Do NOT delete this thread please! šŸ˜‹

maybe fairs better with fewer ingredients and the cheese taking the main place.
Kind of like:

I dunno, havenā€™t tried blue cheese on pizza but I do like it off pizza


i imagine olives would go pretty well with blue cheese and grapesā€¦ grapes would be a nice counter to the bitterness.

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I would try it tho! Everything gets better on a pizza!

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Itā€™s nice as a sauce with pasta!



h ttps://

just looked it up blue cheese stuffed olives is actually a thing so i guess my taste sense is not off point after allā€¦

maybe i should do more in the kitchen.

my mum used to always say i had a very good taste sense. she used to hide things in her cooking and get me to guess the things she added.

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You know, it highleght is you put your link in between two `
And you dont have to butcher it like that



yeah im not really forum savvyā€¦ this is the first and only forum i have ever used.

Stuffed olives and stuffed peppers are nice snacks

Never tried with blue cheese though, only with goat cheese

Weā€™re together in that. Even with its flaws and certain posters, I do like it here and try to have fun. In factā€¦ I get along with you guys much better than anyone IRL, and have no idea why. :sweat_smile:

Anyways! I saw we hit the magical 2k here, soā€¦ that means we crack open some drinks. :champagne:


generally speaking i get on with people irl better than i do on hereā€¦ a lot of people tend to not like the way i come across on here.

which says a lot really as i know no one irl anymoreā€¦ i neglected them all until they disappeared.

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Sorta true for me as wellā€¦ I much prefer to play with the frens here over a family gathering.

Mainly because my relatives areā€¦ not really the sorts of people Iā€™m happy with. Some are crazy strict and controlling, others are workaholic, to name examples.

Itā€™s alright, so long they leave me out of it. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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for me, itā€™s iā€™m a very quiet person irl ā€¦ and can come across as very intimidating to people who do not know me very wellā€¦

and i am a very difficult person to get to know well.

people get nervous to speak to me especially females because i tend to scare them initiallyā€¦

but if people do (which rarely happens) make the effort they soon find i am as chill as they come.

the older gen like 50+ love me though ā€¦ they can see the type of person i am because my values are pretty old fashioned.

but i can fit in with gen alphaā€¦ just like i can fit with my own generation millenialsā€¦ , gen z , gen x, boomers, lost gen, you name itā€¦

i will say i find genz the most difficult to chill with thoughā€¦ they tend to have a very different social spectrum which jars with me a bit.

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Still waiting :weary:

That you?

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ā€œOnly clowns do legs. Hahahahahaā€ I like him!

My question to Twiggz, right.

I wanted to know what music he puts on full blast whenever heā€™s rave dancing on his balcony


EDIT: does it not want to make you just want to get up and jump around?

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Not bad!

But you only rockinā€™ it for a few minutes?

Clown likes to go nuts for hours!

(Neighbour under me is very old and almost deaf, thankfully. For me.)

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before my departureā€¦ i must ask you guys one thingā€¦
Pleaseā€¦ Post Normal italian food for meā€¦ powers off


aw yus!

Any excuse tbh! :partying_face:


i do like me some Avicii as well

or this is good too

that whole prodigy album is a gem.

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