I myself am medicore Mythic raider (11/12 Nylotha, stoped weeks ago), but I will probably pick covenant purely for what I like, not what is best.

People will always complain, but in the end, I do agree with Blizzard, not everyone should always be able to squeeze absolute 1% of maximum.


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Level 4 warlocks if you would like to remain competitive or just play for fun.

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Do you get your chosen covenant just by leveling or you have to farm WQs for weeks again?

I reacted to YOUR claims. :ok_man:

Yeah because you seem to be under the impression that the majority is always right. Well, sorry to break it to you, but that’s not how it works.

Vocal people. Bad press.

And I think you knew that answer already.

No farming WQs is needed if you don’t want to.
That’s the nice thing about Shadowlands (it seems at least); you can largely stick to doing content you like and still progress in your covenant.

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Chosing your Covenant isnt the end? You have to farm to progress in it? Do you get any items progress or just useless lore things?

Do we need to farm to upgrade items just like the cloak in 8.3?

To get renown you need a weekly Torgast clear. To upgrade cosmetic aspect of the covenant you need to fill a bar which can be world quests or specific dungeons and alike - daily covenant quest can be world quest related but not always/only. Plus the weekly covenant event like Revendreth party as well if you want to push it.

As for WQ there is a very limited amount and most of them are quite “long”.

Have to, no. Can, yes. You farm Renown, and it’s capped on a weekly basis.
You can get it through a variety of things, but doing Torghast at least once per week will be a must.
You get some progress with power and such, but mostly other stuff. I wouldn’t classify them as ‘useless lore things’, but your mileage may vary.

Depends. There’s legendaries you can farm for and those exist in different ilvls.
And there’s soulbinds which have different item levels, but as of now I don’t think it’s known how (or even if) you upgrade those.

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Thanks, mate :slight_smile: I think I get it. Lets wait for another 40ish days. Im gonna choose the “vampire” covenant.

Crafting professions craft the base item. Those recipes have 3 stars - 3 different ilvls and it takes like 1 week to unlock the next star. So either you use quick low level base item or wait and use the max level. Also low level Legendaries can be upgraded to same ilvl.

And to craft them you will need “memories” which are account bound and drop from various sources. From vendors/covenant to raid.

The idea is to commit to a covenant for that true RPG experience, so you have to pick one area of the game to favour and perform slightly less than optimal in other areas or in other specs. Swapping isn’t too hard but you can’t swap back and forth freely. Returning to the covenant you’ve left is harder/more work.