Do NOT delete this thread please! šŸ˜‹

Oh so many congratulations!!
Iā€™ll bet heā€™s glad now of a tiny bit of down time!!
Heā€™ll do amazing!!!


18 hours before Robo :rocket: :wave:


Where are you flying off to?

Edit: You mentioned the place! I forgot. Safe travels Robo!

And bring back pizza

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it could be full of robo armor like this picture about him, not half robo gnomes with less tmogs, need to put robo body armor, and his head and robo goggles, except lips and facial hairs, so lips and facial hairs could stay

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So those hairy kul tiran legs were not yours?

I donā€™t post personal pics here either. But tonight I will post one!

Just a little food pic. It has been decided

(Also, those old school granny cooking channels on YT are too good)

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I demand an IRL picture of Clown!

ā€¦can we see your real looks pretty pls, without a clown mask? :clown_face:

Iā€™m with Starney, I didnā€™t post personal pics on FB when I was active there.

If anyone happens to spot me on one of the workout forums, you have my permission to ā€œoutā€ me!

But I will however post a personal food pic later. But only because I believe I ā€œmadeā€ the perfect pizza. Or at least top 3.

Iā€™m so happy

Clowns incoming pizza mood:

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no thanks it would ruin my immersion

EDIT: also personal pics tend to get people vacations around here.

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First pizza: Bacon, pineapple, onion(red), blue cheese, taco flavoured minced meat, jalapeno and incoming nap time.

Weak execution and theyā€™re holding out on some of the ingredients.
Taste awesome though

Next time, same pizza, but with added kebab and made into a calzone!

I wish I could share with you guys. My deadly farts I mean :clown_face:


looks nice :slight_smile:

i used to make pizzas in a factory years ago as a professionā€¦

i was the guy spinning the dough like a crazy italian.

was very good upper body workoutā€¦ the dough was pretty tough kneed ā€¦ i could give a amazing massage !

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Vulperaā€™s on AD reading this:


i remember Stings wife used to be one of the investors in the companyā€¦ she came in one day and complimented me of my strength when she saw me manipulating the dough lol.

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Today is the day i break my bodyā€¦ i am upping all the workouts i do by 20kilos.

then working up to the same reps(sets of 25)ā€¦ once i get there easily i up it again.

reason i do 25 rather than 12ā€¦ i because iā€™m working on endurance as well as strength.

if i do not post for a few days it is because i cannot move my arms.

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Clown so paranoid to be identified he edit out the sheet pan and kitchen table from his food pic ^^

Like if anyone is spending that much time and energy just to stalk youā€¦

ā€¦Damn heā€™s goodā€¦

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One can never be too careful on a anonymous gaming forum!

I shouldā€™ve flipped the pizza image too. Damn it

you shouldā€™ve indeedā€¦

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h ttps://

a rare image of clown irl.

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Thatā€™s sum nice looking pizza action tho.
How was the blue cheese topping? Out of place or actually nice?

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Jalapeno and taco meat was a bit overwhelming in comparison to the blue cheese

Probably better to put it on crackers. I will give it another go sometime!

Surely there must be an awesome blue cheese pizza somewhere.