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Maybe clownā€™s real identity is the technoviking :thinking:


Frizzle is getting closer! HALP

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on a scale of one to ten how many drugs did technoviking consume pre viral footage?.

i do imagine that is exactly how clown walks on a day to day basis though even when going to get the groceries

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German rave master in the 90s. Hmā€¦ letā€™s go with 13.2 out 10. :clown_face:

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Leftover time!

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Canā€™t see eye to eye with my own gen, unless they too are gamers. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Otherwiseā€¦ get along with both Gen Y and X, so long they are attentive and chatty. :yum:

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I remember her talking about tantric sex and saying 'the only thing more tedious than that is his music ā€™ :wink::laughing:

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she is a very flirty person irl ā€¦ at least she was to me when i met herā€¦

was only a brief encounter though.

i was younger ā€¦ 26 at the timeā€¦ shaved headā€¦ i probably looked a bit like a younger stingā€¦ could be why lol.

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Seems we have somewhat stirred away from food and over to the ā€¦happy drink section

Maybe just me


give me a strong whiskey any dayā€¦ only booze i do drink if i drink which i rarely do ā€¦

not because i cant hold my drink more that i dont stop if i start.

was feeling pretty rough the other week so i bought a bottle of jack ā€¦

i downed the entire thing in 10 mins >.>

was drunk for about 2 hoursā€¦

i think i abused myself too much with it now it just doesnt effect me like it used to.

never been blind drunk in my life oddlyā€¦

im just too switched on for it ā€¦ i always have some sense to me even when i am completely plastered.

EDIT: i have tried multiple times to get to that stateā€¦ but never get thereā€¦ because i just wonder what itā€™s like to wake up the next day with no memory of the night before.

i sadly remember everything even when drunk lol

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Furious Pete on YT, hanging upside down emptying a bottle of 40% in a few secs.
(Old clip)

Once in a while we all do weird stuff. Alcohol isnā€™t needed, we drink it.
Sugar isnā€™t needed, we eat it.
Pizza isnā€™t neeā€¦ hehehe I couldnā€™t write something that ridiculous. Pizza is always needed

You love to share stuff here on a much higher level than the clown.
But I will try.

I donā€™t remember my last hangover. Not from happy water nor from happy cookies.
I donā€™t overuse anything. Well, maybe the clown emoji.

And gym related, I havenā€™t gotten sore in years! I sometimes miss it so I try to mix it up at the gym just to try and get a little sore the days after :smiley:

Weā€™re all different. Different is good

Donā€™t forget to love yourself, a little

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Homer Simpson: To Daddy, the real World gets fainter and fainter every dayā€¦ :beer:


ty clownā€¦

oh just a update i tried the workout at a extra 20kilosā€¦ it went fine first try ā€¦

i actually think i can do another 20 heavier already i got it in me already i thinkā€¦

i never really pushed my weight limit before ā€¦ so i have absolutely no idea what my limit is.

and yes pizza is always neededā€¦ just not after a bottle of whiskey.

EDIT:also suffered the same thing in my workout too ā€¦

i hit a point where i got stuck at 85kilos for about 4 monthsā€¦

it wasent until i changed up my routine by doing something completely different that i started dropping again ā€¦ but once i changed it up i lost like 10kilos in weight in about 8 days flatā€¦

so fast that i had extra skin around my stomach for a while where it just burned off so quicklyā€¦ since toned that down fortunately.

EDIT2: im currently doing 50kilos for 25 repsā€¦

and it feels pretty easyā€¦ i might try to slowly increase it over the coming weeks until i reach my body weightā€¦


i know i can lift 95 kilos at least in pullups and dips

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95kg pullups at 75kg? not bad mate!

letā€™s see, 95 + 2x20 plates = 135kg 8-10reps as many sets as I can muster!

But I also prefer the machines for this. The current one at the 24/7 just got upgraded to 150kg max load. Which means nothing because every machine is different, but it feel so smooth.

We need more pizza

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Happy juice is best juice!

Incidentally I just happen to love making cocktails

Canā€™t sit afk in Oribos, waiting for bgs without one!


Sorry, no habla retail

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i actually started using the weight vest when i was around 90kilos bodyweightā€¦ so it would of been around 105kilos initiallyā€¦ but ofc lost weight since then ā€¦ maybe i should put more weight on the vest :Pā€¦ currently at 15kilos but the vest itself can hold 30.

my go to drink at the moment is coffeeā€¦ i drink it like water right nowā€¦